
Trying to claim my throne?

(Moments ago)

*Sun City, Ra's throne room*

"Supreme father" lsis called with grace as she bowed to Ra likewise Horus and lah.

"You don't look well supreme father" lah pointed out with a look of worry on her face.

"You say " well" lah?" Ra scoffed. "Do l even seem well, talk more of looking it!" He yelled angrily. "Where is Geb? I need him now to tame the wild consort"

"We couldn't find him supreme father" Horus said with disappointment. "Sorry we failed you" he bowed to him. He thought it woyld best to lie about finding Geb than agreeing to the fact that they couldn't get a hold on him.

"What?!" Ra fumed. "What do mean that you could not find him, while l still feel his presence in Egypt strongly!".

"We are sorry superme father" lah started in fright. "We shall search for him again". She made an attempt to leave.

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