
At Lalania High School

She was surprised that everything had happened so first.

"Yes and here is the admission letter," Lauben said.

Ashanti moved close to go through her admission. It stated that she was to report immediately because the semester was already ongoing.

"Tell me, if you don't like it, we can get you another high school around," Lauben said.

"No, it's fine. I will go to Lalania High School," Ashanti replied.

"I am very ok with it. Perhaps it's the same high school that Erasmus goes to. It will be easy for me to get along since Erasmus will be there to guide me," she added.

"Ok. I had already put all the necessary requirements for your school in your room. You can go check out and see if they are the right ones for you," Lauben said.

Ashanti moved upstairs to her room to see the requirements or even prepare for her first day at high school in Lalania since the admission stated that she was to report immediately.

Very early in the morning, Mrs. Rodman knocked on Ashanti's room telling her to prepare for school.

"Ashanti hurry up so that you wouldn't be late on your first day at school," she said with a high tone.

Ashanti had to do as she was told. She moved with her bag and found that Erasmus with his father, Lauben were already at the dinning table having breakfast.

"Good morning guys," she greeted.

"Come on Ashanti, hurry up with your breakfast before we get late for school," Erasmus said.

She took her seat and and had breakfast hurriedly as she also couldn't wait to experience her first day in Lalania High School. They then climbed the chariots with Lauben's company and left for school.

After a thirty minutes ride, they were finally in front of the main gate of the prestigious Lalania High School. The security was very tight at the entrance of the high school.

"Was it because of government officials and those from rich families studied her?" Ashanti chuckled.

She was still thinking when one of the guards moved to them and said, "May I have a look at your identity cards please?"

Erasmus pulled out his school ID while Lauben pulled out the national ID but Ashanti didn't have any.

"Your ID miss," the guard asked on looking at her.

He a scary face that Ashanti felt like backing off. Lauben came in to solve the issue.

"She has just been admitted and hasn't gotten her school ID yet," he said.

They showed Ashanti's admission letter to him and finally he let them in.

"Enjoy yourself while in the prestigious school that I and your dad came from to be great men of the nation and follow the rules and regulations as stated. Success in your first day at school Ashanti," Lauben said and then left.

Erasmus accompanied her to the school block and so she was left alone at the entrance as Erasmus headed to his class. She walked systematically on the stairs to the reception.

Hello Miss, good morning. Can you please show me to the principal's office?" she asked.

"You seem to be new here because I have never seen you here before," the receptionist said.

"I just got admitted her. I'm here to forward my admission letter to the principal," Ashanti answered.

"Ok, walk straight to the extreme end and turn left," she said.

"Thanks for your guidance," Ashanti thanked her.

"Welcome to Lalania High School, miss," the receptionist said.

Ashanti as she was directed and finally stopped at the entrance of an office that was labeled 'PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE '.

"Knock.... knock," Ashanti knocked.

"Come in please," the principal answered.

She was seated behind a huge desk flooded with books and papers.

"Good morning madam. My name is Ashanti Freeman and I'm here to forward back the admission letter," Ashanti said.

"Yes I know who you are. You are Ambassador Fabio Freeman's daughter. Me and your father studied in the same class here and we were great friends. He was a very humble and great performer during our times. How you are also the same. Lalania High School doesn't admit students midway the semester, but it's because your family is a very good and reputed family here in our country and to this school," she said.

Ashanti listened to every word that the principal said. She then removed some documents from the cupboard next to her.

"Here is your school ID and the school rules and regulations. Just obey them and you will enjoy your stay at Lalania High School. Your class is 1B," she said.

Ashanti picked up her ID and the sheet that the rules and regulations written on so that she could go to class.

As she was walking out of the office, the principal called and said, "my name is Parineeti Knightley and welcome to Lalania High School."

"Thank you madam," Ashanti replied and then walked out.

As she was walking through the corridors, she crossed paths with Pasha. Pasha was a girl from a lower class family but had gotten admitted to the Lalania High School because of her go performance.

"Hi, my name is Pasha Kimberly. May I know your name please?" she asked.

"My name is Ashanti Freeman and I just got admitted," she answered.

"What!" Pasha exclaimed.

"So you are from the famous Freeman family?" she asked.

"Yes, my father is Fabio Freeman the Lalanian Ambassador to Osborne. Besides I was born in Osborne," she answered.

"Your family helped a lot in the war that led Lalania to independence that why we study and even talk about your family till date," she said.

This is when Ashanti came to realize that she was bearing a heavy name on her shoulders.

Since she entered the school, everyone who she told that she was a Freeman was giving her praises.

"I prefer you calling me Ashanti," she said.

"Ok. But which class are you?" Pasha asked.

"I'm a first year student and I have been given 1B," answered.

"Wow! what a coincidence. I'm also a first year student in class 1B," Pasha said.

"I think we should get going before they get us out here," she added on.

They walked as Pasha led the way to the class.

Finally, they stopped in front of 1B.

"This is our class, 1B," Pasha said as they walked slowly through other students were doing their own stuff.

"Was it because the teacher wasn't in?" Ashanti chuckled.

In Osborne, such disorganization wasn't tolerated and any student who was found causing commotion and disorganization was suspended or even expelled from school. Ashanti and Pasha sat in the back of the class since Ashanti wanted to concentrate a bit.

"Can I have a look at your work," Ashanti requested Pasha.

"Sure, here are the books," Pasha answered.

Ashanti never wanted to be caught offside on her first day at school. She had chosen arts subjects most because she wanted to study law as her father did since he was her role model.

After almost an hour, the history teacher showed up in class. All students stood up on their feet to embrace the master's presence in class, except for Ashanti who continued with what she was doing.

"Excuse me miss? Can you please get out of my class?" Ashanti was still going through the books when she heard a roar.

On putting up her head, she found out that every student was looking at her.

"Out of my class," the teacher roared as he got closer.

"Excuse me sir, I am a new student here, sir. Besides, where did I go wrong?" she asked but still seated.

"You disrespectful girl, get out of my class before I suspend you from attending my class again," he said once again.

Ashanti picked up her bag and slowly moved out of the class. She didn't expect her first day at Lalania High School to be like this. She stood outside the class in the corridor as she waited for the history master to finish his lesson so that she could get back to class.

She was still standing in the corridor when another tall man showed up from the other end of the corridor.

"What are you doing outside during class time?" he asked as he put his glasses right.

"I....h.. have."

"Detention," he shouted before Ashanti could even finish what she was saying.

"Rule number 3 states that no student is allowed out of class during class time. Follow me," he said.

Ashanti hadn't taken her time to go through the school rules and regulations when the principal gave the sheet to her. She was now caught offside and going to serve a detention. She followed the teacher as she was instructed and finally they were into the detention room.

"We have another member here," he told the detention master and then left shortly after.

"Right everyone, take your seats and we start," said the detention master.

He didn't introduce himself but Ashanti saw a card on his table that was labeled 'Josh Batistigan' which meant that it was his name. She to her desk and waited for the next instructions. The gave them so books each getting a copy.

You only have two hours to read through the first chapter and then summarize it one paper and submit it for marking," he instructed.

The book that Ashanti chose was titled 'For Life'. It was based on true events. A story of a young man who was falsely accused of killing his fiancée and was sentenced to a life imprisonment.

Some of the fellow detainees were submitting their summaries as they were done leaving Ashanti and others still doing the work. Ashanti read through, letter by letter, word by word and sentence by sentence to make sure that she writes a perfect summary so that she wouldn't be sent back to do the rewriting as the detention master was doing to some of her fellow detainees. Ashanti finally mastered the courage to pen down her summary after critically analyzing the chapter of the book and finally submitted it for marking. Luckily, she passed and got released from detention after a long period of three hours.

Pasha was standing outside the detention room waiting for her.

"Sorry about the detention on your first day at Lalania High," Pasha said after setting her eyes on Ashanti.

"It's not your fault Pasha," Ashanti replied.

"Did you rei through the rules and regulations," Pasha asked.

"I didn't get time to read through them. Can you please accompany me to the library?" Ashanti asked.

"Sure, let's get going then," Pasha answered as he led the way to the library.

Lalania High School had the largest library in the whole of Lalania. Ashanti under Pasha's lead entered the library and found themselves a desk that they sat on. Ashanti had come to the library to find out if there was a book written about her family. Yes the book was there, not just a book but books that had a title with at least the name 'Freeman' somewhere on the cover.

"Wait. Are you looking for books that were written after your family?" Pasha asked.

"I want to find out more about my bloodline. My father was ever busy and didn't have time to explain to me about my family line. Mr. Oliver who could have told me knew nothing about my family excited for me, my father and mother,' Ashanti answered.

"Ok. You have all the time you need. Let me also get myself a book to read," Pasha said.

After one hour, the bell was sounded at around noon.

What's that bell for?" Ashanti asked.

"It's lunch time," Pasha answered.

"Ok let's move before I get another detention for being in the library at the wrong time," Ashanti joked.

"Come on, the go to the school cafeteria," Pasha said.

Ashanti chose to follow each and every tune of the school after testing her first detention just hours after joining Lalania High School.

They lined so that they could be served their lunch meal.

"So here at Lalania High School it's all about ques? Back home in Osborne, food is brought to you at the table where you are seated," Ashanti said.

"The number of students here is large that's why they prefer every student standing in a que till it's their turn," Pasha said.

The line had moved and it was now their turn to be served. They got themselves an empty table in the corner of the dinning hall so that they could have their lunch. Ashanti then pulled out the sheet containing the rules and regulations.

"Let me read through the rules and regulations before something else happens," Ashanti said.

"They are just five simple rules easy for anyone to adapt to," Pasha said.

"These are the rules that govern Lalania High School:

1. Respect for the Lalania High School staff is a must and includes following all the instructions they give you. Failure to do so will lead to immediate suspension or expulsion.

2. Vandalising Lalania High School property is highly prohibited as this may lead to double pay of the vandalised property.

3. Loitering and standing in the corridors during class hours is highly prohibited as this may lead to detention.

4. Participate in all the Lalania High School programs and activities as a whole.

5. Follow the above four rules if you are to last longer in Lalania High School," Ashanti read.

"Can you imagine that the most important rule is number (5)," she said.

"Yes, rule number (5) drives us to the first four rules meaning that no rule should be broken," said Pasha.

"Come on hurry up with your food. It's almost time," Pasha said.

"Time for what? What's coming next?" Ashanti asked.

"We are going for sports after here," Pasha answered.

"In this cold weather? You got to be kidding me," Ashanti said.

"I'm not kidding. If you like sit there and wait for another detention in the evening," Pasha said.

They continued with their meals and after left the dinning hall. They walked to the assembly grounds as they waited for the next instructions.

What sport are you offering? Me it's ice skating since it's winter," Pasha said.

"I remember my first time ice skating. It was on my way when I was coming to Lalania. I really had fan that day," Ashanti said.

"So let's go ice skating," Pasha said.

And they quickly moved to the ice skating court. Every necessary materials for the ice skating was given to them and they were free to use it as they wanted.

Ashanti was skating when Erasmus showed up at the court.

"Look, you are doing it perfectly," he complimented.

"But I'm not better than you," Ashanti said.

"With time you will be better than me or even best in the whole of Lalania High School. It's just a matter of consistency and practice," he said.

"I have a tournament in one hour and I would like to invite you to be there," Erasmus added on.

"What tournament Erasmus?" Ashanti asked.

"It's a basketball tournament between 2A and 2C," Erasmus answered.

"Ok, I will be there," she assured him.

"Look Pasha, I have to attend Erasmus' tournament,"

"Let's go freshen up then as we prepare to go and watch the tournament," Pasha replied.

They left the ice skating court and went to the restroom to take a quick shower.

Ashanti and Pasha were at the basketball court 15 minutes to the tournament and had taken front seats. After a few minutes, the court was filled with students and teachers who were interested in the tournament. The tournament was between the second year students in A (2A) and the second year students in C (2C).

"It's said that Erasmus Rodman and his team are the defending champs since their first year," Pasha said.

"That's absolutely right. He has all the medals hanged around in his room," Ashanti confirmed to Pasha.

Finally, the tournament kicked off with 2A captained by Erasmus.

"Horry 2A....horry 2A," the crowds were shouting in support of 2A.

"Who is that playing alongside Erasmus?" Ashanti asked.

"That's Vial El Camino. He is one of the stubborn students in Lalania High School. He has been suspended multiple times surviving expulsion because of his good performance both in class and to the basketball team. He has helped the basketball team win a number of trophies which include the best high school basketball team of the year last year," Pasha answered.

"Otherwise he would have been sent out of Lalania High School a long time ago," she added.

"I now get it. I even got him in detention earlier today," Ashanti said. Then they continued watching game which 2A was already leading and both goals scored by Vial. They then took a break from the first round.

After 15 minutes, the tournament had to resume again. This second round was the determinant of who was to be crowned the winner. 2A was already good to go but it just needed to strengthen its defensive line or even score more goals to cement their victory against 2C. After just 5 minutes into the second round, Erasmus scored his first goal of the day making it 3 for the leading side 2A. Ashanti was very happy to the crowd cheer Erasmus' name.

"Come on Erasmus..... Come on Erasmus," the crowd shouted as Ashanti as joined cheer her friend.

The game ended 4-1 in favour of 2A and they were definitely the winners of the tournament. Miss Parineeti Knightley was called upon to grace the occasion. She gave each of them a victor's medal crowning them with all the winner's titles and finally handed over the trophy to them as celebrations kicked off in the compound of Lalania High School. Erasmus' team had attained it's championship for the second consecutive time as 2A.

At 4pm, Uncle Tommy, Lauben's chariot rider had already showed up at the high school premises. He had been sent by Lauben to take Ashanti and Erasmus home. Ashanti and Pasha waved goodbye to each other as Ashanti together with the champ Erasmus headed to meet uncle Tommy who had stood by the chariot waiting for them.

They were at the dinning having dinner when Lauben started up a conversation.

"Congratulations son upon your victory earlier," he said.

"Thanks dad. It was great having Ashanti's full support," Erasmus said.

"Ashanti, why are you quiet. How was your first day at the prestigious Lalania High School? Hope everything is well?" he asked.

"Today has been rude to me. Can you imagine a detention on the first day at high school just because I didn't stand when the master got in class," Ashanti said.

"Sorry about that. Hope tomorrow will be better," Lauben said.

"At least the day ended well with me going ice skating which was really fun and Erasmus winning the tournament. Congrats Erasmus," she said.

"I'm sorry I didn't congratulate you earlier," she added.

"It's ok. The best thing is that you were present cheering me up," Erasmus said.

"Guys hurry up with your dinner and go take a rest because you still have another long day ahead. Unless of you want another detention," Mrs. Rodman joked.

Ashanti had it in my that she should write her father a letter regarding her first day at Lalania High School.

"Good night guys," she said and then went to her bedroom leaving the Rodmans at the dinning.

As she had it in mind earlier, she decided to write a letter to her father. It was as below:

Dear Dad,

Hope you are doing fine. Back here, everything is going on well. I was very delighted to receive your reply. Thanks dad.

I can't believe that I started my high school today. The day was awkward that I got detained on my first day but don't worry I'm having a great time. The best thing that happened to me is getting a friend on my first day. Pasha was very good to me. I can't hesitate to say that we are now besties.

Thank you for sending me to Lalania dad. I got to find out more about our bloodline. I even met Aunt Marianah but I'm currently staying with Uncle Lauben since I like my time here. Hope you will like it that I'm staying with the Rodmans.

I look forward to seeing you in the near future.

Love you dad.

Your daughter,


The letter was very brief but carrying all the information that Ashanti wanted to deliver to her father. She put the letter in an envelope and put it in her bag.

"l will leave it at the Lalania International Post in the morning before heading to high school," she chuckled as she went to the bathroom to freshen up and then later go to bed.

Very early in the morning, Ashanti was already up and very ready for her second day at high school. This time she had mastered all the rules of Lalania High School.

"Good morning guys," she greeted.

"Good morning too. I can see you are very ready for your second day at Lalania High School. Hope it's not another," Lauben laughed.

"That's why I'm not going to have breakfast," she said and then walked to the door.

"Come on Ashanti," Mrs. Rodman called.

"I will have breakfast at the cafeteria," she said and then left.

She dropped her letter to the Lalania International Post and later headed for Lalania High School.

Ashanti was the first in class this time around. Every student was surprised on seeing her a fresher very early in class.

"She seems to be an active one," one of the boys whispered.

Pasha was also surprised to find her friend in class already.

"It looks like the detention has impacted a lot on you," Pasha said.

"Let's forget about that and focus on the future," Ashanti replied.

Shortly after, the languages master came in to his lesson which lasted for two hours. The lesson moved on very well for Ashanti that she was very active and participating till the end. They were then given a 30 minutes break off.

After the break, Ashanti was going to class when she decided to use the washroom. On her way back from the washroom, she bumped into Vial. She managed to recognise him because she had seen him play alongside Erasmus the previous day.

"Where do you put your eyes when walking?" he roughly asked.

"Get out of my way. I have to go to class," Ashanti said.

"Do I look like I care?" Vial asked as he insisted on blocking Ashanti's way.

Ashanti remembered that Pasha had told her earlier that this Vial guy was one of the stubborn guys at Lalania High School and was never afraid of detentions.

"How does Erasmus manage to associate with this guy," she chuckled.

"Will you apologize or keep standing there?" he asked.

"I'm tired of your drama. Will you please let me go," she said.

Vial seemed to be a hard one to please as continued blocking Ashanti's way.

They were still arguing when master Roman Montéz showed up. They were only surprised by his voice.

"What's happening here," he asked.

"Oh no. Not again," Ashanti chuckled.

He is the very master who had Ashanti detained the previous day.

"Can I please explain myself?" Ashanti requested.

"No excuses, just follow me," he said.

Ashanti was worried about what was going to happen next. Looking at Vial, he was happily walking as he bossed around as if he was going to get rewarded. It all ended up in the detention room again.

"I'm not surprised to have you here Vial. How about you young miss? What did you do that made you be brought back here?" the detention master Josh Batistigan asked.

"It was all caused by him," she answered.

"May I know your name please?" he asked.

"My name is Ashanti Sadiya Freeman," she answered.

She rarely used the name 'Sadiya' because she wanted to respect her late mother.

"Your family is very prestigious here in Lalania. Never associate with people of his kind if you wish to be successful in your life," he said as he pinpointed at Vial El Camino.

"Take your miss," the detention master said.

"Ok we are going to start with the task of the day," he said.

"I want everyone to write down anything they know about the Freeman family," he instructed and then took his seat.

Probably everyone has had of the Freemans and their struggles towards Lalania's Independence. Only foreigners might have not heard about the Freeman family. Every detainee wrote as they had been told and then submitted.

For Ashanti's case, she wrote her story and titled it 'Life As An Ambassador's Daughter '. It was like a biography because it was about her life from childhood to she came to be in her country of decency, Lalania since she was a Freeman herself. The teacher was very impressed on reading a story of a 16 year old Ashanti writing about herself in just an hour.

"Bravo.... bravo," the detention master said.

"I have to submit this to Madam Principal. You have to be nominated in this semester's edition of the PEN awards. This is so inspiring," he added on.

"Thanks for the compliment," Ashanti was humbled to hear such kinds of praises from what she wrote because she had been told to do so but turned out to be a masterpiece.

She was definitely released from detention after her good work and left Vial still in detention. The fact that Vial didn't care about being in or out of detention.

"I can't believe that freak made me detained again," she told Pasha.

"Which freak," Pasha asked.

"That so called Vial," Ashanti answered.

"He blocked my way from the washroom till master Roman Montéz found us," she added.

"Talking about him even sucks," Ashanti said again.

"Don't mind him. He is stubborn and fond of teasing freshers. Even the whole high school knows," Pasha said.

"Btw leave that behind, let's go for lunch," Pasha said.

They were having lunch we Vial showed and started teasing a certain boy who was seated on the next table having lunch.

"What the hell does he think he is?" Ashanti asked.

"Mind your food. Don't poke your nose in issues that don't concern you," Pasha said.

"But such kind of stuff shouldn't be tolerated," she said. as she stood up and moved next to where Vial was.

"What do you think you are doing?" she asked.

"Just mind your business you little brat," he answered.

"Why bully those you know can't fight for themselves?" she asked again.

"Stay out of this girl," he furiously said.

All the students in the dinning had gathered up to see what was going on between Ashanti and Vial.

Shortly, the principal showed up in the dinning hall.

"The three of you in my office," she shouted.

Ashanti, Vial and the boy who was being bullied were summoned to the principal's office.

"I hate it when I see such actions from a senior student like you who should be an example to the juniors," she cautioned.

"Vial, do you have a say about what was going on in the dinning hall?" she asked.

"No," Vial replied carelessly. "How about you, Juves?" she asked the boy who was being bullied.

Juves feared to say anything because he never wanted to experience the worst after leaving the principal's office. He knew very well what Vial was capable of.

"Miss Freeman, anything to say?" she asked Ashanti.

"I don't know why a matured boy who should be a role model to us instead sets a bad image to us. Why bully someone who has totally done nothing wrong to you? Is it because they are helpless and can't fight for themselves?"she asked.

"He even bullied bullied me earlier as I was from the washroom heading to class which led to my detention. Madam Principal, something has to be done about it," she added on.

"I understand you Miss Freeman, I will call for a board meeting and decide what to do about it but for now you can all go. Thanks for rising your concern Miss Freeman," the principal dismissed them.

On getting out of the principal's office, the corridor to the principal's office was flooded with students who were praising Ashanti for being an outstanding and out spoken young lady who was ready to fight for the oppressed. She had become everyone's favourite student in just two days of her stay at Lalania High School.

"Thanks miss. My name is Juves Graham," Juves introduced himself to Ashanti.

"Just call me Ashanti. Learn to be brave and fight for yourself and your rights Juves ," she said.

"You have gone into Vial's wrong books," Pasha said when she came to Ashanti who was still having a talk with Juves.

"Who cares? My dad me to fight for myself how ever tough the situation. Running away from the problem isn't solving the problem. It's better to face it and overcome it," Ashanti said.

"For now I want to go home and take a rest. I'm very tired," she added.

But Vial was left upset and angry. He had never met someone who could stand and face him with such strength. To make matters worse a girl. Ashanti had made him look small in front of everyone.

Ashanti reached home very happy about her second day at high school.

"How was high school?" Mrs. Rodman asked.

"It was another detention," she answered.

"Is that what's making you very happy like you are?" Mrs. Rodman asked again.

"Nope. I'm happy because I got to teach a lesson to that bully who made me detained. After him making me detained, he went ahead and bullied Juves in my sight of which I couldn't tolerate. I put up a scene in the dinning hall till the principal showed up and called us to her office," she answered.

"Hope you didn't get more than a detention this time?" Mrs. Rodman asked.

"No, not at all. I went ahead and explained to the principal everything and she said that she will hold a meeting with the board to find out what they can do about that bully boy issue," she answered.

"Let me go and take a rest," she added.

At dinner, Lauben had to deliver some news.

"Ashanti, your aunt is very ill and wishes to see you soon. I received the message while I was at work," Lauben said.

"Her health condition seems to be worsening every now and then," he added.

"Oh poor aunt," Ashanti chuckled.

"The last time she visited, I saw her very weak in the body. I pray that God heals her," she added.

"We shall be heading there tomorrow to check on her," Lauben said.

The chariots rattled up street and turned into the Norman Mansion. Ashanti, Erasmus and Mr and Mrs. Rodman climbed out in the compound. The compound was full of blossom trees that had shed off their leaves due to the snow fall. The mansion ahead was very big almost three times the Rodman house. Shortly, a middle aged woman came from the house to where they were standing.

"Welcome to the Norman Mansion. You may follow my lead please," she said and then turned to move as they followed her.

On entering the house, Ashanti found Vial seated with an elderly man in the leaving room having since the weather was cold.

"You again," Ashanti and Vial both shouted at each other.

What do you think happened next? Will Ashanti and Vial get along?

Vialbanks_ugcreators' thoughts