
Chapter 31 Epilogue

Camp Half-Blood, Long Island

June 6th, 2129 A.D

Chiron's POV (3rd)

Camp Half-Blood has been in a relative state of tranquility, well at least that's what it felt like compared to a century ago. Chiron, the camp director, has never felt more relieved by the lack of prophecies; he had enough world-ending riddles to last his immortal lifetime.

Many of the demigods has asked him to tell stories of the wars that lasted a majority of the early 2000s and he couldn't put them off any longer, no matter how much he hated reliving those memories. Each demigod that had died during those times felt as if he lost a child. Even though he's never actually had children, he often thought of the campers as his own.

He planned on telling them soon, but where should he start? The life of Luke Castellan, Annabeth Chase and Thalia Grace? Or perhaps the children would be more interested in the actual battles of the war...

A bright flash of light filled the rec room of the Big House, indicating the arrival of a god. The light died down and Chiron opened his eyes to a strange sight: Poseidon. Chiron has expected it to be Dionysus, who often visited Seymour, the living leopard head that was mounted on a wall.

Poseidon almost never came to Camp Half-Blood, the last time Chiron could remember him being here was when he had given him Riptide, a weapon that was meant to be passed to Perseus Jackson when he arrived.

Poseidon greeted Chiron with a simple nod and tip of his trident, "I believe you can already guess as to why I'm here." Chiron nodded in confirmation, "You don't make many visits here my lord, one starts to see a pattern."

Poseidon waved Chiron off, "Enough of the pleasantries, I am not Zeus or Hera, there is no reason to be so formal when I am asking you for a favor." Chiron felt relieved knowing the possiblility of being smitted for improperly addressing the gods was ruled out, "let's get on with it then."

"My daughter will be arriving to camp in a few days. I would like to remind you I have had very few kids throughout the millennia, and daughters are even rarer. She is still young and I would like some assurance she makes it to camp safely - as you know, Zeus doesn't like direct interference."

Chiron nodded in confirmation, he understood Poseidon's worries, the last child he had arrived at camp chased by the Minotaur and half dead, "would like me to 'find' a weapon for this child?"

Poseidon gave Chiron a smile and pulled a pen out of his pocket, "Yes, I believe this was collecting dust in some corner of your office." Chiron took the pen and tucked it in his shirt pocket. Poseidon gave Chiron his thanks and flashed away, leaving no evidence of a meeting between the two.

Chiron smiled to himself, he knew where he should start the story.

Kluane National Park, Canada

June 7th, 2129 A.D

Percy's POV (3rd)

Percy Jackson had never known true peace, but he was sure this was about as close he'll get. He often stayed in Canada, which was generally away from the influence of the gods, but was still close enough he could talk to his father. Every couple decades or so Percy would run into The Hunt and chat with them for a couple days; the hunters always welcomed him with open arms and once in a blue moon, Artemis would too.

The smell of fresh pine filled Perseus' nose as he gazed upon the iced capped mountains and seemingly endless rows of trees. Percy often found himself freezing time so he could capture the beauty of the forest. Percy had gone back to wearing his camouflage hunting gear, which felt much more comfortable compared to the armor he always used to wear.

Everything was going perfectly fine until he heard the sound of winged sandals flying his way. Zoë had picked up on Percy's foul attitude towards the gods and started growling into the air. "What do you want Hermes?"

Hermes landed next to Percy, retaining his cheerful attitude, "Hey Perce, I got a letter for you. Uncle P couldn't find you, so he set Apollo and I on the task, he said that we were the least likely you'd kill - nice place you've found here by the way." Percy just nodded and took the letter from his hand, "Thanks Hermes, any idea what it's about?"

Hermes started flying up in the air again, "Nope, I just deliver the letters, got a lot of deliveries I need to make. See ya - oh shut up you two. Fine. Percy, George and Martha say hi." Percy indifferently acknowledged Hermes' two snakes and went back to opening his letter. Percy read the letter over and over again, not a hundred percent sure he was reading it right. Finally, he had something to look forward to, "Come on Zoë, we're going to New York."

Long Island, New York

June 14th, 2129 A.D

Sofia's POV (3rd)

Sofia didn't know what was chasing her, just that her mommy told her to run, to run up the hill. Rain poured down on what should be a hot, summer day, thunder striking every couple seconds. Sofia didn't know what was going on, she had just been celebrating her 8th birthday a week ago, now she had been on the run for the past few days with her mom, some monster-thing chasing them.

She heard a very angry 'moo' from a ways away, but it sounded like closer than it was last time. The pounding of hooves neared and Sofia's mom picked her up and started sprinting, Sofia looked over her mom's shoulder and couldn't believe what she was seeing; it was a cow walking on two feet! A really strong cow.

The cow smelled the air and looked at Sofia and her mother, the thing started to charge and her mother threw Sofia ahead, removing her from harms way. "Run Sofia, run up the hill and don't stop!"

She listened to her mother without question and started sprinting as fast as her little legs could carry her. Sofia made it over the hill just in time to avoid the hundreds of lightning bolts that fell down from the sky. Sofia heard nothing from the other side of the hill, but she didn't stop running, she didn't stop to check if her mother was still alive, she ran until she collapsed on the porch of a big blue house.

Camp Half-Blood, New York

10:32 AM, June 15th, 2129 A.D

Chiron's POV (3rd)

Chiron watched over Poseidon's newest daughter, who would undoubtedly be claimed by the end of the day, Chiron didn't believe Poseidon would want his eight year daughter - one of his few daughters throughout history - to be sharing a room with a bunch of children of Hermes.

Chiron got a better look at the girl, she had most of the features obtained by daughter of Poseidon. The wavy, raven black hair and pristine facial features. Chiron had little doubt that behind her closed eyelids were a pair of mesmerizing sea green eyes.

Chiron noticed the child began to stir in her sleep and prepared himself for the worst, demigods that are brought into camp this young are usually wrought with horrible memories and experiences.

6:34 PM, June 15th, 2129 A.D

Chiron's POV (3rd)

It was time for dinner at Camp Half-Blood and Chiron was sitting the head table with young Sofia at his side; he is trying to ease her into the life of a demigod and kept her away from the rest of the campers who might try and pick on her, the last thing Chiron needed was an angry sea god kicking down his door.

As Chiron announced the arrival of Sofia, a sea green trident emblazoned above her head, "All hail Sofia Beech, daughter of Poseidon, Earthshaker, Stormbringer, Father of Horses, Lord of the Sea."

Later that dinner, he announced in celebration of a child of Poseidon entering the camp, he would be telling the story of Poseidon's last child, the greatest demigod to walk to Earth: Percy Jackson.

10:17 PM, June 24th, 2129 AD

3rd POV

"- after the award ceremony, Perseus Jackson left Olympus, never to be seen again." Chiron concluded his week of stories with what had been named 'The Third War' after he had told both of the second Titan and Giant wars. One of the more pompous children of Ares, Bruce Walker, had doubts of the credibility of the story, "There's no way a demigod son of Poseidon could do all of that!"

Thunder rumbled from above, indicating that the gods were listening, "Bruce, please keep your thoughts to yourself, Poseidon is... protective when it come to his son." Bruce wisely kept his mouth shut, Poseidon wasn't an enemy you wanted to have. Chiron dismissed all the demigods, curfew had passed long ago.

Sofia walked back to Cabin 3 with a smile on her face, she always loved learning about Percy, it felt nice to know she had an older brother somewhere out there. While she was walking, she found Bruce and a couple of his thugs waiting by her cabin, "Lookie here guys, it's the next Percy Jackson."

Sofia just rolled her eyes, children of Ares weren't the biggest fan of Percy Jackson when they found out he beat their dad up - multiple times. "Bruce can you move away from my door?"

"Why don't you make us, hero, use your powers and create a tornado and blow us all away." They all started laughing and Sofia grew angry, she pulled her pen from her pocket and uncapped it, revealing Tempest, a two foot long, celestial bronze short sword. At the display, the Ares kids started laughing even harder and unsheathed their own swords.

Sofia suddenly felt less brave, there were four of them and she was only eight. Sofia started to back up, but nearly tripped on someone behind her. Sofia looked up to a large man wearing black armor. A black helmet and visor blocked anyone from reading his expression, but the aura the man was giving off said it all: move and die.

To Sofia, the aura the man gave off seemed barely contained and it still felt way more powerful than the wine dude's who visited yesterday. "I believe she said to move out of her way."

Sofia scrambled behind the large man's leg, holding her weapon out in case anything got ugly. Bruce foolishly believed they could take the man, they did have the higher numbers, "And what are you going to do about it?"

The man gently nudged Sofia away and pulled a scythe off his back, "Do you want those to be your last words?" The man slammed the scythe into the ground and the earth started shaking under his power, the cabins were decimated and began to fall apart.

At the display of power, Bruce and his thugs all ran away in fear. The man looked at the destroyed camp and twirled his scythe counter-clockwise. To Sofia's amazement, all the buildings began repairing themselves; soon enough, you weren't even able to tell that the entire camp was nearly destroyed. Sofia looked up to the man in black armor, "Who are you?"

The many sheathed his scythe and slowly took off his helmet, revealing an identical pair of sea green eyes, "My name is Percy Jackson, and I'm guessing you're my little sister."

Percy looked up at the sky and saw storm clouds and thunder flying over them, "Looks like Dad found out about those kids that threatened you," Percy chuckled to himself, "Apollo is going to be busy."

Percy transformed his armor into his clothes and held his arms out, offering to pick up Sofia, "C'mon kiddo, let's get you inside. If you want, I'll help you get washed up and then, I have a few stories I could tell you before you get to bed." Sofia happily obliged and jumped into Percy's arms, happy to have an older brother who cared for her. Percy's heart melted as he carried her, he promised himself that he wouldn't allow anything or anyone to hurt her.

After Percy made sure Sofia was asleep, he left Zoë on guard outside the cabin and sneaked out. He transformed his clothes back into his armor and headed off towards the beach. Percy walked into the water and dissapeared, he had some buisiness on Olympus he needed to take care of.

The Next Day

Imagine Chiron's surprise when he went to wake Sofia up and found her already awake and dressed, Percy Jackson sitting happily on a bed as she showed off an outfit he had never seen before. "Wha- what?"

Percy turned towards the old centaur, "Hey Chiron, long time no see." Percy always liked Chiron, the wise trainer of heroes was a father figure to many demigods around camp. Chiron was absolutely confused, Percy Jackson, who had not been seen by anyone other than his father and occasionally The Hunt for over a century, just appeared in his old cabin, "What are you doing here?"

Percy looked at him as if it was the most obvious answer in the world, "I'm seeing my new baby sister, isn't that right Sofie?" Sofia nodded and started bouncing around, "Yeah! Look Chiron, Percy got me new clothes." She showed off her new olive green jacket, blue jeans, white t-shirt and pair of similarly green converse. Percy was wearing an exact replica of her outfit, minus the jacket.

"Well - yes, they're very nice Sofia. I'll see you two at breakfast." Chiron walked away, still hopelessly confused. Percy and Sofia walked outside and Percy let out a whistle, "Do you like dogs, Sofia?" Zoë sprinted to Percy's location at the sound of his whistle and Sofia started jumping around like Leo after eating skittles and fonzies - Percy recalled Leo calling the combination skonzies. "Woah! You have a wolf? Can I pet it? Is it a he or she? What's its name?"

Percy answered all of her questions and showed Sofia her favorite spots to be scratched; which was basically everywhere besides her legs. When they were done, Percy sent Zoë off to the forest, he doubted Chiron would appreciate him bringing a five foot tall wolf into the dining pavilion.

Percy arrived in the dining pavilion with Sofia in his arms and realized he was late, Chiron had already started reading announcements from his little notecard, "Children of Ares can expect less communication with their godly parent, he was injured last night in a greek fire incident."

Chiron set the card down and continued, "In other news, let's give a warm welcome to Perseus Jackson," Percy received a lot of applause as he made his way down to the Poseidon table. Chiron waited until the applause died down until he continued, "He will be staying here with his sister, Sofia Beech, until noted otherwise, please stay out of his way - I believe I speak for everyone when I say we don't want the entire camp destroyed by an earthquake." Chiron tried form the sentence in a joking matter, but it was about as far as a joke as you could get, he prayed the demigods got the hint.

Percy set Sofia down on the bench and sat down next to her, making sure to glare at any child of Ares who would meet his eyes as he sat. Percy shared with Sofia how to get the magical plates to summon blue food, claiming it would taste better. Percy spent the rest of the day with Sofia, going through all of her daily activities and laughing the whole time.

At the end of the day, before Sofia fell asleep, she asked him an oddly serious question, "Percy? Would you ever fight in the wars again?

Percy looked at Sofia's soft, innocent eyes and immediately knew his answer, "For you? Yes."

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