
Vicious Seduction

Leon slowly strolled towards the window to avoid Ella's chilly but agonizing gaze. He could read from her numerous expression that she was struggling hard to put up a good fight. He could tell that behind all the tough and fearless facade was the tender and loving girl he was crazy about.

Even though he was tempted to hold her and console her, her last statement kept prickling at his heart and judging him. It made him feel like a condemned criminal trying to act saintly.

He knew he had disappointed her by sleeping with Xia and he couldn't bring himself to look into her eyes with the burden of his guilt weighing him down.

'Why should I feel this way!' He thought critically. 'I gave her several opportunities to change her mind and get rid of that thing in her womb but she refused. Am I supposed to wait for her forever?'

Deep down, Leon wanted to badly blame Ella for pushing him to the wall and making him break their marital vows.

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