
Chapter 10: Sivreth's Incident...again

"Can you teach me that?" A feminine voice called out.

"How did you do that? What was your method of casting?" A boy followed up with a question of his own.

Question after question, constant people would pester Elika about how she had been able to perform the test when many others failed.

A scant few had been able to do it, but the number of student that succeeded were counted on one hand.

Elika was blushing alot and was extremely shy when both boys and girls approached her to talk.

She never had this much attention on her before, she at most hanged out with 3 or 4 friends at a time but right now a crowd surrounded her.

After some time conversing with them, only a few stayed with Elika the whole day after all the tests had been performed.

Throughout the day they pestered her about who taught her magic when she had accidentally let slip someone had taught her.

After pondering for some time, she thought it wouldn't be so bad if Sivreth made some more friends, but she would need to have a word with him first and get his permission.

She still held true to her promise of keeping his existence a secrat, she swore to it as his friend after all, and it was the one thing she could at least do to repay him for having saved her from almost being kidnapped.


After a few hours had passed she had gone back home to inform her father that she will be going to meet her friend for some time.

He had agreed and Elika made her way to Sivreth's home at the Waterfront.



"What in Oblivion was that?!" A man shouted.

"Divines help us! We're being attacked" a hysterical woman screamed.


"Get it together woman!" A male I assume fo have been the one that slapped the hysteria out of the woman said.

"Is it an tremor?!" Another person asked confused and in a panic.

It was late afternoon when sunset was approaching and Elika had heard a small explosion coming from deep below the ground, she knew it had to be Sivreth since he would conduct all sorts of experiments in his secrat lab underground.

Well it wasn't much of a secrat to her simce he didn't care if she found out or not, since she had followed him inside but he was aware of her presence the whole time.

She rushed inside worried he might have gotten hurt again.

But when she entered she could hear a male voice, which had to be non other than Sivreth, shouting loudly in a different language she hadn't heard before.

"Kolost Fo Gelah! (Contain, Frost, Enchant!)"

"Dograan Dommit Gron! (Group of objects, Merge, Bind!)"

When she finally arrived at the door, she entered but was frozen in place with momentary shock before running to Sivreth's aid!

As he was currently gasping for breath, his hands were clawing at his throat as he desperately tried gasping for air!

"Siv! Come on! Breath!"

He looked with wide-pleading eyes into mine own as his mouth was wide open gasping for breath, he reached out his hand and touched my lip and then his own.

I instantly knew what he was trying to convey and will under different circumstances I would have blushed and screamed, his life was on the line and I didn't hesitate as I took in a deep breath of air.

In the next moment, I out my mouth to his own and pushed all the air from out of my lungs, giving it to him in turn.

Our mouths separated as he pushed me off of himself suddenly and began coughing and breathing heavily.

"*cough* *cough* Fuck! That is the greatest and most suicidal thing I've ever done! I am never doing that again! *cough* *cough*" He said as he sat on the ground lying against a wooden table near a wall.

I just stared at him and at what he had said, I couldn't hold back my emotions as I just rushed at him and grabbed him by the collar of his clothing.

"You Idiot! What did you do this time!"


hello all, I'm back

I wanted to make chap longer but I had taken an hour just trying to find the Words of Power to use as a new Thu'um Sivreth just used from the Dovahzuul dictionary. So I ended up stopping here and making next chap longer.

I've just gotten Elden ring and I've been min maxing the hell out of it in the last 3 weeks that is why I haven't updated in my other fics for the last few weeks, sorry about that if u do read them.

I've been really trying to get to NG+7 so I can farm Moghwym Palace for 280 million Runes so I can buy the necessary upgrade materials for every item and Spirit Ash in the game in preparation for my pvp build.

Yeah, ALL OF THE ITEMS, including that stupid Noble Raiper thingy that has a 0.4% drop rate.

I hate myself for doing this, imma be posting on my yt now that I have a console, yahoo!

I'll also be doing a skyrim playthrough min maxing my build.

I've been delving into anything related to Elder Scrolls 6 and from the hints and clues I've found, it seems that the Imperials in cannon actually won the Skyrim Civil War.

It does make sense from a lore and military perspective since the Empire and Aldermeri Dominion are allied against the Stormcloaks, its basically Star Wars Empire vs Rebels (Rebels without Plot Armour)

I've also been doing some digging into Elden Ring lore since and Dragonlord Placidusax lore and power levels is insane.

Better yet I can use it to and combine it with Alduin to make him have a far grater involvement in the story along with Miraak and possibly the other dragons and dragon priests.

The arena where you fight Placidusax resides within a hurricane/storm which he created and rules over that TRANSCENDS TIME, that means in the boss fight he was casually moving at FTL and Immeasurable speeds and the Tarnished (player) was dodging and reacting to his attacks.

Elden Ring is a weaker cosmology than Elder Scrolls overall but is definitely close to one another In power levels.

But Alduin (and the dragons) has the blood of Akatosh/Time inside of him so I can possibly have Alduin do similar things that Placidusax can do but to greater levels

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