
Chapter 58

Chapter 58


Tsunade stared at the report lying in front of her. Shinso was still in the summoning realm, yet she had returned to take care of her duties. Duties which had gotten extremely tense due to the danger of retaliation from Akatsuki.

"So Kirigakure is asking for our aid in sealing the three tails? They want Konoha to send a seal master there for this, and only then they will sign the alliance pact," she confirmed the gist of the report, and Shikaku nodded his head at that.

"Yes, that is the gist of it. But, on the other hand, I also have a report regarding the ROOT operatives." And the man passed her another thick binder. Tsunade frowned as she looked at its thickness.

"Why don't you give me a summary of the situation instead of that whole report," she asked as she decided that delegation was necessary in this case.

Shikaku Nara gave her a resigned look and replied to her request.

"That is a summary. I can assure you the original report was more than thrice that. With Shinso breaking that seal, the interrogations were wrapped up quite quickly," and Tsuande just resigned herself to her fat as she placed the binder along with the other files she had to review.

Perhaps she should ask Shizune or Shinso to help out.

"So what do you propose we do? With the threat of Akatsuki still present, should we send out someone to Kiri?" she asked the Nara clan head's opinion. Under normal conditions, this would have been an easy decision.

Under normal conditions, Tsunade herself could have agreed to go to Kiri. Yet these were not normal conditions. And it was evident as the Jounin commander himself stroked his chin as he thought about her question.

"Well, we can see it in two ways," the man began after he had thought about it.

"Firstly, with the threat of Akatsuki on the horizon, we should avoid sending out such an asset. But we must also observe that this is an opportunity. With the information we have received from Itachi, this alliance with Kiri could be the first step in building a grand coalition against such a threat," and Tsunade leaned back in her chair as she thought about Shikaku's words.

The truth was that she had reached a similar conclusion. But she was conflicted about whom to send. Jiraiya was a no-go. His combat prowess was necessary in case of an attack. She could not move as well.

"Perhaps you should send your apprentice, Shinso. I believe that he has progressed enough to assist in the sealing process," Shikaku added. He had reached the same conclusion.

But could Shinso do it? While at the moment it may be a bit difficult for him at this exact moment but the kid had given no indication that he could not learn it all within an allotted time.

"What is the time line for this on Kiri's side?" she questioned Shikaku, and the man picked up the file and turned a couple of pages before replying.

"They are looking for a response within a month. With negotiations, I believe we can push it to forty-five days or even more."

Yes, that was enough time. Plus, she was sure the kid could use a shadow clone to do this while keeping with his senjutsu training. Moreover, with Jiraiya in the village, he will have two people to help him.

"Then send a messenger, and ask for an extended time. Plus, you will be accompanying Shinso on the mission as well," and the man's eyes went wide at that.

"ME! But I am not a seal master. You could send another jounin if you want," and Tsunade gave him a smile as she shook her head at that.

"Shinso is strong, but he is still young. For negotiating with Kiri's Mizukage, Konoha needs to someone well-respected and of equivalent standing. And that is you," and Shikaku sighed at that. There was little that he hated more than these kinds of trips.

"Then who will taker care of my work as jounin commander, because let me tell you, my table is filled with a stack bigger than yours at this moment," and Tsunade gave the man a sinister smile, for she had a perfect candidate for the job.

"Well, I believe that it would be enough to keep Jiraiya busy. And if he struggles, I am sure I can have Kakashi assist him in such a perilous task," and the man just shook her head at her response.

"Well, I believe that Jiraiya-sama will give his best," and then the man got up and began to walk out of her office.

"Well then, I will begin making preparations regarding this. Though, I believe that our departure might be delayed for a day or two."

And Tsunade frowned at this.

"Why?" she questioned, and the man smiled as he replied, and Tsunade suddenly recalled the news she had gotten from Shizune. Indeed, Shinso wouldn't want to leave before this.



Shinso sat beneath a huge tree as he meditated. Or he tried to meditate, but each of his attempts to sense natural energy had failed. He knew that this would not be easy, but he had not expected that he would have problems from the start.

He continued to try and sense nature chakra, yet there was no response. Suddenly he felt something soft touch his shoulder, and his focus broke down. Shinso opened his eye and looked at the form of Katsuyu attached to his shoulder.

"Hmm, you seem to be struggling. You will not be able to sense nature chakra like this. You need to relax yourself for this," she spoke in her cheery voice, and I just took a huge gulp of air and got up from the ground.

"It's just that I cannot find any clue. I feel my senses expand, yet there is just nothing to sense," Shinso complained, and Katsuyu just giggled at his frustration.

"There is no need to worry about this, Shinso-kun. You are just starting out. Senjutsu is extremely obscure and difficult. That is the reason Sages is so rare," and Shinso calmed down at that.

He had never struggled so much with something like this. Not in nature chakra nor in fuinjutsu. He just sat down as he removed all such thoughts from his mind.

"Why don't you tell me a bit about Hashirama-same? He was the last sage before me, and Tsunade-sama told me that he trained for senjutsu in this forest," and Katsuyu gave me what seemed like a nod before replying.

"Yes, Hashirama was the last one to train here. He was not a summoner himself, but Mito was quite worried that he would kill himself trying to master senjutsu himself. So, I accepted her request and gave him permission to train here."

I nodded at that. I had inferred that much. But the fact that Hashirama had been able to sense nature chakra before coming to Shikkotsu forest was a testament to the man's special nature. A true monster.

"How was he able to sense nature chakra? Back in Konoha, its concentration is very low. How was he able to sense it even before coming here?" I questioned Katsuyu.

"Hmmm, the man was special in that sense. He told me that he had always been able to sense it since birth, and he used it to master his Wood release though only after meeting Mito he realized what it was and begin trying to master Sage chakra."

She then quieted down at that before continuing.

"In that sense, I believe that he did mention something that could be useful for you. Shinso-Kun, which element's chakra do you have an affinity to?" Katsuyu asked, and Shinso frowned as he answered.

"Lightning. I have a natural affinity for lightning nature chakra, though I have dabbled with wind and earth as well," and Katsuyu suddenly began to glow with a green hue.

"You should focus on your specific chakra nature and try to sense something similar to it. Hashirama often said that 'nature molds to your nature,' so perhaps you should try this. I will assist you as well," Shinso nodded at that as she focused lightning nature chakra in his hand.

So perhaps something similar to this. Maybe this could work.

So Shinso closed his eyes as he tried and relaxed his body. After some time, he felt his senses expand and reach the edge of the forest. He could sense chakra, yet it was still normal chakra present in various living beings.

Suddenly he felt a new kind of sensation enter his body. It was something foreign. Something he had not been able to sense up till this point.

But he did not move. He let it mic with his senses as he let his senses familiarize himself with this new energy form. And then he finally had a breakthrough, a small one, as he sensed a spark in the air.

A speck of nature chakra and then another before he felt his senses were filled with this new sensation.

This was nature chakra.

"Well, congratulations. You have finally taken your first step on becoming a sage."



Sasuke had quite complicated feelings as he stared at the training grounds of their old home. Coming back to the district and opening it up had never been in his plan, yet now after over five years, the Uchiha clan head's home was once more open.

Itachi had gone to the shrine to pray, and Sasuke was alone in the home for now though Itachi would soon be returning. He looked at the training equipment and found that it was still in workable condition.

So, he decided that perhaps he should train for now. So, Sasuke closed his eyes and began to take short breaths before immediately he burst into speed as he began making handseals.

His chakra brimmed beneath his skin as chakra held his hand and gathered a storm of lightning in his hand, but unlike Chidori, this time, he was gathering it in separate chunks. He felt the skin in both of his hands scald, but he did not relent as he tried to reel in the uncontrollable lightning.

Though just as he found his control slipping, he felt someone hold his hand and jerk him away from the discharged explosion.


There was a small explosion, and Sasuke coughed as he looked up to find Itachi shaking his head at him with a small smile on his face. For his disguise, Itachi had changed the color of his hair and wore a mask over the upper portion of his face.

"It seems you haven't lost your hasty and reckless nature, little brother," and for some reason, that comment irritated Sasuke quite a lot. Sasuke got his hand out of Itachi's grip and humphed.

"It was under control until you distracted me," and Sasuke began walking towards his position once more but stopped as Itachi suddenly shouted from behind.

"Well, it has been years now, but when you were little, you always wanted me to train with you," and Sasuke remembered those times quite well. For all his trying to erase those memories from his brain, Sasuke had never been able to get rid of them.

"Perhaps you…" but Itachi's words would be cut off by the voice of an intruder.

"Ummm, Hello! Is anyone in here?" Sasuke frowned as he found the voice quite familiar. He looked at Itachi and began to walk towards the gate. He opened it and was surprised to see the person standing outside.

It was Lady Tsunade's apprentice, Kato Shizune standing there.

"Shizune-san, what are you doing here? Has Tsuande-sama summoned me?" he questioned her. However, she shook her head and replied with a smile.

"No, No. Tsuande-sama has not summoned you. Actually, I am here to see your brother," and before Sasuke could refute this notion, she continued.

"Don't worry, I am aware of everything," and Sasuke stopped as he gave the jounin one more look before questioning once more.

"But why?" she replied as she handed him a scroll.

"I am here to do a medical examination of your brother. Tsunade-sama wanted to do it herself, but I was free, so she asked me to do it. Since he can not come to the hospital, I thought I could do it here."

And Sasuke nodded as he read over the contents of the scroll, and he let her in. Well, she did have the orders, plus hopefully, the medical would be fine.



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