

Arthur and Lord Corlys was going back to Dragonstone and Driftmark with their own army. Arthur already sent some of his ships to Dragonstone ahead of them. The reason is all 33 ships and 16 galleys can't travel together. If they did, The Triarchy would know that Arthus and Corlys is planning for a war. This is why Arthur let 8 galleys go to Dragonstone before them. The next ships who started their journey was the Saan Fleet. As they only had 33 longships, they would not be considered as a war threat unlike Arthur who would have galleys around him. The last one to leave Astapor was Arthur and Lord Corlys with their remaining 8 galleys.

On the way to Dragonstone, Lord Corlys was already trying to betroth his daughter Laena Velaryon to Arthur. Arthur knew this from his way of talking. Corlys always tried to inform Arthur about Laena's Achievement and beauty. Thankfully, Laena didn't find Vhagar yet. But Arthur knew that soon this year, she will find it. Arthur always had to keep a smile on his face because the last thing he needed was to break Lord Corlys's trust.

'Now I regret not taking Rhaenyra with me.'- Arthur thought to himself before sighing.

Finding that Arthur wasn't interested in his daughter's hand right now, Lord Corlys switched the topic, " Lord Arthur, you do know that the Faith abolished slavery. I wonder how would you explain to the smallfolks."

Arthur became slightly angry hearing that. He didn't the religion 'Faith of the Seven'. It was because of two particular reasons. The first one was because it was a god of old Valyria that resurrected him and the second one was he didn't like those gods that takes money to help people. He didn't mind the conditions because he liked living in this world. "They aren't slaves, Lord Corlys. They are freefolks and now they are my soldiers. Besides, what's there to explain to those shitholes? You should know that I follow the old gods of Valyria, not some greedy sons of bitches who need money to grant prayers. Besides, you are trying to betroth laena with me. I wonder why are you trying to give her to me even though I will soon marry Rhaenyra. Doesn't your faith rejects polygamy?"

Hearing him, Lord Corlys scoffed. " I merely follow who the Targaryens follow. The Velaryons are their vassal after all. Besides, we also follow the Merling King."

'Lord Corlys, you sure are a cunning man.'- Arthur thought to himself before shaking hands with him.

But Arthur knew that he needed to make the King follow the old gods of Valyria not the faith. The knew that the Citadel is also planning a way to eradicate the Dragons. But Arthur needed to find evidence about that matter. For now, he had to leave the matter and face the upcoming war.

It took nearly 1 month to reach Dragonstone again. But what greeted him was a slightly changed island. Apparently, Rhaenyra created some barracks to house the unsullieds though it wasn't enough. Arthur was glad to see that she made such a move. There was not that many space in the castle to house the unsullieds. That is why she created those barracks below Dragonmont where small folks live. Arthur decided to add work shifts to the unsullieds. In that way, the barracks might be enough for them. But he had doubt about that.

Arthur knew that he had to some ships to keep them near the coast of Dragonstone. He decided to buys long ships from the White Harbour. He knew that the north was poor so he wanted to buy if from them. It would give benefir to both of them.

He saw that Rhaenyra was coming to him but he saw that her face didn't the contain the happiness she usually had.

"Ao gūrotan aōha jēda. Ao jittan mērī lanta letters. Skorkydoso nice hen ao!( You took your time. You sent only two letters. How nice of you!)"- Rhaenyra spoke to Arthur with disappointment.

Arthur knew that Rhaenyra was angry. In response, Arthur just hugged her tightly.

"Ao emagon gaomagon nykeā rōvēgrie job. Nyke proud hen ao. Kirimvose, issa jorrāelagon.(You have done a great job. I am proud of you. Thank you, my love.)"- Arthur whispered in her ear. He could feel the nod from Rhaenyra who also buried her head in his chest.

"But how did you do it?"- Now Arthur spoke with Rhaenyra in the common tongue. He was curious about it because he didn't left any advisors or anything to him.

"I asked father and uncle about it. They managed a contractor and workers. But it feels like all of the unsullieds can't be stationed there."- Rhaenyra answered with smile. But while speaking the last sentence, she dropped her head slightly.

" Nah. I will add shifts to their work. So, it might be enough. It's not guaranteed though. We need to buy ships and keep them there all times.

Arthur already paid the Saan family when he reached Dragonstone island. So, the Saan fleet left the island. Arthur had to pay their tax obviously. He still had 3.8 million gold Dragons left.

Arthur and Rhaenyra rode their horse to go to their castle. On the way, Arthur found out that Rhaenyra didn't allow the Saan pirates to enter the island. She thought Arthur would be angry about that. But Arthur also appreciated that because in the end the Saan family are full of notorious pirates. This is why Arthur was thankful to Rhaenyra for not allowing them to enter the island.

Lord Corlys already started his journey back to Driftmark. That man also missed his family a lot. As a result, he left in a hurry.

Arthur, upon reaching the castle, took a shower. Getting cleaned up, he sent a raven to Daemon and the King to be prepared for the war that might start after just one month.

After that Arthur decided to make a Valyrian steel armor that might keep him alive in the war. So, he went to Rhaenyra to ask her if she wanted to see the process again. She nodded without hesitation.

" I don't get bored no matter how many times I see it. It looks magnificent."- Rhaenyra told Arthur. Arthur could see sweats in her beautiful face.

Arthur was already creating runes of Fire and Strengthening magic in the Armor to convert it from usual steel to Valyrian steel. The armor didn't have that much opening in the upper body. As it would be a Valyrian Steel armor, only few could scratch it.

The process was finished sooner than he imagined it to be. The armor mostly had silver defense plates in the chest, hands and ribs area.

This time, Rhaenyra could stand the heat of this room. After taking a bath, they went to see their dragons. Arthur brought the three eggs along with him but kept them in the chest. Arthur was surprised when he saw Ancalagon not objecting to Rhaenyra anymore. He was more open when she rode him and listened to her commands. On the other hand, Arthur was liking the view of Dreamfyre. Her silver crests around her neck looked like pearls due to the reflection of the sunlight.

When Arthur opened the chest and showed all of them the three eggs, except for Ancalagon everyone was surprised.

"You got my ancestor's lost dragon eggs? How!"- Rhaenyra was shocked to see them.

Meanwhile, Dreamfyre came towards Arthur and the eggs and sniffed it a little bit. Before giving a roar with all her might. Arthur could feel that Dreamfyre was happy seeing her eggs again. Although dragons don't think about it that much. But they still have feelings which might be more than human kind. After all when Vermithor died, Silverwing nudged its body thrice to see if he could fly again. Remembering that, Arthur became slightly sad. He swore to himself that he would not let such cute things like Dragons suffer anymore. He decided that his children will bond with those dragons.

"Nyke jāhor hatch ziry aderī. Henujagon ziry naejot issa, dreamfyre. (I will hatch it soon. Leave it to me, Dreamfyre.)"- Arthur shouted at Dreamfyre while caressing her mouth.

On the other hand, Rhaenyra was holding the Red egg which was of Drogon. She felt that it would be quite strong and perfect for their future children.

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