
Mastering water

[ A record of year's 2-5 spent with Khnum ]

Khnum's unease had only deepened as Max moved on to the second stage of mastering the Way of the Water, [ Shapeshifting into water ]. His arrogant smirk had gradually faded, replaced by a look of grudging respect that he carefully masked under a veneer of scorn.

Max's challenge now was to transform his body, or parts of it, into water. The first few weeks were brutal. Every attempt was painful as his body resisted the unnatural transformation, akin to a rubber band stretched to its limits, threatening to snap. This pain, coupled with Khnum's snide remarks, further fuelled Max's hatred for the god. 

"Are you done playing yet, mortal?" Khnum would sneer whenever Max would writhe in pain. "The real masters of water are laughing at your pathetic display."

Despite the barbs, Max did not let the humiliation deter him. Every insult, every mockery, was transformed into a resolve that strengthened his determination.

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