

From Marie's answers and from the intel Alwin was able to gather, it was verified that the collectors arrive at the end of every month to collect "tribute".

Each family has to pay a thousand silver coins to the collectors. It was equal to a hundred gold coins.

Her whole life, even in the past, Arabella only ever personally used platinum and gold coins.

Moreover, she doesn't even carry around her own money.

The maids or her knights carry it for her and were the ones who paid for whatever purchase she made. Only in places they were not allowed did she try to use gold and platinum.

But, she was at least informed that even silver was hard to earn for those who do not have much.

"I heard even a single silver coin was hard to earn for poor commoners. How can they charge a thousand silver coins from each household? Aren't they doing it on purpose so the people wouldn't be able to pay?"

In Valeria, the currency was called valer.

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