
Chapter 25: Ome

Walking into my bedroom I felt my body tense. I was not used to having people in my room.

As an unloved child of a rich family, I had my own room and there was no reason for anyone to come in since maids were told they didn't have to clean it. Now that I owned a house there had been even less reason to have someone in here. 

I sprawled onto my bed trying to take deep breaths, hot water bottle still clutched to my stomach as emotional support. That's when I realized the presences of the three people I expected to hover near me wasn't.

Confused I notice the trio standing at my doorway, no one so much as leaned over the threshold to peer in. I smirked at their lurking realizing the correlation between their reactions and the stories of vampires. They could not enter unless invited.

Sitting up on the edge of my bed I gently swung my legs while I grinned at the glaring Hoseok. His shadows had their arms crossed and light frowns tugging down the corners of their mouths. 

"Well well, what have we here?" I playfully questioned, "Where did the bossy Hoseok of a couple of minutes ago vanish to? Surely he wasn't vanquished by a simple doorway." 

Hoseok didn't reply to my jabs, simply tilting his head with an unimpressed look. Standing I glided to the doorway standing a couple of inches away. They could reach out and touch me. But they didn't.

"Are you done?" Hoseok questioned. 

"Where would the fun in that be?" I innocently questioned, eyes widening. Jimin laughed but quickly tried to cover it up with a cough. 

"It may not be as fun, but it's safer. Ignoring your symptoms. Working until you collapse these things are not healthy." Hoseok reasoned holding up a finger when I went to protest. "Even if it is normal for you." 

I fake pouted, "And when did you get the impression that I liked safe? Last I checked I took in seven strangers and then deactivated the one thing keeping them from being able to hurt me."

He looked amused, "We have seen you fight sweetheart." Jungkook vigorously nodded memories of our latest sparring session probably fresh in his mind. 

I shrugged, not denying the validity of his argument. 

"If you aren't comfortable with us in your space, you need us to back off, or you feel unsafe you need to tell us." I don't think I've ever seen Hoseok this serious. 

"And if I tell you you can't come in, ever?" I tested.

"Then we don't," He mirrored my shrug from earlier. I swallowed turning my head to the side. 

When I lived with my family I didn't have the luxury of boundaries not unless they were the ones to set them. I had to manipulate and sneak around if I didn't want something to happen. It was exhausting. 

Once I was a boss things got easier, people didn't have a choice but to respect my boundaries. But they acquiesced begrudgingly, their looks and gossip citing me as demanding and oversensitive. 

But he was offering me a choice without any expectations. I had the feeling that if I told him something was off-limits he would respect it, no questions asked. This was a novel feeling.

Stepping back into my room I sat down on the floor, back against my bed. I contemplated for a second, trying to do as I was asked and figure out what would make me comfortable. Decided I looked up at them. 

"Can just one of you come in for now?" I was going to explain why, but they agreed to quickly. 

"Any preference?" Jimin asked. I shook my head, bringing my legs up to my chest. 

"Did you want the other two to leave?" Hoseok asked. 

"Why would I want to thwart your good intentions?" I questioned with a grin, by no means had it escaped my notice he and the other two were the only ones I hadn't had "sessions" with.

Hoseok rubbed the back of his neck a sheepish grin on his face. "You noticed, huh?" My grin grew in answer.

"My question still stands, Teddy. Whatever makes you comfortable." He continued, "That kind of was the point of this whole thing. We can always train with you later. No hurry."

"Up to you guys, if you have something else you want to do you can leave. Otherwise, I don't have an issue with you sticking around," I answered. 

Glances were exchanged before Hoseok walked into my room and offered me a hand.

"As soft as this carpet is I think it's best you curl up in your bed." I accepted his reasoning and situated myself on the bed before turning back towards them. 

"I did have a question. You guys don't have to answer, I'm just curious. Why are you guys avoiding sessions with me?" This was a question that had plagued me since I had noticed their avoidance and I was glad I finally had a chance to ask the question. 

When all three of them responded with variations of "I am not worthy." I was tempted to smack their heads together. Another cramp sidelined that plan, for now. Instead, I decided to explain in no uncertain terms why they were more than "worthy". 

"Let's start with basic things, ok?" I didn't wait for a response, "Your 'use' to me or any other female is not what decides your worth." I waited for that to sink in staring them down until each of them gave me a nod, even if some were more reluctant than I would have liked. 

"Next time you feel something like this, just talk. If not to me then to each other." Jungkook perked up at my statement.

"Me and Jimin talked!" He stated enthusiastically. Jimin nodded saying, "It helped."

I nodded in approval. "Then I'm sure you have mentioned each other's monstrous talents in your respective fields. Jungkook your physical prowess is impressive and with you being a quick study on fighting styles anyone facing you would be hard-pressed to come out of it vertical. Jimin your manipulations are subtle and yet you could convince a hardened criminal to convert to nunnery." Then I turned to Hoseok. 

"You are sunshine incarnate, do not underestimate the use of keeping a cheerful atmosphere. It not only reduces conflict but also lowers their guard making information gathering or manipulation that much easier." I didn't finish there. "I have watched you dance, you are precise but with a fluidity that is to be envied. I've seen you pick up dances in minutes." 

I spent the next half hour going over every single skill they had in their arsenal. About halfway in they started chiming in with their own observations and admiration of each other. Overall I was quite pleased with our conversation, that is until they started fussing over me again. 

"You should drink more water," Jungkook stated sternly as he handed me a freshly refilled water bottle. Jimin moved around him to pass me my hot water bottle, hot once more. Hoseok flipped through the shows on the TV trying to find something good to watch.

Well, maybe this wasn't so bad.

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