


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 41


Christmas break was almost over, classes were starting in two days so students were coming back to the castle.

The first one to find him was Luna, who spotted him outside, on the castle grounds, close to Hagrids new house, laying against a tree while reading a book.

She was carrying something in her hands, once she was close enough, she showed Harry the object that she was carrying was a book.

"This is for you Harry. Merry Christmas." Luna smiled.

Harry examined the book, it looked old and was written in some dialect of Celtic. His eyes opened wide when he realized what this book was.

"This is a druidic magic book! where did you get this?."

In his previous life, He had studied most forms of magic from all over the world, but druid magic was hard to come by. Druids were extremely secretive and only passed their knowledge down to their descendants.

"My family library. I asked daddy and He said it was ok to give you this one because is a copy. " Luna answered and sat down next to Harry.

"You family is descendant of druids? Are you sure is ok for me to have this?." Harry did not want her to break some family tradition.

"Daddy said it's fine. Oh, by the way, I really liked your present." Luna showed him that she was wearing the pendant that Lorry bought.

"Don't worry about it. "

He found out later on that Lorry had used the full budget to buy three gold pendatns enchanted with strong protections. Harry thought that it was a decent gift.

He carefully stored the book inside one of his dimensional pockets. This book is very likely illegal, according to the stiff policy from the Ministry which deems anything unusual as dark magic.

Luna got comfortable and pulled out a newspaper called the Quibbler and started reading.

"The Quibbler? is that a new newspaper? I have never seen it before." Harry asked.

"It's been around for a while but is not very popular. My daddy is the owner and writer of The Quibbler. Sometimes he lets me write something too. You should read it sometimes." Luna answered happily.


That night Harry was sitting by himself at the Hufflepuff table, eating a turkey sandwich when Susan and Hannah approached him.

Hannah gave him a hug and Harry stiffen a bit. He was not used to people doing that.

"Thank you for the present Harry, I love it!." Hannah enthusiastically said.

"Yes, that you Harry, but…are you sure is ok for us to have this.?" Susan asked while pointing to her pendant.

"Why not? You sent me a present and I sent you another one. Isn't that how it works?." Harry asked.

Susan made a complicated expression.

"I know is bad taste to discuss the presents price but… according to my aunt, between the materials and the enchantments this would cost over 3.000 galleons." Susan looked around, making sure no one heard her.

"Is fine, is just money, I have plenty," Harry answered and went back to his food.

Susan stood there for a moment, not knowing what to say until Hannah hit her with her elbow. This seems to wake her up.

"Alright, well, thank you again, Harry. But remember next time that you don't need to spend that much on our presents, the gesture is what matters. " Susan smiled at him.

Harry nodded. "Yes, I will keep it in mind."

'Those girls are hard to understand. Harry thought.


After finishing their classes for the day, the trio was walking through the halls when they spotted Luna sitting alone on a stone bench.

Susan was the first one to see her.

"Hi, Luna." Susan greeted her

Luna looked up from her book and smiled at the trio.

"We are going to the library, wanna come with us? We can help you with your homework too." Hannah offered.

"Ok, Professor Snape has asked us to write an essay about the Sleeping Draught, can you help me with that Harry?" Luna looked at him.

Harry hesitated for a moment. "mmm, sure, no problem."

Susan laughed softly. "Oh Luna, Harry is the last person you want to ask help from. At least when it comes to potions…or riding a broom, He is surprisingly good for everything else."

"I may not be best but I ca-"

Harry was interrupted when a warning signal rang in his mind.

'The intruder charm I put in the chambers has been triggered!.'

The girls looked at Harry when he stopped talking all of a sudden.

"Harry?. What's wrong?." Hannah asked.

Harry quickly composed himself.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it. But I just remember I had something important to do somewhere else. I'll see you all at dinner."

Before they had time to question further Harry took off swiftly towards the second-floor bathrooms.

The girls were surprised at his unusual behavior.

"What was that about?." Susan said.

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