
Hunting Arboars

"So that's it? He only asked you for some food. That's interesting. What is the name of this god?" Marco asked curiously.

"He said his name is Nullus Deus," I replied.

Marco pondered over the name for a while. Pacing back and forth then said, "Never heard of this god, maybe just a new god or the unpopular one."

We met at the seaside at sundown. They brought some things with them fur blankets, three backpacks, utensils and pans, three machetes, and some clothes enough for us three.

Marco who was holding a rolled paper unfurled it passing it to me. I read the contents of the paper.


"Hunt Request

Hunt 1 Arboar for 1 blue ether stone.

Bring as many as you can. I will provide the cart that you will be using.

Find Chef Gustonk at Flambouyancy Restaurant"


"We will set off before the sun rises. Lorenzo do you want to hunt one or would you like to carry what we hunted to the one who requested? Whatever you choose, we will still share it equally." Marco asked.

"That would be unfair to you guys. I'll join the hunt." I replied.

"Then hunt it is. Alrighty, you guys let's rest. We have some hunting to do tomorrow. Let's hunt as many as we can." Marco instructed.

With our blankets set down on the sandy beach, I laid down to sleep. Sheen pulled out a book, with the title "Olympiad Physique" written on the cover. While Marco who was recently talking, had already fallen asleep.

I don't know how can he manage this feat. Now it'll get harder to sleep when this guy snores so loudly. Covering my ears won't even work.




"Wake up Lorenzo. Let's head out now." Sheen woke me up. "Man, you look like a mess."

Rubbing the dirt off my eyes I looked at them upset. "If Marco just toned down his snoring I'll be the one waking you to up."

"Nonsense, I slept soundlessly." Marco rebutted.

"Soundly thunderous? Yes." Sheen replied, to which I agreed with him.

Sheen like me also has weary eyes. We looked at Marco pointing right at our eyes.

"I have an idea. What if whenever you sleep starting from now we'll gag your mouth? That would be great for our health." I suggested.

"You guys are ganging up on me now? I can't take this utter disrespect to your seniors." Marco said as he started rolling his blanket and putting it inside his bag.

"How about this? You will pull the cart when we go to the forest, while me and Sheen go to sleep for a minute." I said.

"Fine, now let's go to Chef Gustonk and get that cart." Marco agreed.

"Nice! Yeah, also you didn't shake off the sand on your blanket." I added.

"Aargh! I forgot."

Marco pulled out the blanket, unfolds it, and shook it violently. We smirked at his antics while me and Sheen sat waiting for him, ready to go. The surrounding is still dark. We hurriedly set out as we want to finish this hunt before the day ends.




"Ze cart iz ready. Ze me awaitz your vounciful zeturn." Chef Gustonk said as he pointed at the cart.

"We thank you for this cart Chef. Don't worry we will do our best." Marco assured him as we lay down the cart. Marco pulled it as we traverse the road. He already knows where the gathering spot of this beast is.

I suggested we rent a donkey or something to pull our cart but Marco refused it. He said that we should train our bodies if we want to completely defeat our enemies. As he is our senior who "thinks thoroughly" of things, we can only agree.

As we rested, Marco pulled our cart following the road heading to the eastern side of Nonoria Forest. Two hours of resting later, I woke up from my slumber. I proposed to Marco that he also rest and I'll pull the cart myself, to which he agrees.

Pulling the cart was not tiring at all because it had wheels. The first to get tired were the legs though. The sun has already started to rise. 1 more kilometer and we will be at the spot Marco told me.

Sheen had also woken up. He kept on reading his books about that Olympiad whatnot. Marco on the other hand is sharpening his machete. He also brought some ropes that Chef Gustonk gave.

When crossing the road we encountered a lot of carriages and also a caravan of merchants. They brought different types of wares, weapons, and food. I asked about the food they have and I bought a smashed potato with cow's milk, this was a dessert of some type they said.

This food that I bought is what I plan on offering to Nullus. I also brought a second one and 3 pieces of bread which we ate as our breakfast.

After walking the long road, Marco stopped me in my tracks. Saying we have arrived at our destination.

He and Sheen prepared their things while I first did my offerings. Fortunately, because of this bell that Nullus gave me I don't need to place an ether stone to activate the Magic circle. We are currently in need of ether stone for cultivation so it's a blessing that I don't spend much of my share.

"Lorenzo, here is your machete and rope. We three will hunt these beasts one at a time. They are knee-high but don't underestimate them. They are fast ones. When you see that they are in groups we should not engage. It might be led by an alpha." Marco warned.

With that, we creep slowly so that we don't scare them off. The tall grasses helped us hide our presence. Then with a rustle, we saw an Arboar dragging a dead dear. This Arboar has spiky green fur, red eyes, and a sharp tusk.

Marco signaled to us. We head to each side while Marco stayed in front. When our position is ready Marco rushed in facing it directly. The eating Arboar was startled.

Thinking that Marco is here to steal his food the Arboar started snarling at him. Unfazed by the Arboar's reaction, Marco pulled out a rope. He spun it high in the air then whips the rope on its neck.


The rope wrapped around its neck holding its place. The Arboar was unable to run away. So Marco tugged the rope, tightening it on the Arboar's neck, and choking it. Without any option left, it ran directly towards him.


Its strong hind legs pushed its body like a cannonball dashing toward Marco. He already anticipated the Arboar's movement. He jumped high in the air, skillfully dodging that quick attack.

Marco holds the rope with his two hands apart from one another. When he started falling down as the Arboar jumped at him, meeting him with its jaws wide open. He dodges it mid-air. Using the rope, he again tied it to the Arboar's mouth. Utilizing his falling state, he sat on it making the Arboar bear his weight. It lost its balance falling flat on the ground restraining its movements.

"Now!" Marco shouted.

Because Marco and the Arboar were near Sheen's side, he was able to respond faster than me. With that Sheen stabbed the Arboar's head with his machete.

"Nice work." Marco commended. "Now Lorenzo tie its feet and hang it. Use this knife and stab its neck. Make sure you hit the heart as well."

I nodded and followed Marco's orders. I quickly did as I told stabbing its neck. When I stabbed its neck, blood gushes out of it. Sheen who is by my side came holding a gourd collecting the blood that's been pouring out.

"This can be sold too. They like to use this blood to make some medicine out of it." Sheen said.

After letting out all of its blood, we left it hanging to prevent other beasts from taking it.

We then continued our hunt. Marco let us experience how to be the first one to initiate the attack. When we failed or scared the Arboar off we assist each other to not let it run away. Slowly but surely we hunted the Arboars till we killed off 20 of them.

Marco then instructed me to get the cart inside the forest so that we can load our hunt. They stayed behind guarding our hunt from any stalking beast that might appear. I quickly traverse outside the forest. We surely left some signs so that we will not get lost.

When I reached the cart I pulled it inside the forest. The Arboars that we hung earlier are loaded inside the cart whenever I passed by. Although it will slow down my pace, at least when I reached them it will be the final load and we can then set off back to the town.

As I was nearing them loading the last hanged Arboar on the way, I heard Marco shout.



I heard something hitting a tree, making the tree rustle its leaves. Pulling the cart as hastily as possible, I ran in Marco and Sheen's direction.

When I reached their location, I saw Marco on a tree gasping his breath. Sheen on the other hand was fending off 3 Arboars.

Graaaaa! Graaaaa!

Looking at what's in front is a black beast with eyes burning in rage. This is a much bigger than normal Arboar.

Its nose was fuming while looking at us with rage. Those refined muscles, black spiky furs, the body size of a cow, and four tusks protruding out of its mouth tell you that this one is a different kind of beast. It was the Arboar's Alpha.

Cowboy Marco?

Key_Tocreators' thoughts
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