
Noah Takes Over

Noah's Point of View

We had reached the cabin in the woods to find that no one was there. Well, no one alive, that is. A dead male werewolf was on the floor with a silver dagger sticking out of his chest. He had been cut up well and truly, and it looked like another werewolf had used claws on him.

Based on the state of the body, he hadn't been lying here for too long, maybe two to four hours. His blood had congealed, but he was still warm when I put my hand on him. Viktor was not above killing his own men, it seemed. That just made me worry all the more. What would he do to our Luna if he didn't get whatever it was he wanted.

Suddenly Kristof yelled, "Aláine! We need to get back to the packhouse now! Aláine is in danger."

Enraged, he shifted into his Lycan form and returned to the vehicles. I followed suit, as did the others in our team. I was worried that in his current mental state, Kristof might set off any trap we hadn't found and defused, but luckily he didn't.

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