
Ch.12 Knighthood

Sylas' small group stayed in Starfall for a week, and then they departed in a galley towards Suspear.

While in Sunspear, Sylas and Ashara took some time to buy dresses for Ashara, and some other utilities, along with some spears and swords. Sylas also was surprised, when walking by the streets, he found someone interesting while shopping for some jewelry that Ashara fancied.

"I love it, but it's rather expensive, we've already spent so much money," Ashara said softly while tugging Sylas' shirt.

"It's all right, I have enough to buy you anything you want. Dareon, Arthur, stay with Ashara, I saw someone interesting," Sylas said as he gave Ashara a kiss on the cheek and moved towards a small blacksmith's store where four people were working hard.

An old man, with half gray, half black hair and beard and glistening brown eyes, was teaching two boys while they worked hard making a dagger, the fourth, was a young man that was in the front of the shop.

'Inspect' Thought Sylas as he went near the small shop.


Name: Erner / Trevas / Asten / Theo Sand

Age: 47 / 22 / 12 / 13

Affiliation: Personal / House Martell

Loyalty: None




- Artisan: Ability to develop extraordinary craftsmanship that someone without the skill can't hope to match in their life. (Blacksmith, natural affinity and closeness with the forge and the processes that a blacksmith is to do.)



"Welcome m'lord, this is our family's smith. If you are looking for something, my father and I will be happy to accommodate." The man in front of Sylas said with a timid smile.

"Your younger siblings seem to be working hard," Sylas said with a pleasant smile while looking over the young man's shoulder.

"Ahh, yes, the old man is my father, he is Erner, his father, and grandfather have worked as smiths, he taught me since I was a child, my name is Trevas, the kid with black hair is Asten, my little brother and the one with brown hair is Theo Sand, a bastard although he doesn't know who his father is or was, he came looking for work and my father took him in," Trevas said slowly.

"How's work around here?" Sylas asked while looking at the swords in presentation, although they were acceptable, they weren't made with castle-forged steel, so they would end up rather brittle.

"It's alright, Sunspear is a great place, it is rather safe, but there are some gangs that from time to time ask for protection fees… But all in all, we are living as well as smallfolk can.'' The young man said with a smile filled with disappointment.

"Well, my name is Sylas, I wanted to find some capable smiths to work under me and my house, I was looking for someone with experience and capable people, your father seems to be capable, the swords are better than most, but unfortunately, castle-forged steel is too expensive for you, I imagine," Sylas said slowly.

"Let me call my father, after all, he is the head of the family." The young man said sheepishly with a hand on the back of his head. "Father!" His yell took the attention of the man

"What's the matter?" The old man said while looking at Sylas from head to toe. "M'lord." He said with a small bow.

"No need for the bow, I was talking with your son, I'm looking for capable and talented smiths, and I like what you are showing in your shop. I wonder if you and your family are willing to work for me." Sylas said, maintaining his smile and soft tone, but an imposing straight back and presence.

"May I be so bold as to ask you for m'lord's name and house? I can't risk the livelihood of my family with just your word" The old man said sternly, some fear gripping his throat making his voice sound a tone deeper.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot, I didn't want to pressure you guys with my name haha! My name is Sylas Fowler, heir of Skyreach." Sylas said without raising his voice.

"Ah, I'm sorry for doubting you, m'lord." The old man said while bowing his head even deeper than before. "Although we would be interested to go with you, I wish to get my entire family with me, we've heard about the new riches of Skyreach and the lands below." He said softly, but maintaining his stern face.

"I don't mind, I need loyal people, if your family members can do something I don't really mind." Said Sylas with a wide smile.

"I have my brother, two nieces, one nephew, my wife, my two sons, and the bastard, I love him like he is my own son," Erner said with some hope in his eyes.

"Your two nieces can become servants for my sisters or wife, along with your wife. Your nephew can become a squire if he wants and your brother ought to know how to do something, as for you and your sons, you'll be my smiths, I'll give you money so that you can increase your skills and teach your sons everything you can." Sylas said while crossing his arms and thinking.

"M'lord, please take us under you!" The old man kneeled and was followed by his son.

"Alright, stand up, I'll come tonight here to talk details," Sylas said while shaking hands with the older smith, who started panicking looking for something to clean his hands with.

"The kid has a skill for Blacksmithing…" Dareon said softly and slowly as he saw Sylas talk with an old man and a young one.

"Yeah, it's really hard to find people who have a skill, to think that Ashara has two…" Arthur said while looking at Ashara looking at jewelry.

"Obviously, our lord would fancy someone like her," Dareon said while looking at Ashara who was immersed in the search for jewelry.

"I don't like her for being talented, she is beautiful and her personality is really sweet, I don't care about people with talents, I can grant them talents, so now, I want people who are to my liking." Said Sylas while he put his hand on Dareon's shoulder. "Look at yourself" Sylas gave his knight a wicked smile.

Arthur started laughing loudly and Dareon was blushing a bit. "I didn't have any skill?" He said while smiling sheepishly.

"Nope, you didn't, but you resolved to follow me, so his will was strong enough to receive all the skills but noblesse," Sylas said while putting his hand on Dareon's shoulder.

"What happened?" Asked Ashara while she held a necklace made with lapis lazuli. "Look, Sylas, I found this for you!" She said excitedly.

"You wear that, It'll make you remember my eyes, look for something to make me remember yours," Sylas said softly to Ashara as he walked her to the stand, and there, the two lovers started looking for a necklace. They quickly found an amethyst that resembled Ashara's eyes.

After shopping for a few hours, the small group went towards The Old Palace, where they found Oberyn waiting for them at the entrance.

"Teacher!" Sylas said with a smile.

"My nasty squire, I've heard of what you've done, how dare you leave The Water Gardens? I might have to punish you." Oberyn said with a wicked smile.

"You can't bully me anymore, I have The Sword of the Morning!" Sylas yelled righteously and maintained a straight face. But it lasted a few seconds, and the teacher and student started laughing as hard as they could. "Teach, this is Ashara Dayne, my soon-to-be wife, do you remember her?" Sylas asked.

"Of course, I would remember the woman who made my squire smile even in his sleep for a year," Oberyn said with a smirk, making Ashara blush madly.

"And this is Arthur Dayne, The Sword of the Morning, he is my knight so please don't seduce him," Sylas said with a smile.

"I would never," Oberyn said while licking his lips.

"As much as I like the sight of the entrance, I'm about to get a heatstroke, and I want a bath, I hate this fucking sand," Sylas said with a face full of grievances.

Oberyn started laughing loudly and took them to their chambers that were prepared beforehand since Sylas sent a raven from Starfall. After settling Ashara in Sylas' room, Oberyn let some guards take Dareon and Arthur to their personal rooms, and he took Sylas to see his brother.

"Did I do something wrong?" Sylas asked Oberyn who seemed to be calm.

"Don't worry, you'll like what he has to say" He said with a wide grin.

"I'll trust you on this one, also, we have to talk as well," Sylas said without looking at Oberyn.

"I'm sorry for taking so long." He said softly.

"It doesn't matter, I want to know what we will do" Sylas smiled wickedly while staring at the door they were going to.

Oberyn laughed softly and knocked on the door when they got there. "Come in." a slightly deep voice resounded from within the room.

As Oberyn opened the room, Sylas saw a thin man sitting on his desk while looking over some papers. The man had brown hair and a slightly wild beard with a long and stern face.

"Oberyn, Sylas." He said while motioning to take a seat.

Sylas and Oberyn sat and waited for Prince Doran to finish the papers that were on his desk.

"Alright, I'm sorry for making you wait," Doran said after a few minutes of complete silence.

"We don't really care, now, what we came for," Oberyn said with a grin.

"Alright, We've received three letters, one from the new Lord Paramount of The North and the Lord of Barrowtown and a letter from a knight from The Rills, the three letters state that you killed Ser Oswell Whent from the Kingsguard and defeated Arthur Dayne, The Sword of the Morning in single combat, even making him swear fealty to you," Doran said while looking at Sylas, who had a big smile.

"Also, Lord Dustin and the knight of The Rills, said that you saved their lives with your abilities, Lord Dustin personally wrote and commended your bravery and noble spirit, with all their recounts, and Oberyn said that he doesn't have much to teach you I wanted to hear what you think about earning your knighthood," Doran said while staring.

"I would be extremely glad to be knighted while being so young, it would help my prestige a lot, if doing such a thing doesn't bring any kind of problem, I would accept it wholeheartedly," Sylas said with a straight face. "If there is any problem with me being knighted, depending on what it is, I can accept receiving my knighthood when I come of age"

"Mhm, just like Oberyn said, calm, composed, and with a good head on your shoulders, I'm glad my family will have a vassal like you," Doran said with a smile, dropping his stern face. "There is no problem with your knighthood, maybe Yronwood will try to say something, but I've heard about some skirmishes near Feakridge, so I can safely ignore their complaints. I would like to hold a feast to celebrate my brother's squire knighthood ceremony" Doran said with a warm and soft smile.

"I would prefer a small thing in The Water Gardens, I can see that Prince Doran seems a bit tired from the work, maybe the change of scenery can help relieve some stress and relax"

"Maybe you are right, Since Elia's… Yeah, let's go to The Water Gardens" Doran said while standing up, but he let out a sigh as he felt some pain in his leg.

"Is there a problem, Prince?" Sylas said, slightly concerned

"It's nothing, it's just that recently from time to time I'll get some pain in my feet." He said while looking down at his feet.

"Try drinking less beer and reduce sweet things," Sylas said as he remembered just now that Doran suffered from gout.

"Why?" He asked while looking doubtfully at Sylas.

"Too much beer and sweet things can lead to many problems, consuming less

will be better for the Prince's body," Sylas said, bullshiting his way out.

"I see…" He said with a soft smile.

Oberyn and Sylas left the room and left Doran to do his paperwork.


Remember, if you want to support me for some reason, p@treon.com/VoidCL :)

This isn't a serious attempt to recreate the good writing of the books, I'm a newbie, lower your expectations, please c:

Minecraft 1.20 is ruining my life

EmptyVoidchcreators' thoughts
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