


The Mesektet is much faster than Amanda imagined, it moved through the seas like a sea creature which has always been a part of the sea. It moves at speeds that one would not expect from an old wooden ship such as this.

With a speedy vessel it would take a day to reach the Sea of Stars and a few more days to cross it as it is the center and biggest part of the waters but on the Mesektet they had already arrived by afternoon.

Although the sun had showed its radiance through the journey of the first waters, the clouds creep now to cover the bright firmament, overshadowing and burying it behind its white dew.

The wind blows against Amanda's face and the warmth from the sun disappears with it bringing a chilling bite from the new atmosphere that has come over the seas.

Amanda's mind searches the seas like a phone looking for a Wi-Fi network, trying to connect to every available soul on the sea with the hope that she finds one of her friends. Especially Samuel since he would be the only one to pick up on her telepathic broadcast, but alas her efforts bear no fruits like a barren woman. The journey has been quiet as the ferryman looks forward and backward with his two-faced head, paying no attention to the sphinx who herself is busy with her search.

Amanda sits on the deck with her legs crossed and her hands resting on her knees. Her eyes are closed and the wind blows her blond her backwards, allowing its beauty to be displayed and admired by spirits that hold no feelings for the world of the living. Not anymore as they are ready to cross to the underworld with the ferryman as it was his duty.

Amanda feels the minds of the creatures on the sea as they pass other ships on the Sea of Stars; different thoughts of different kinds plague her mind as it filters away the unwanted consciousness she feels.

She feels a strong presence and a familiar one, she furrows her brows with confusion and uncertainty but opens her eyes as her hairs stand with anticipation.

The ship begins to slow down and she stands up, her hair swings to one side as she turns her gaze to the ferryman, "Mahaf, why are we slowing down?" she asks.

"We have a visitor," he says as a wave hits the front of the ship and a wall of water rises and falls the deck, splashing around and against Amanda's boots.

A mist comes with the second wave that splashes on the deck, thick but short-lived.

Amanda's eyes open with surprise as the sea recall its waters but leave something else on board the ship.

"Poseidon," the ferryman greets with a slight bow, the tall man ignores the ferryman and fixes his eyes on the blond woman on deck. "Rachael," she runs and hugs Rachael who stands like a statue, "I was so scared that something happened to you. Why do you stink?" she asks, Rachael hugs her back and almost cries with joy.

"I am so glad to be out of that place, it was terrible" she says with a shaky voice.

"Where are Samuel and Elma?" "I thought they were with you," "They went into the sea after you. I thought you were all together," Amanda says.

Poseidon hits his trident on the deck to draw their attention, his gaze is heavy with a frown as his blue eyes pierces into Amanda's, "What is the meaning of this? You were supposed to be in Pennsylvania with Samuel," he says sternly.

"Well we left and came over here," Amanda answers, "I heard about the attack, where are you going and where is that bloody sphinx?" Poseidon raises his voice in anger and a turbulence hits the ship.

"Babe calm down. We are on a quest," "You mean Samuel has put you in danger for some stupid ploy of his, hasn't he?" "No,".

They pause as a bright light appears on deck, the light is blinding but it quickly dissipates leaving two bodies on the floor.

"Fuck," Elma wriggles in pain and coughs as she shakes like a fish out of water, Samuel stands up and immediately rushes to Rachael's side. He embraces her tightly and she puts her arms around him. They don't say a word, they just hold each other for a minute before they let go.

"I thought you were dead," Samuel says softly, "Well you can thank me for saving her life whilst you were endangering the life of my woman," Poseidon says.

Samuel turns to meet the god's gaze, he instinctively takes a step back and he feels the anger behind Poseidon's frown.

"When I sent the two of you away I thought it was for a vacation or a party. I recalled you to be the fun brother of the Stones so why are we on the Mesektet?" Poseidon says as he walks closer to the sphinx.

Samuel shivers, "Hey, the Mesektet? This is actually perfect," he says, "What?" Poseidon's voice reminds him of his presence, "I mean, I did not know we were on the Mesektet. And it's not my fault that your girl is a good friend," he says.

Poseidon grabs his neck and lifts him above the floor, "You test me, sphinx" "Hey, stop it" Amanda rushes to separate them.

"I am helping him save his brother. My father clearly has my back so why is it my own boyfriend won't" Amanda snarls, "Because you are heading for the underworld," he says.

"No, I'm not." "You are on the Mesektet," "It doesn't matter," she manages to separate them.

"Tell me if your brother was in danger wouldn't you try to help him?" she says and the god keeps his gaze fixed on Samuel, "Maybe. It is different," "How? He is my best friend and he needs me. And I will stand with him even if we going to face the devil himself," she says.

"That is what I can't stand for. I can't fold my arms and let you walk into danger. He is just using you," Poseidon says.

"I'm good but man you give me too much credit as a manipulative cunt. That's the song of the gods not a sphinx's jam," Samuel says, "You are not helping Sammy. Please shut up," Amanda says.

"Baby, I will be okay. Trust be," she says and hold his face in her arms. "But if you are so worried about me you can join us,".

Poseidon takes two steps backwards, his face is filled with disdain and his glare is harshly stuck to Samuel who returns his gaze.

"There are more important forces I need to face than this," he says and turns to face Amanda. His gaze softens at her eyes, "Be safe," he says and jumps into the sea.

An awkward silence hovers around the ship for a minute and is only broken when lightning hits the waters close by, "So, are we all going to pretend like we didn't see a god today?" Elma says, "Where did he find you?" Amanda asks Rachael.

"In a very dark and terrible place. There was this giant tentacle just eating everything that makes a sound, it was horrible" Rachael says and sits, leaning her back against the wall of the ship.

"You were in Modu's world? Damn," Samuel says, "What is Modu's world?" Elma asks, "A fucking terrible place for anything weaker than Modu. A giant monster that hides in a world of mountains. They say he fought in the war long ago against gods, so they caged him within the mountains of a dark world," Amanda says.

"You are both lucky and unlucky Rachael. For you to have encountered that monster and to survive," she says.

"I seriously thought I was going to die," Rachael says, her voice dwindles in her speech and turns into a whimper.

"Fuck," Elma mumbles and Samuel goes to sit beside her.

Elma looks at them with condescending eyes, "You stink though,".

"Today has got to be Christmas, I get to see Samuel used to mop the floor twice," Elma says as she finds a spot on the deck to sit. Samuel glares at her but soon turns away, for now he is content with Rachael's safety.

He hears her tummy rumble, "You must be starving," he says in a low voice, "I am," she says.

"I can't wait for this to be over," she thinks and the sphinx is quick to hear her thoughts.

"You need to rest," Samuel says, "Can't we go below deck? A room or something," she says, "Believe me, you don't want to go below deck" Amanda says.

The ship smells of almond and sesame oils which gives off a pleasant feeling but the immortals who have a more keen sense of smell can perceive other unpleasant things that dwell beneath the deck.

Amanda sits close to Elma making the four of them stay on a straight line with their backs against the ship walls. Rachael's eyes become heavy and sleep calls to her like a mother to a child, she tilts and almost falls before waking up halfway to relax her back against the wall.

Samuel chuckles and the rest of the immortals follow. Rachael waves her hair one side as she notice that she is the source of their amusement, "What?" she says.

"Love, we are immortals. Nobody is expecting you to stay up, just crash babe," Elma says and Rachael feels some embarrassment curl around face.

"Lie down, rest your head here. I will make you feel warm," Samuel says as he offers his lap as a pillow for her.

She lies down and lets the embrace of the chilling slumber rock her away.

The air gets cooler and everywhere gets darker, another bolt of lightning strikes and sends a light their way, casting a shadow over them. Rachael opens her eyes for a quick look and sees a standing shadow close to her and a soft chill of air fills her chest knowing that Gabriel is with them.

Only if she knew what it felt like in the spirit realm.

What's going on with Gabriel?

KingPablocreators' thoughts
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