
V5 Chapter 70 Naughty Children

"Today's the day, no time for rain, let's all play under the stars today, it's time to join, our train of joy."

The bubbly humming purred from the throat of a bulky white wolf, wrapped in a blue ducky apron two sizes too small for him.

" Let's start with our names for toys."

Hector softly sang to himself as he washed the many empty milk bottles in the sink.

" Mister Hector."

The little brown bear stood on her hind legs, holding Hector's right leg to stay standing up.

" Yes, Rehaa?"

Hector glanced down at her as he finishes washing the last empty bottle and places it on the drying rack.

" You said that Little One would be playing with us. But you keep Little One in a separate room. Why? Is he still sad?"

The little bear asked with a little worry in her tone. Hector gently picks her up and cradles her in his arms.

" Unfortunately... Yes... Mrs. Emma and I thought that begin around friends would help him but since you all are young and can't truly control your emotional links. He ended up making everyone scream out for their parents. Which is why we have been keeping him in a separate room these past few weeks."

Hector softly explains the situation as he slowly carries her back to the playpen.

" We can control it this time! We have been practicing really hard. Let him play with us and we'll do our best to make him less sad."

Rehaa demands as she pulled the collar of Hector's shirt.

" Oh, no. You're not fooling me this time you little naughty!"

Hector chimed as he holds her up and rubs his forehead against hers.

" I have seen you sneaking into Little One's room. You started crying the moment you got near that door."

Hector smugly reminded her.

" So, what? I didn't cry for my mummy at that time. I didn't scream anything out. Also, something went into my eyes."

" Both eyes, at the same time?"

" Yeah! That happens! I don't see why Mrs. Emma and you are the only ones allowed in that room. It isn't fair! Shayna is like his big sister and and! You guys trust her! Yet why isn't she allowed in the room without you or Mrs. Emma?!"

" Because we can control ourselves."

Hector reminded her as he puts her back into the playpen with all the other toddlers.

" Please let us help! I can't stand to see my friend so sad."

She begged and when she did...

" Yeah! Come on! We can handle it!"

The little fox, Rufus added.

" It's true sir! We are more than capable to handle it."

The lion, Richard added as well as he stood to his feet. Sitting behind him was a slightly older deer that was looking very depressed.

"Looks like Shayna still isn't happy about us not finding Amon or Philomel and bringing Little One to them. "

Hector thought to himself as he stare at the little deer with the biggest pout on her lips and the biggest scowl on her face as she glared at Hector.

" Sorry guys but no can .... "

Hector trailed off as soon as he noticed something moving in the corner of his eye. He turned to look at the two black wolf pups sitting at the far end of the playpen. As soon as they noticed Hector looked at them, they started zooming around in a zig-zag between each other. To anyone else, it could easily be mistaken that there were three black little wolf pups playing with each other. But Hector knew better and had extremely sharp eyesight.

" One, two."

He counted in his mind.

" Hey! Weren't there 3 of you?!"

He exclaimed as he looks around the whole playpen. Each and every one of them avoid his gaze as he scanned the area. Making him realize that this wasn't an innocent plead to change his mind. Oh, no! It was a decoy plan! They were stalling for more time so that their little friend could make it back noticed!

" *Sighs* Not again..."

Hector sigh and he made his way to Little One's room.

" Sir! If I may!"

The lion cub chimed as he blocked Hector's way with a charming smile.

" No, Richard. You may not."

Hector sternly says as he goes around Richard. As Hector opened the door to Little One's room, he could hear the soft barks of the little pup.

" I see... Even Rufus's funny story can't cheer you up. *Sniffled* "

The small black pup, Blake whispered to Little One as he cuddles against Little One. Even though his voice wavered and broken, even though tears streamed from his eyes and he was doing his best not to break down screaming for his parents. That little pup stayed as close as he can to Little One, nuzzling and holding. Doing all he could to cheer the little baby up but all was in vain. Little One still continued staring out the window holding Amon's folded white shirt in his arms. Ignoring everything else as he wished and wished for one thing to happen.

Hector felt his heart sink at such a sight, he couldn't find it in himself to march in there and pull them apart. All he could do was stand there with the door slightly opened as he watched the little pup do all he can for his friend.

" Remember when I told you last week... That you had cried all your tears and how you screamed until you no longer have a voice. I said I'll give you my tears and help you cry all the saddens out of your heart, I'll give you my voice to scream out until Mr. Amon and Mrs. Philomel hears you and comes back for you. "

Blake asked as he lay down on Little One, his black body draped over Little One's shoulder like an extra blanket as Blake rested his cheek against Little One's cheek. Both of them stared out the window, watching the clouds drift by.

" I'm taking that back. I'm taking back my tears and my voice. I'm going to find Mr. Amon and Mrs. Philomel then I'm going to force them to come and take you back. I'll drag them all the way back here if I have to. I'm not sure how I'm going to drag two adults but I'm sure that if I drag one the other would follow!... Probably...? That's how marriage works right? They are tied together like magnets. Have one and the other would definitely come, sooner or later. "

The little pup questioned as he rubbed against Little One's cheek.

Hector " No."

A voice gently replies.

" Really? Are you sure? When did you get so wise about marriage? Also, when did you learn how to talk? "

The little pup bombarded Little One with questions as he turn to look down at Little One's face. His little black tail wagged furiously in anticipation, excited to see his friend talk.

" *Clears throat.*"

Hector loudly clears his throat behind Blake. Making the little pup finally turn around and noticed him. Blake's wagging tail came to a full stop as his little tongue disappeared into his mouth and his ears flattened upon his head. Blake with a lowered head slowly backs away from Hector, before turning and dashing off the bed.

" Oh no, you don't!"

Hector with a fast paw managed to grab Blake. Hector raise the little pup to his eyes level and gave him a stern stare.

" *Awkward laughing* Hi?"

Blake gave an awkward smile as he slowly wags his tail and places one of his little paws on Hector's nose. Hoping that would somehow win Hector over and not tell Emma since he was already on his last straw from visiting Little One and being caught for his third time.

Which was extremely good since he visited Little One 13 times already. But not as good as Rufus who was never caught. So far the track record of this daycare crime is Rufus successful 14 times, Blake successful 10 caught 3 times, Reeha successful 8 times caught 2 times, Blain successful 5 times, and Blaze successful 3 times. Since Hector and Emma always have a watchful eye on Shayna and Richard, both of them were normally caught before they could even try. While Kairu being the youngest of the whole group, was too young to even comprehend what sneaking is. Not to mention he was terrified of Little One.

Ah, the best way to raise smooth criminals.


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