
Chapter 23: Straw

Jungkook cocked his head to the side as he stared down the profile of a wrinkled woman with a very clearly receding hairline. Jimin, whose shoulder Jungook was leaning on, had his nose wrinkled at the image projected from his bracelet. The two had partnered to make the tedious studying more palpable.

Taehyung was going to join them but had been called away by the older ones. It wasn't anything important, Jungkook trusted them to have him and Jimin participate if that was the case. 

The irony did not escape him. He had been trained to trust females: to let his well-being and soul rest in their hands. He had learned from his peers and teachers that it was the cutthroat world and no one owed him mercy.

They hadn't just told him, they showed him. It truly was a genius psychological move on the part of the teachers, it enforced the stereotype of males being bad and beyond redemption except for their service to females.

Yet here he was enjoying the peaceful company of a man, learning with him trusting the judgment of other men to include him if needed. Admittedly part of him wanted to turn the learning into a competition with Jimin, but he would refrain for now. Because this is safe, it's nice. 

Letting out a sigh Jimin clicked the little drop-down box attached to the picture to get the information about the latest individual. It was the great aunt of Teddy, she was a smart woman in her own rite. Gertrude had stayed out of all power struggles within the family and managed to live well into her 70's: a rare thing for the females in the family according to Teddy. Their mistress had said something about a mixture of lack of self-control when it comes to indulgence and the money to make some "accidents" occur. 

A light shiver ran down my spine at the bullet that had been dodged with Teddy being disowned. 

"I can see how she is related to Mistress," Jimin spoke as he began to scroll through the highlights of this woman's life and weaknesses. Jungkook gave a questioning hum. 

"Trudie here owns several businesses that she keeps off the family's radar, she plays as harmless. When in reality she has been gently guiding the family in directions that benefit her the most." Jimin explained. "You can see with her acquisitions of these two financial groups that she can easily place hold on the Cane branches family financials causing a crack, one the other two branches will be eager to exploit."

Jimin was right, mistress was much more than she seemed. Her family knew only the very tip of the iceberg when it came to her. And as long as their mistress chose it would remain that way.

However, there was one key difference between her great-aunt and her. Teddy wasn't hiding because that was the best way to survive or because she wanted to manipulate them into tearing each other apart. She held no affection or hatred for her kin, she held her cards close to her chest simply because it was the easiest way to deal with them. 

Jungkook mentioned these observations to Jimin, who gave a small smile and nod of agreement. Together they continued to go through the list, it was a long one over 20 and they would need to memorize them by the end of the week.

It was hard work and they took breaks every hour or so facilitated by the bracelet playing an alert that it was best to take a break from the screen. Their alert was an optional thing if they wanted to continue they could. Having the choice seemed like a small thing but was appreciated by both men present. 

During a snack break, they were debating the ranking of the cookies Teddy had picked up from a little bakery a few towns over every few days. In the end, they agreed to disagree. 

"Do you think they are having one of the training sessions with Teddy?" Jimin asked staring out one of the floor-to-ceiling windows at the vegetation behind them.

Jungkook paused mid-scoop at the question, "Probably. Ever think about joining them." getting no response in the next couple of seconds Jungkook responded to his own question. "I do. The way the others talk about it makes it sound so..." he trailed off.

"Yeah, it sounds nice and yes I have thought about it," Jimin answered despite Jungkook's incomplete sentence. "But what would I do?" 

Jungkook didn't respond because that was one of his main hang-ups as well. There was no rule book for this type of thing, at least none that anyone had bothered to teach him.

How was he supposed to interact with his mistress when the point was to do things he liked to do? To share easy affection in a way that didn't make him feel violated? That wasn't something he was made to do, was it?

"Everyone has their own thing to do with her, their own strong suits that add to the facsimile we need to create and they have found brilliant ways to facilitate that." Jimin stabbed at the fruit salad on his plate spearing a blood-red strawberry to angrily much on. 

"I get how you feel Jimin, but I don't see it." Before Jungkook could explain the strengths he had witnessed in this man throughout their time together Jimin swallowed the fruit. 

"Jin has a mastery of the manners and expectations of those in higher society as well as a beauty that brings a sense of awe, Yoongi has his detailed observance of those he cares about and knack for meeting their needs in a graceful and subtly way, Namjoon has his mind with the ability to make sure abilities are used as a cohesive unit and has a large blanket of knowledge, Taehyung's easygoing personality with a killer smile and easy physical affection make him vital for keeping the spirits high." Jimin took a deep breath before continuing his spiel. 

"Hoseok moves with precision and grace a dance, that can easily turn to subterfuge at the drop of his sunshine smile. You with your easy mastery of all combat you have been shown means you offer protection and adaptability in the face of any unknown." Jimin's tirade finally stops. 

Jungkook smiles although shocked at the compliment, he decides to accept it as the honor it was. "Jimin," Jungkook says his tone chiding. 

Jimin turns his head, embarrassed by his outburst and his admittance of his uselessness. True though it was the embarrassment didn't abate. 

"You forget your talents, the charm you hold." The firmness in Jungkook's voice a shock to JImin, his companion was not one to be so serious. 

"I have seen you studying those psychology books I as well as everyone else in the house have participated in your practice sessions. Even when we are giving something we aren't supposed to do our say, you can get us to willingly do so. Jin and Namjoon may grasp their minds, but you have the ability to grasp a person's heart." 

Jimin was well aware that he captured females' interest easily, his beauty being something of intrigue. He had learned to manipulate sexual attraction even if he felt dirty because of it. But this was different.

Someone was telling and showing him that he didn't need to display himself that way. That his hard work and natural ability to grasp a person's desires were worth envying. 

It felt good, it felt powerful. 

Maybe he should think more about interacting with Teddy. Staring at the man across from him he debated asking Jungkook to do it with him for moral support.

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