

Back at the Blueriver Palace, Dorothy goes about her day as usual. For safety reasons, she takes a break from her mission.

Her focus now is more on compiling the rumours floating in the palace and analysing their authenticity. Once the validity is confirmed, she'll send it out. Her superior would decide whether the intel is valuable or not.

One of the rumours is about the invasion of the prince's office. Although there aren't many people paying attention, it is enough to make Dorothy put her guard up.

Harford was seen snooping around recently. She didn't know how much the investigation progress was but, it is definitely not a good sign for her.

Nevertheless, there's nothing she can do except hide. She is fairly confident in hiding her tracks.

"There you go..." Dorothy wipes the last window panel of the palace. With her job done now, she has to make her way to her next destination, the nursery room.

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