

Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

Jourdan followed Raines to Green Island with the benefit of the day. They wanted to see what the latest American battleship looked like. Why was Raines so confident?

In fact, Ryns didn't even know about it. It was just that his country told him to be strong and that they would be done as long as they had the latest battleship. He didn't know how new it was, but he still knew how to be strong and very strong. He didn't give Jourdan any face at all.

The 5th and 6th Marine Brigades, the 1st Heavy Artillery Brigade. The 1st Engineer Brigade has completed the landing. Taking over security, barracks, and batteries is the first priority. The fleet is then divided into four sub-fleets, two warships of each type. Two sub-fleets enter the port to rest, while the other two patrol outside. This is Wesley's instruction. Be careful of sneak attacks. The little men have this habit.

William Benson was a man of his word, and the fleet was not well trained, and its wartime response was not necessarily fast enough, so he also followed Wesley's instructions strictly. He took the German Navy aboard the battleships, and the four battleships parked in the harbor all had ship numbers, 101, 102, 103, and 104 in total, and the other four patrolled the sea, which was the latest name for the United States Navy.

He had wanted Wesley, the designer, to give the battleship a name, but Wesley thought it would be troublesome and replaced it with a number. The number 1 of the battleship began with the number 2 of the heavy patrol, and so on.

Melvadik was a German naval colonel, and he knew about ships. He came to the port and saw the fleet in its berths from a distance. "This is a dreadnought, but the layout has changed a lot."

"Yes, all along the central axis, a total of three fully enclosed turrets and three main guns." William Benson did not hide it. His purpose was to let the Germans know, although it was a little late now.

"I really didn't expect your United States to have such a big battleship. Although it is not the biggest, it seems to have good combat power and may not lose to the British."

"The British? They're no match for us. In these days of broadside engagement, do they have the firepower of that warship to match our battleships?"

"There is no such thing. Although it uses a full-heavy cannon structure, the distribution is different from yours. Your structure is more compact, and even the number of chimneys is less. It is really a great design."

"Let's go up and take a look!"

After the Germans visited, they had no way to send a message. After all, they were disarmed, and they had to be prepared to be prisoners. William Benson began training the fleet, and a few days later, a travel-worn Raines arrived at Green Island with Jourdan and Daylighter.

"General, welcome to China." Raines got off the train and saw William Benson at the front of the welcoming line.

"Mr. Ambassador, you have worked hard." The double meaning was not only about coming all the way to Qingdao, but also about how the American fleet had dealt with them before arriving.

"This is what I should do. Let me introduce you. This is the British Ambassador, Mr. Jurden, and this is the Japanese Ambassador, Mr. Nisshi. They want to see our American fleet. What do you think?"

"Oh, that's not a big deal. Although it's our new warship, we welcome all countries to come and communicate with us. Would the three of you like to take a rest first?" William Benson also didn't care, because the advantage of appearance can't be kept secret, especially such a big warship, so he directly asked them to watch it. Even if they saw it from the inside, they wouldn't understand.

"Let's see it now!" Daylighter was impatient. He was eager to know the combat power of the American battleship so that he could give the country information for reference.

William Benson took the group to the port in an Army jeep produced by Wesley's car factory. Jourdan did not feel very good about the new American cars because the United States had surpassed the United Kingdom in some ways. In his words, this was not in the interests of the British Empire.

When they arrived at the port, they saw the four battleships led by 105 quietly parked at the port. There were other battleships in the distance. After some rest, the patrol team was replaced.

Daylighter frowned as he looked at the battleship in the distance. The first thing he felt was that it was beautiful and neat. Although he only saw the side, he basically knew the whole picture. It had to be a symmetrical layout. The tonnage was more than 20,000 tons. They only had one King Kong-class battlecruiser to fight against it. The other battleships were all under construction. The rest were either pre-Fearless or armored cruisers. They were no match for battleships. Was it feasible to launch a sneak attack?

Daylighter fell silent, and so did Jourdan. Although these warships were nothing to the British, from the layout and artillery, they were indeed new and sharp warships, and it was very likely that they were ahead of the British. Although the British were not afraid of numbers, the British could not concentrate their main force against the Americans now, and the Americans could use this fleet to stab the British in the back.

This was the Pacific Fleet, and there was also an Atlantic Fleet. What was the situation there? Jourdan had already reported it once to the country, hoping that the country would take it seriously and at the same time gather intelligence on the U.S. Navy.

The two of them boarded Battleship 105 with different purposes and then began to tour. The key areas were confidential, but the other places were enough for them to see. The two of them got off the ship with a depressed expression. They looked around and saw 205 patrolling.

"General, is that a battlecruiser?" Daylighter asked.

'No, that's our heavy cruiser.'

"Heavy cruiser?" Nikkei is not very clear about the difference inside, but the triple-loaded main gun, which is close to 20,000 tons of tonnage, looks like a combat patrol no matter how you look at it. Japan Ben's fleet construction plan began a few years ago, but now there is no telling how long it will take to complete, and the only Titan-class combat patrol is even more precious to the Navy. It seems that there is no hope for Green Island.

Jourdan and Daylighter didn't even eat and directly boarded the train back to the capital. They were anxious to send a message to the country, and William Benson didn't care about their behavior and directly welcomed Raines to the Governor's Mansion.

"General, why did the situation in the country suddenly change?" Raines asked hurriedly after sitting down.

"Hehe, we have a genius. The warships you see and the weapons of the soldiers were invented by him. He not only invented weapons, but he also has more patents in his hands. He is also a genius in business. He persuaded the country to change its policy."

"Oh? There's such a person? It's amazing that he can persuade Congress to change its strategy."

"Yes, it's very powerful. When he was speaking in Congress, he kept mocking those MPs, but now those MPs and the consortium behind them are studying its speech. Can you believe it?"

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