
The Heeat's Move Out (End)

Hearing Lord Macht dismantle his plan like that, Lord Kite for a moment felt he really could not stand the simple and straightforward Lord Macht.

He wished the man could have kept shut for just a little while, perhaps even only until Lord Parker had left the room.

It made him feel like snapping at the man.

But what was done was done.

While seeing Lord Kite's 'brilliant' idea get shot dead in the water, Lord Parker's eyes suddenly turned menacing, growling in a furious voice,

"What about taking the city by force? Or at least the manor?" 

Lord Kite who was standing by the side was stunned hearing this. He could not believe what he was hearing. 

Take the entire Margraves family as hostages?

This could no longer be called a last resort desperate move but a suicidal detonation.

At least now, even if they lost, they would be able to make a comeback in some covert form after a few years.

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