
Finally In Lalania

Mr. Fabio Freeman decided to help Governor Santos Del Castillo to calm down the Rebellion because the Governor had put the blame on him for having played a part in it's rise. He started with the investigations to find out about who leaked the info to the governor about him giving the local chiefs the Lalanian quadrale flag.

"Oliver, I want you to dig out everything and find that who leaked the info to the governor," he commanded. "Carry out investigations starting from this very house and put a close eye on every labourer in this house," he added on.

Mr. Freeman trusted Mr. Oliver because he had worked with the Freemans for close to two decades and was regarded as family by both Ashanti and Mr. Fabio Freeman.

Oliver had to immediately start on with the investigations as his master had told him to do. All the workers in the Freeman Mansion were checked to find out if there was anything fishy about them but all in vein because nothing was found. But his suspicions where still intact that there was someone in the house who was leaking the information. Did it mean that Governor Santos Del Castillo had put an undercover agent to spy on the Freemans?

One morning, Mr. Oliver was taking a walk around the compound when he saw the gatekeeper talking to someone else who was standing outside the gate. When the guy talking to Harry the gatekeeper saw Mr. Oliver, he ran away. Mr. Oliver was curious and wanted to know who Harry was talking to and the reason as to why he ran after seeing Mr. Oliver.

"Who have you been talking to? And why did he run? Mr. Oliver asked.

"N..... Nothing, he.....he was no one," Harry trembled, but as he was still speaking, a small paper fell from his pants and Mr. Oliver saw it.

"Let me see that," he roared.

On it was written, "Mr. Freeman has started carrying out investigations and things might get ugly soon."

"So you are the mole that we have been looking for. And that guy was here to deliver the message to the governor," Mr. Oliver murmured.

"Guards! come and take him away," he shouted and soon Harry was taken away.

Harry was cuffed and locked in one of the rooms in the Freeman Mansion. He was put along with his matress and blanket and as much bread and water as he needed as they waited for Mr. Freeman to decide what would happen next.

When Mr. Freeman returned later that night, Mr. Oliver told him about everything that had happened that day and how he found out that Harry was the spy leaking information from the Freeman Mansion to the governor. He waited for Mr. Freeman's judgement but Mr. Freeman just said, "I am tired, let's talk about this in the morning," and then moved upstairs to his room.

In the morning, Mr. Oliver wanted to what they were to do with Harry. "Knock... knock." Mr. Freeman was preparing for his daily duties when he heard a knock on his door.

"Who is it," he murmured.

"It's me, Oliver," Mr. Oliver answered.

"Ok, you can come in," Oliver was permitted.

"Good morning, sir. I would like to know your decision about Harry?" Mr. Oliver asked.

"Let him go back to his duty post," answered Mr. Freeman.

"What!" Mr. Oliver exclaimed.

"Just like that even after even after finding out that he is the traitor," Mr. Oliver complained.

"I have decided and it's final," Mr. Freeman said as he moved living Mr. Oliver alone in the room.

Mr. Oliver had no other option but to instruct the guards to let Harry back to his normal duty. Surprisingly, Harry refused to go back to work. The guard delivered the message to Mr. Oliver about Harry refusing to go back to work. Mr. Freeman was still having breakfast in the dinning room when Mr. Oliver showed up.

"Harry refuses to go back to his duty post," he said.

Mr. Freeman swallowed a mouthful of coffee and said, "What was that? Harry refuses duty!" Mr. Freeman was totally confused.

Mr. Oliver nodded his head. Mr. Freeman frowned with disbelief and puzzlement. Rebellion was totally out of character for Harry who had guts of a fly. He confonded nuisance since the moment they brought him in the Freeman Mansion, and not because he was gullied. He had burst into tears the first time he was ordered to go to the gate; he was girlish, no doubt his family sent him out to hustle hoping that the life out there would turn him into a man. For a while, the workers in the Mansion had made pat of him then abruptly for no apparent reason, Mr. Oliver turned Vicious and made Harry the prime butt of his spiteful temper.

It was little wonder, Mr. Freeman thought grimly about how Harry would have done it. It was unbelievable that Harry should show defiance of his own accord.

"Why the hell don't you go and convince the boy to get back to his post," Mr. Freeman said impatiently.

There was a pose. When he spoke, one of the guards voice was strained, "S....sir," he said.

"Mr. Oliver is working on it right now and I think it's better if you come along," the guard said. Mr. Freeman groaned. He drained the coffee and carefully set down the mug. He then stood up and walked to away to go and meet or even talk to Harry.

"Good morning, Harry," Mr. Freeman greeted but got no response in return.

Harry had now exceeded his limits. Mr. Freeman commanded Harry to get back to his duty post as he left for work as usual. Mr. Oliver was left in charge of everything as Mr. Freeman was away.

"This boy Harry has gotten ideas and he's trying to think that he is above the Ambassador. He has the arrogance to refuse duty. He requires informing who the Ambassador is. I will deal with him," Mr. Oliver said to himself.

He took some time in the gardens thinking about what he was going to do for Harry.

"Something has to be done," he murmured.

He later sent the guards to bring Harry to him. But disappointedly, they came back saying that Harry had refused.

"That means I'm going to get him myself," he roared as the guards followed his lead.

"Harry! it's either you get back to work or serve a punishment for defying the Ambassador's word," Mr. Oliver said.

"That would be better than working under ruthless morons like you," Harry answered rudely that Mr. Oliver got mad that he started flogging him roughly.

A serious fight broke up between Harry and Mr. Oliver as he tried to retaliate from the flogging. Harry even picked up a gun from one of the guards to try to defend himself. He threatened to kill himself if they didn't let him leave the Freeman Mansion which Mr. Oliver refused to accept. And after a few minutes later, gunshots were heard. Mr. Oliver had shot Harry dead. As Harry tried to fire shots at Mr. Oliver but was unsuccessful while Mr. Oliver successfully fired a bullet which caught him in the forehead. More problems had now added on in the Freeman Mansion.

Mr. Freeman was at work when he received a message that Harry was dead. He quickly rushed back home to find out what had actually happened.

"Oliver what the heck happened here," he yelled.

"Can you please explain to how everything came to pass?" he asked.

"Harry unsuccessfully fired at me and I fired back in line of defense," Oliver answered.

"And how the hell did he access a gun. It was just a matter of a simple talk with him and you ruined it. Things have now gotten more worse because an Osborne national was killed in my premises," he shouted.

Mr. Freeman had decided to help the governor fight the rebellion in the south or even hold talks with the rebellious chiefs so that they could calm down. But now Oliver had spoiled things by killing Harry. He was now thinking about what he was going to tell Harry's family and the Governor himself. Mr. Freeman knew that Governor Santos Del Castillo wouldn't let this go without any action being taken.

Mr. Freeman was still thinking and processing everything that had happened and what to do next when noise was heard on his main gate.

"Open the gate.... open this f*cking gate," they commanded.

Mr. Freeman rushed out to see what was going on and the cause of all the commotion on the gate. It was the Osborne police that had come.

"You are under arrest for the murder of Harry Burgwell. You have a right to remain silent because anything you say shall be used against you in the courts of law," the commander roared.

Mr. Freeman didn't resist arrest. He agreed and he was taken away by the police.

"But who informed the police about everything," he asked himself silently but still couldn't find the answer to his question at the moment because he already had a lot in his mind already.

On reaching the police station, the only thing he requested was that the governor be called to handle the issue in a diplomatic way as diplomats. The commander accepted the Ambassador's request that the governor be called and in so sent two officers to go and inform the governor about the incident. This was an issue beyond the police and therefore needed to be handled by the governor of Osborne.

It was around eight in the night when Governor Santos Del Castillo showed up at the police station to find about what had happened. He asked to be informed about Harry's death and whether there were any witnesses when the incident occurred.The two guards who were present during the shootout came on board and testified about the incident and who actually shot Harry to death.

Governor Santos Del Castillo then finally requested to meet Mr. Freeman after hearing from the eye witnesses of the murder.

"It's so sad that such an event happened in your premises, Mr. Freeman," he said immediately after entering the room where Mr. Freeman was being held.

"I have heard everything about what happened and also interrogated the eye witnesses about everything that took place which proves that it wasn't you," the governor said.

"Yes I wasn't the one who did it. I was also called and told that Harry had been shot dead by Mr. Oliver," Mr. Freeman answered.

"I know that. But since it's in your premises that the incident happened and Mr. Oliver is your employee, the public may think that you are the one who ordered for Harry's murder," Governor Santos Del Castillo said.

"I am ready to do anything, even if it means to compensate the deceased's family," replied Mr. Freeman.

"Ok, let me ask the station commander to finalize your release documents. I am really sorry about everything and how my men treated you," the governor said.

"It's ok Governor," replied Mr. Freeman.

"Hope we shall have a meet tomorrow as we discuss about the rebellion issues. I will be expecting you at my office," Governor Santos Del Castillo said.

"I will be there," Mr. Freeman replied.

"We are very sorry for what happened earlier and how my men treated you, sir," the commander apologized.

"I have no grudge against you. You were definitely carrying out your duty as law enforcers and I'm very ok with it," Mr. Freeman answered.

"Here are your release documents. You only need to put a hand on them and you are free to go Mr. Freeman," the station commander said.

Mr. Freeman signed on his release documents and he was later released.

He went back home after everything that had happened was sorted out. He told his personal assistant to schedule for him a meeting with Harry's family so that he would pay tribute to Harry or even compensate the family for the loss of their beloved one. And later meet up with the governor to talk about the rebellion and how far they had gone upon solving it. He then headed to the bathroom to freshen up and then went to bed to rest since he had experienced a very long day and there was another long one ahead and in so it required him to take enough rest.

At six in the morning, Mr. Freeman had already woken up. He went for the early morning road work out and then came back and took a shower. He then entered the kitchen to make himself breakfast since his daughter wasn't around to make it for him. All the labourers were surprised seeing their master in the kitchen tryna make himself something to eat. Most of them were surprised because they had never seen him do that in their lifetime working under the Freemans.

When the breakfast meal was ready, he set it on the dining table and started having it slowly and gently. He was still having breakfast when his personal assistant came with his schedule of the day.

"Good morning, sir. Here is your of the day," the personal assistant said.

"Good morning to you. Can you please go through it for me!" he requested.

"Ok sir. You are to attend Harry's send off at 10am and then go to the park at 2pm and later on in the evening go and meet up with Governor Santos Del Castillo at his office," the personal assistant explained.

"Ok. Ooh shit it's almost time for Harry's send off," he said. He then stopped having breakfast and went to his room to prepare himself.

Mr. Freeman came from all dressed in black. As it was in the Osborne culture that on would fully dress up in black when attending a funeral.

"Wow! sir, you are stunning," one of the house labourers complimented.

"Thank you for the compliment. Can you please Mr. Oliver for me," he requested as he walked down the stairs and sat in the couch as he waited for Mr. Oliver to show up.

"Good morning sir," Mr. Oliver greeted immediately after walking into the living room where Mr. Freeman was seated.

"Good morning too," he replied.

"I was told that you sent for me," Mr. Oliver inquired.

"Yes I did. And the reason as to why I sent for you is that I want you to accompany me to the Foden Cemetery for Harry's funeral," Mr. Freeman replied.

"Ok sir, let me get the chariots ready so that we can get going," Mr. Oliver said and instantly walked out of the room.

After five minutes, he came back and called Mr. Freeman.

"Excuse me sir, the chariots are now ready, we should better get going because it's getting late," Mr. Oliver said.

"Let's go then. But first get me my briefcase. I have forgotten it upstairs in my room," Mr. Freeman said.

Mr. Oliver walked upstairs to Mr. Freeman's room and got him his briefcase and then they left for Harry's funeral.

On reaching the cemetery, they f when the send off mass had already started. They rushed and joined the other mourners as the mass went on. Harry's mother was mourning bitterly for the death of her son.

"S..son.... what did you do that led to your death," she lamented as tears were rolling down her cheeks while Harry's father was seated speechless and taken up in thoughts.

"He must be thinking of his son. How painful," Mr. Freeman thought to himself but couldn't go and confront them since they were in the middle of mass.

After the mass, Harry's casket was slowly lowered in the grave as the mourners dropped flowers on the casket. Some of the mourners were consoling the Burgwells about their loss while the others were leaving the cemetery since the send off rites were done, leaving Harry's mother and father still standing beside their son's grave.

After all the mourners had left, Mr. Freeman moved close to Mr and Mrs. Burgwell so that he would express his grief about Harry's death. Mr. Freeman decided to explain everything and how Harry was shot dead in his premises. Mr. Oliver also apologized to the family about everything that had happened. Mr. Freeman expected the Burgwells to be bitter after he had told them about what led to Harry's death.

But to his surprise, Harry's mother said," I now feel relieved after knowing what exactly led to my son's death. he can now rest in peace."

Mr. Freeman spent some time with the Burgwell family consoling them as he held talks with them. Mr. Freeman then left the cemetery and headed for the park leaving Mr. Oliver to accompany Harry's family back home.

It had been long since Mr. Freeman last came to the park. It was Ashanti who used to force him to come to the park to get some fresh air or even read her some story books. On remembering all this, he started missing his daughter even more.

In his mind, he questioned himself, " why hasn't Ashanti written to me yet? Is she doing fine? Or something wired might have happened?"

All these questions were rolling in his mind but he couldn't get answers to them. He decided to let it go as he focused on what had brought him to the park.

He was still in the park when remembered that he had a meeting with the Governor of Osborne. He decided to travel to Governor Santos Del Castillo's office in time so that he wouldn't be late for the meeting.

On reaching the office, he found a young lady at the reception. She seemed to be the governor's personal assistant.

"Good evening young lady," he greeted.

"Good evening sir," she replied.

"I am here to meet Governor Santos," Mr. Freeman said.

"Do you have an appointment with the Governor?" she asked.

"Yes I do," Mr. Freeman replied.

"Ok, take a seat as I go and inform him," the personal assistant said and then walked through the corridor to the extreme end where Governor Santos's office was situated.

"Go evening Governor," the personal assistant greeted after entering the Governor's office.

"Good evening too and what brings you to my office now," he asked.

"Ambassador Fabio Freeman is here to meet you," she answered.

"It's ok, let him in," the governor said. The personal assistant walked out of the office to where Mr. Freeman was seated.

"The Governor is ready to meet you," she said.

"Thank you," Mr. Freeman said and then stood up to go and meet the Governor.

"Knock.....knock," Mr. Freeman knocked on Governor Santos Del Castillo's office door.

"Come in," the Governor permitted him.

"You can take a seat," the Governor said.

"Thanks for the hospitality," Mr. Freeman replied.

They exchanged greetings and then started discussing about what had brought them.

"So how far with your plans about curbing the rebellion," the Governor asked.

"Everything is under control as I have decided to organize a meeting with the local chiefs from the south so that we can work this out peacefully," Mr. Freeman answered.

"I wish you good luck and I hope everything works out as per your plans," the Governor wished.

"Yes I am quite sure it will because I am the one who gave those locals hope when they were hopeless. I am sure they will believe me," Mr. Freeman said.

They continued with the conversation till 6pm when they both went out to have a drink after a very long conversation. At least the governor was now somehow happy because Mr. Freeman had reached a certain step towards calming the on going rebellion in the south of Osborne. They parted ways as everyone left for their homes since it was it was late.

It was now a week since Ashanti settled in Lalania.

"I haven't written to dad," she thought to herself.

She was trying to catch up with everything in Lalania since it was a new environment. Ashanti picked up a pen and paper so that she could pen down a letter to her dad. It was as follows;

"Dear Dad,

Let me hope that you are fine. Back to me, I am alright but trying to cope up with the weather here in Lalania. It hasn't been good to me since I was used of the warm weather back home in Foden. I felt weather sick for the first four days of my stay here in Lalania due to the coldness here in Lalania since it was close to winter.

My journey to Lalania was a great one. I want to thank you for letting me travel to Lalania. I really enjoyed my journey as I got to see and experience new things and places. I got chance to visit the zoo, aquarium, beach and even see different fish species that I had never seen. Do you know that I even ate roast fish for the first time, dad?

Putting that aside, How is everything about the conflict between you and Governor Santos Del Castillo? I pray that you solve everything as soon as possible because I can't wait to see you again.

You will always be in my thoughts and prayers, dad.

Love you


After writing the letter, she folded it uniformly and then put it in an envelope. On top of the envelope, she wrote the address on which the letter was to be delivered;

"Ambassador's Residence,

Plot 65-68,

Foden, Osborne."

She then sealed it after writing the addressee's address.

Ashanti ran from her room downstairs to where Mrs. Rodman was seated.

"How are you doing Mrs. Rodman?" she greeted.

"I am fine thank you," Mrs. Rodman.

"I would like to deliver this letter to the post office so that it's sent to my dad in Osborne," she said.

"It's ok, call Erasmus to accompany you," Mrs. Rodman replied.

She quickly ran upstairs to call Erasmus from his room. They came together as they were playing.

"Yes mum, Ashanti has said that you called for me," Erasmus asked.

"Yes I did. I want you to accompany Ashanti to the post office so that she sends a letter to Osborne. You can also give her a walk around town but don't mess up anything during your walk out. I know you are stubborn, but try to be a good boy because I have a present for you come back," Mrs. Rodman told Erasmus.

"Ok mum, I promise it won't be messy. I will be a good boy," he said and they left.

"Ashanti, when I visited Lalania, you made me like everything about it. I will also make sure that you fall in love with Lalania in just a single day's walk," he said.

"Can't wait to fall in love with Lalania as you just said," Ashanti replied. They started playing on their way to the post office.

They finally entered a busy streets of Lalania. The streets were very crowded that one would think that the world's entire population was based in Lalania. The streets of Lalania were ten times crowded and busier than Foden. Erasmus held Ashanti by her hand so that she wouldn't get lost in the crowds. The walked through the crowds and finally reached a building that was labeled "LALANIA INTERNATIONAL POST." Ashanti stood in front of the building and his mind was taken up just by the appearance of the building.

The building was two times bigger and taller than the tallest building in Foden.

"Ashanti..... Ashanti, come on let's get in," Erasmus called.

They walked on the stairs into the building and finally reached the reception.

"Excuse us madam, we would like to know where letters to Osborne are cleared from," Erasmus asked.

"Walk straight then turn left, you will see an office labeled 16 on it," the receptionist answered.

Erasmus led the way as Ashanti followed. They reached office 16 as they had been told. They entered and found a long qeue which meant that they had to wait a bit.

The waited for almost an hour till the manager said, "It's now your turn kids."

Ashanti moved forward to the manager's desk.

Good afternoon sir, I would like to send a letter to Osborne," Ashanti said as she put her letter on the desk.

"It's ok, I get it but you will have to pay the delivery fare," the manager said.

"How much is the fee," Ashanti asked.

"It's only 50 Lalanian pounds," the manager answered.

"Erasmus, do you some money with you?" Ashanti asked.

"Yes I do," Erasmus answered.

"Then pay for the delivery fare. I will repay you later when we get back home. I forgot to carry some money with me," Ashanti said.

"No need to pay back. We are family and family are always there for each other," Erasmus answered as he stepped forward to clear the fees.

Ashanti was given a clearance receipt after the payment was done and they walked out of the office, through the corridor and finally they had exited the Lalania International Post building.

"So where are we heading next," Ashanti asked.

"Just follow me. But, let's go get ice cream before we proceed," Erasmus answered.

Ashanti had nothing to do but follow Erasmus since she was new in town and knew nothing about the city. They finally stopped in front of one shop that was labeled with an ice cream picture. Erasmus and Ashanti entered it and headed straight to the counter to make their orders.

"Give me a strawberry flavor. How about you Ashanti?" Erasmus questioned.

"Chocolate flavor seems great for me," answered Ashanti. The ice cream shop attendant served them with what they had ordered for and they left the shop.

They were finally back to the busy streets of the day.

"Where next," Ashanti asked she was enjoying the cold ice cream.

"We are heading to the tower bridge. It's definitely the best place for the clear view of the city," Erasmus replied as he held her hand leading the way to the Tower Bridge.

The Tower Bridge is the bridge that connected the other towns of Lalania to the capital.

"I'm afraid of heights. No I can't do this," said Ashanti.

"Trust me you can do it. It's no big deal, just count on me and I will help you," Erasmus assured her as they tied ropes on their bodies to start moving to the tower.

Erasmus held her hand as they moved slowly in a group with other people who were also going on top of the tower.

The walk was slow and gentle since Ashanti feared heights. She even closed her eyes that she wouldn't down the bridge. Erasmus kept teasing her because of her weakness but she tried to be strong since there was no way back except for going forward, and finally they were on top of the Tower Bridge. Erasmus was enjoying the view while Ashanti still closed her eyes. She even wished that they could hurry and get back down.

"Look. it's beautiful," Erasmus complimented.

"No I can't, I can't make it," Ashanti said.

Erasmus held her forcefully and made her look at the view.

"Wow! it's marvelous," she exclaimed on looking at the view of the city from above the tower.

She even forgot a bit that she was high or even afraid of heights.

After spending some time on the tower enjoying the beautiful atmosphere of the city, time had come that they had to climb down the tower. They walked gently and slowly since Ashanti was afraid of heights. They came off the tower peacefully that even Ashanti who was afraid of heights couldn't believe the beauty and the view on top of the Tower Bridge.

"Wow! I thought that I couldn't make it on and off the tower," she sighed with relief.

"That's something very usual. Besides, you will get used to everything. It's just a matter of time and commitment then your fear will slowly varnish. Come on let's go because we still have a long day ahead," said Erasmus.

They walked to the west of the where Erasmus took her to the Lalania park. Hopefully the largest in the country. There were different activities going on in the park which included; volleyball, basketball, football and many other activities. This park was very large that it had a capacity to hold all the activities at the same time. Ashanti saw some kids playing chess which interested her and she decided to join while Erasmus joined those playing volleyball. They definitely had a good time at the park with Ashanti getting to hangout with other kids for the first time since she left Osborne. Ashanti was still catching up with other kids when Erasmus came running.

"We have to go because I still have more to show you," he said. They left the park and went back to the city.

Erasmus took Ashanti to the city hall.

"Are we allowed to get in," Ashanti as she because Erasmus was pulling her hand over into the city hall.

"Yes, every citizen has a right since they pay taxes. And most importantly, it belongs to the people," Erasmus answered.

They entered inside and showed her the city mayor's office, the city clerk's and even went ahead and took her to the hall where council sittings are conducted.

It's against the law to enter the city hall without an appointment or permission in Osborne," she said.

"Lalania is way more civilized than Osborne and perhaps, different countries have different rules that govern them," Erasmus answered as they moved out of the city hall.

They walked to the city's central market so that Erasmus could show her more wonders of the city. But before Erasmus could explain anything to Ashanti, everything was evident even with out explanation that this was a very beautiful market.

"Most of the fabrics worn in Osborne are bought here in Lalania," Erasmus said but Ashanti didn't give him her ears because she was taken up by the amusement of the city market.

"This is amazing!" she exclaimed.

She was seeing some of the items sold in this market for the first time. They then left and moved to another place they had to visit that day.

They stopped in front of a big gate.

What have we come to do here? what's this place?" Ashanti questioned.

"This is the Lalania International High School, a place where I study from. And if everything goes well, you are expected to join me here," Erasmus answered.

When Ashanti heard this, she remembered of the time she first went to school in kindergarten.

She had hated it. How unhappy she had been! When Ashanti was 7, her father took a strong stand. He invited teachers who taught her how to read, write, draw pictures and some arithmetic while her father taught her how to play the piano and Ashanti was convinced that it was enough. However, her father had said that Ashanti must learn some decorum and that home study wasn't enough for an Ambassador's daughter. So he had made inquiries.

He decided to take her to kindergarten. It was one of the first kindergartens in Foden. It was run by Miss Eleanor Winters. Miss Eleanor Winters was a slim middle aged woman who had travelled from Packholm to Osborne to find fortune or perhaps to find a husband. For all Ashanti knew, She had discovered neither.

Ashanti remembered her most of the times when she thought about school. Miss Eleanor arranged her desk like a tower and how uncomfortable it looked. Ashanti couldn't take her eyes away from it. Looked so heavy! As Miss Eleanor had questioned to find out how much Ashanti had learnt already, Ashanti found that Miss Eleanor had a most fascinating habit of walking while scratching her ear with a pencil. She usually talked and talked and the pencil slid on and off her ear. Everytime the pencil slid on, it rose up just a little.

As the pencil slid on, she thought she glimpsed with a tantalizing flash of baldness. She must have seemed exceedingly stupid for she was very vogue about the answers to Miss Eleanor's questions. Miss Eleanor caned anyone who mentioned a wrong answer in her class. There were two methods of caning. Ashanti had found one for boys and the other for girls. The girls were caned on the palms while the boys where caned on the bums. Ashanti being a girl, was usually commanded to put out palms upwards and keep it still. She couldn't believe that Miss Eleanor was going to hit her not until the cane came down to her palms. Nine years later but the memory made her flinch.

"Ashanti..... Ashanti! You seem to be lost in thoughts. What's wrong?" Erasmus asked.

"It's nothing. I just remembered my first days in school, but nothing to worry about," Ashanti answered.

"Ok, let's get going then. It's getting late," Erasmus said and they walked back home.

On reaching home, they found when dinner was ready.

"Welcome back kids. Go freshen up and come for dinner," Erasmus' mom Mrs. Rodman said.

They quickly ran upstairs to freshen y and later cameback for dinner because it was already dinner time.

After sometime, Ashanti emerged from her room and headed straight to the dinning table where she found Mrs. Rodman and Erasmus already waiting for her and dinner was served. She sat next to Erasmus and she was served with rice and chicken stew and greens.

She was going to start eating when Mrs. Rodman said," Prayers first kids."

They humbled themselves and prayed for the food before eating.

As they were eating, Mrs. Rodman asked,"Hope you guys didn't mess up the city?"

"No, he didn't," Ashanti replied after knowing that Mrs. Rodman was asking about Erasmus.

"Mom, I kept my promise. You promised me that if I did behave you were going to give me a present," Erasmus demanded.

"I wanted you to behave that's why I told you that I had a present for you if you behaved decently and showed Ashanti around the city," said Mrs. Rodman.

Erasmus' face turned red on hearing that his mother had deceived him that she had a present for him at the end of the day. Ashanti was silently enjoying her food and therefore didn't want to come in between the mother-son moment.

"Don't worry son, I will get you something when I go out tomorrow," Mrs. Rodman promised.

Erasmus felt relieved on hearing that his mother was going to get him the present the following day. He continued with his meal. Ashanti also explained her experience in the day and how she had gotten to see new things and places more especially the city's view above the Tower Bridge.

"Ashanti, your aunt Mrs. Norman will be visiting us tomorrow," Mrs. Rodman said.

Ashanti's heart skipped a beat and she went silent for almost a minute.

Is she coming to take me with her?" She asked.

"Possibly yes," Mrs. Rodman answered.

"Can you please beg her to let me stay a little longer," Ashanti requested.

"We shall discuss that tomorrow when she is around," Mrs. Rodman answered. Ashanti went to bed after hearing the news. She didn't didn't even finish her dinner because the appetite was killed by the news.

Will Mrs. Marianah Norman, Her Aunt allow her to stay with the Rodman family?

A Happy and Prosperous 2023

Vialbanks_ugcreators' thoughts
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