
The fate of Riro and the final battle.

Long Yen was at a room running his fingers over a caricature wooden boat; the miniature boat has a Jolly Roger badge on it.

"Old times memory, huh!" As his mother walks in, Long Yen quickly jilted.

"I remember your brother building that and both of you would always tell me that one day you would sail together through our China."

"Mother, he is not my brother anymore!" Long Yen shouted.

"I know the pain of betrayal. It is our entire fault – Your father and I." she said as she started weeping.

"Come on mother, not now! You can't blame yourself for his betrayal, theft and negligence."

"Come let me tell you a secret; you remember the night your father returned with a great victory against his longest rivals – Turks pirates. That night he told me that during the celebration, he would ask your brother Soso, to be the head of this clan in your stead, since you were wasteful and careless.

On the D-day, he told Soso about it and Soso disagreed, but your father didn't want to take his no; so Soso decided to flee that night with his boat. When your father found out, he was heartbroken and fell ill. Those troops that we constantly sent to go and capture him was actually sent to bring him back to Pechihli, because Soso's departure now made you a changed person. And since you are now the head of our clan, Soso should return. The earliest troops met Soso who refused to return but subsequent troops never heard of him again. That dealt a fatal blow to your father and me. Thus on your father's death bed, he made me swear that I wouldn't let you know a word of it, because he was afraid that you would go in search of your brother yourself If you knew the truth. Thus he would then lose two of his sons. Seeing Soso again was a dream comes true, we have greatly hurt that boy a lot. And it is time to make it right.

"So mother, you kept this from me all these years? And Soso never told me even when he returned!" Long Yen said furiously.

"Soso left because you would hate him for stealing your father's love; but rather you still hated him for not stealing your fathers love."

"So mother, what do I do now?" Long Yen said as he rushed into the arms of his mother weeping, his mother consoled him with her eyes fixated on the wooden boat.


In the slumps of Qing dynasty was a lonely road on the left lane was an inn with a large inscription "Lu's Inn". The five elders entered the inn and sat at a table secluded, close to the restroom.

"Welcome! What do I get you?" the inn keeper asked; a young damsel with an angelic faces and voice wearing a blue dress.

"We want to eat, and we have no money." Ng Mui mumbled as she dropped some coins on the table, while the others pleaded.

The inn keeper stood speechless; she was brought back to reality by shouts from a man;

"Enough with your chit-chat with those beggars and get me my wine – would you?"

"Ok. I would be right back!" the inn keeper told the five beggars and hurried on.

After a while, the inn keeper returned with their foods and was about leaving when Ji Sin said;

"Please, we don't have anywhere to go; can we spend the night here? And tomorrow, we would be on our way."

"Hmm! Okay. But first thing tomorrow morning, you would be gone?"

"Yes, thanks – may the gods bless you …" as they continued the inn keeper left and sat at a central chair in the inn.

As the night wore on, the inn keeper customer's begin to leave and as the last was gone; the inn keeper walked up to the door and shut it. Bade the five beggars good night; the inn keeper was about climbing the staircase to her room, when the inn keeper heard a violent knock on her door.

"Who is there? I am closed for the day!" but the knock continued, the inn keeper reluctantly walked to the door;

"I said I am." the inn keeper was pushed to the ground by a group of armed soldiers.

"Oh, so sorry my princess!" their leader teased.

"What do you want? I am closed for the day!"

"What audacious rants from a freed slave girl! Hahaaha!" the leader jeered as he slapped the inn keeper sending her to the ground.

"If you must know, we have come to taste you and have you all night each one of us – huh!"

"Yeah!" the others echoed.

He pounced on her on the floor and a scuffle ensued, he tore her dress and the inn keeper was motionless fixing her gaze on the five beggars.

"Oh, you are ashamed because of these beggars. Don't worry; I would ease their passage to hell. Guards kill those beggars!" their leader instructed.

As the first soldier ran to behead the beggars, he was killed, then the host ran towards them and fight ensued with each soldier being killed, lastly their leader tried to escape through the door and was shot twice with an arrow by Ng Mui.

They gathered and hid the bodies in a room close to the restroom.

"My name is Lu Gin; and you are not beggars! I am sure of that." the inn keeper said.

"Yes we are not, but foreigners from the neighbouring villages." Fung Dou Pak said.

"Then you must leave this city. Ever since the capture of the dragon warrior; the emperor has decreed that any skillful foreigner should be arrested and killed." the inn keeper said as she stared on the faces of the five beggars, who were startled by her words.

"Is everything ok?"


"Are you people hiding anything else from me?"

The five beggars now revealed their true identity to the inn keeper.

"We are monks from Shaolin temple and friends of the dragon warrior." Bak Mei said.

"The destroyed Shaolin temple! How come you are still alive?"

"We escaped and we are here seeking the dragon warrior."

"I have a friend, who serves in the emperor's court, who is also a friend of the dragon warrior, I think she can help you with that!" the inn keeper said as she tries to leave.

"Thank you very much!" Miu Hin said touching her hand.

"No thank you for saving my life." With that she left.


After some hours of waiting, the five elders were growing impatient; as they all stood close to the entrance;

"I think she has betrayed us – huh!" Bak Mei said.

"I don't think so, she seems noble;" Ng Mui said as she peered through the window.

"Here she comes!" Ng Mui said as she saw Lu Gin with another damsel of her age walking towards them. Lu Gin and Bomra entered the inn;

"Hello, I am back! I left them here not too long ago." Lu Gin said.

"Are you sure of what you are saying?" Bomra inquired.

The five elders emerged from their hideouts behind both of them and as they turn around they saw the five elders. Bomra greeted the five elders and introduced herself. Then the five elders and Bomra quickly sat around a table and brainstormed all night on a plan while Lu Gin attended to them.


At the bed chambers of Emperor Za, Sao Loo was sitting on the bed wearing her makeup; when she heard a tap on the door.

"Who is there?"

"It's me!"

"Oh! Bomra – come in!"

Bomra walked into the room and stood close to the bed frame.

"You look gorgeous in this your new uniform – my friend!" Sao Loo said playfully.

"Yeah, better than the savage ones your husband gave me earlier – huh!"

"Oh come on girl! None of us wanted this to happen. You think I am happy being the 'chosen' mistress of the Emperor? I am actually not, in fact he disgusts me! If I have the strength of ten men, I would have slit his throat."

"Really! I thought you were in love." Bomra said as she comically falls on the bed.

"In love with that demon? I am just trying to survive that's all!"

"And this?" Bomra said as she tingle Sao Loo on the stomach and then all over her body.

"Oh stop! It just happened that's all." Sao Loo said as she falls on the bed, with both ladies laughing on the bed.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Bomra said. Sao Loo nodded and Bomra told her of the plan, she had with the five elders.

"You want me to smuggle Lu Gin out of our borders?" Sao Loo reasoned.

"But that is too dangerous. What if the Emperor finds out about it?"

"He won't. You are the only one I can trust and of course, the most influential woman in this dynasty right now; so are you going to help me?"

"But what if soldiers from Wong Su are too afraid to join in this?"

"Don't worry about that my friend."

Sao Loo thought for some minutes staring at Bomra uneasily and then said;

"Ok. I am in; if this is the part I would play in the unity of China."

"I would do that immediately. What of So Min?" Sao Loo inquired.

"I have told her what to do." Bomra said.

"We would be fine!" Bomra said as she sat closer to Sao Loo, holding her hands and then Sao Loo rested her hand on Bomra's shoulders.


At the borders of Qing dynasty was a great wall, barricaded by a single gate, the gate was great and was manned by soldiers. At night watch, Sao Loo and a damsel with a veil walked up to the gate;

"Good evening my queen!" a soldier said walking towards Sao Loo.

"Are you the Officer in charge?"

"Yes, my queen!"

"I want you to open the gate and allow my maid out. I want her to get me some bathing herbs outside our borders."

"But my queen, you should have told me, I would have sent one of my men to go get it for you. Hahaha! Anything for you my queen."

"That's very kind of you; I don't want to bother you or your boys with a woman's luxury." Sao Loo said as she smiled.

"Ok. If you insists, my queen; Hey you, the gates!" the gate keeper shouted.

The gate was opened and Sao Loo watched Lu Gin go out and then she thanked the gatekeeper and left.

Other soldiers ran up to the gatekeeper and one said,

"Why do you call her your queen? She is only a mistress of the Emperor."

"A mistress who is pregnant for the Emperor is already a queen. That's how you win favour before the time comes." The gate keeper laughed.

"Oh, you are so wise – my commander!"

"Silly boys, now to your post!" the gate keeper said as he knocked the head of the officers, who ran quickly to their various posts.


At Za's palace, Za Ming is seen seating on his throne, with Foon Za Wai standing beside him and Fo Shan Ga before them;

"Emperor Za, you sent for me?"

"Yes, I heard you wanted to see me urgently."

"Yes, my Emperor! It's about the dragon warrior." Fo Shan Ga said.

"What do you see?"

"I see fire burning and great danger; if we delay in his execution."

"So what do you suggest?"

"I suggest we execute him and his companions today at night falls!"

"That won't be possible. I would execute him in five days time with a great feast!" Za Ming said as he laughed.

"Just heed my warnings and do as I said to avert this great danger." Fo Shan Ga said as he bow and leaves.

"Now send for me Elite fighters from among the barbarians."

"What of fighters from Ching dynasty?" Foon Za Wai asked.

"No, don't worry; that will do."

"What about the prophecy?"

"No one can save them from their destined death!" Za laughed on, as Foon Za Wai leaves the room.


Riro and his companions are seen locked up in a cell in Qincheng prison; then they heard the blaring sound of a horn thrice. They quickly stood up and moved closer to the door. The gate keeper came along with Mai lang Wai accompanied by some soldiers.

"Your lucky day; The Emperor has redeployed me away from this prison, and has strictly warned me not to maim any one of you. But that doesn't stop me from giving you all a parting gift. Guards let some blood flow!" Mai Lang Wai shouted as he watched the soldiers wipe Riro and his companions with a shaved palm tree branch, with each wipe piercing their skin leaving behind prickles. Riro and his companions groaned in pain to the satisfaction of Mai Lang Wai.


The night before the day Riro and his companions were to be executed; Sao Loo is seen walking towards their cell accompanied by the five elders disguised as soldiers.

"Hey! Can I help you?" the gate keeper inquired.

"Yes, the Emperor sent me to instruct you, that these soldiers should join in guarding the dragon warrior."

"Oh! That's very kind of the Emperor."

"Can I see the prisoners?" Sao Loo asked. The gate keeper opened the cell, and allowed Sao Loo in while standing at the door.

"Alone!" Sao Loo shouted.

The gate keeper reluctantly locked the door and leaves. Sao Loo quickly peered through the face hole on the door and sat on the floor; facing Riro and his companions, she introduced herself and told them of the plan. After she was done, she knocked at the door and the gate keeper opened. She was about leaving, when the gate keeper said,

"Seeing the prisoners, I can allow because you are the mistress of the Emperor. But keeping my mouth shut comes with a price."

"Huh!" he laughs as he looked at his subordinates.

"Okay greedy pig!" Sao Loo said as she tossed a bag of gold towards the gate keeper and left.


Za Ming was in his bedroom, when Sao Loo entered;

"Oh, my princess comes to me!" he said with his hands wide open.

"No, I need to clean up, I stink. Please let me go to the bathroom and freshen up and I would be all yours." She said as she walked towards the bed, kissed Za and was walking away; when Za caught her hand and pulled her to the bed while pressing her buttocks.

"You know I love natural women!" Za said as he winked at Sao Loo, now on top of her. After sometime, he rolled over and both of them lied sideways facing each other.

"OK. You win!" Sao Loo said laughing in his arms.

"Where did you go to?"

"I was at the palace garden taking a stroll; you know the baby needs all the fragrance it can get?" Sao Loo said smiling.

"But I asked a guard in the palace and he said he saw you leaving the palace – hmm!" Za smells his hands.

"How come your dress is ruined by soot? And this soot stinks like that from the prison." Za said trying to fix the puzzle together in his head.

Then Sao Loo leapt from the bed and pulled a hand knife,

"You think I am not fed up with you and your heinous existence – come close and I will slit your throat!"

"Whore and a traitor!" with that Za Ming hit her on the neck and she fell down dead, with blood gushing from her mouth. Za Ming was still in shock, when Foon entered;

"Emperor Za! The prison has been breached and there are combined troops from Wong Su and Pechihli trying to breach our walls."

"Then, send men with troops to these fronts; you and Tang should lead your troops to the walls, Lin Su and Mai should lead other troops to the prison yard and the last troop should join the palace guards in securing the palace. Now go!" With haste Foon Za Wai left, while Za Ming walked straight to his armour room.


At Qincheng prison, there was chaos, with every prison cell unlocked, prisoners going head to head with warders and warders trying to suppress the prisoner; with many prisoners being killed while some warder were also killed. Riro and his companions led a group of prisoners in fighting the warders and finding their way out of the prison. With Bak Mei in front in a duel with the gate keeper, when Mai Lang Wai entered with his troops, Bak Mei was engrossed with the duel, then Mai brushed him aside sending him to the floor. Mai was about thrusting him through with his sword when Lee Wong intercepted, with the resulting sword impaling Lee and he fell to the ground. Bak Mei quickly got up and he and Mai were locked in a hand to hand combat; after the duel lasted for some time, Bak Mei eventually strangled Mai with a rope. And he joined Riro and the others in fighting their way out.


Bomra was at the entrance of the prison, looking frantically in all directions, when she heard footsteps which became louder and louder. Then she saw a figure emerging from a corridor in the prison,

"Riro is that you?" Bomra asked as she strains her eyes.

"No, it's me – Soso! A friend of Riro, he will soon be her – e!" his voice fades as he fell to the ground unconscious and standing before Bomra was Lin Su.

"Surprised to see me? Don't worry your heart, lover boy is already dead. And I am here to ease your passage to him." Lin Su said as she locks her fingers together, and pushed it out with her knuckles giving out a sound.

"OK, bring it on bitch!" Bomra said as she took a stance. Lin Su ran towards Bomra and they both locked their hands on each other's shoulders and Lin Su quickly lowered Bomra's face and gave her a jab on the head with her bent knee, sending Bomra to the ground. Bomra quickly got up and both ladies were in a duel for a long time when Bomra eventually succumbed and fell to the ground bleeding seriously. Bomra crawled away from Lin Su to a corner; and Lin Su stood in front of her,

"Is that all you got pretty bitch? Then it's time to die!" Lin Su said as she pulled a knife from her hip belt. As she was about striking Bomra with it, Bomra closed her eyes and heard a sound, when she opened her eyes; she saw Lin Su impaled by a sword and as Lin Su fell to the ground behind her was Soso.

"I said Riro will soon be here! I guess you didn't hear the last part!" at that instant Riro and his companions with some prisoners emerged and then Riro ran to Bomra and kissed her passionately.

"Hey, lover boy, enough, we are waiting!" Egret Chan said.

"OK! Shifu Ng Mui and Ji Sin join the troops at the borders while the others follow me to the palace." With that they all ran out from Qincheng prison.


The wall at the borders of Qing dynasty, was breached, and soldiers from Wong Su and Pechihli charged into the city, where they were met by the waiting Za Ming's invincible troops. A great battle ensued, with both troops clasping their swords and killing each other. Then Fo saw Foon Za Wai and shouted;

"Foon, today you must die!" as he charged towards Foon with his sword.

Foon Za Wai waited and then uses his long spear, thrust him through and retrieved it. Immediately two soldiers from Wong Su charged towards him, with a single swing of his spear, they fell to the ground.

"Female soldiers – huh! I want to hear your scream!" Foon said as he raised his spear to strike them. Ji Sin quickly intervened;

"Why not pick a man of your own size instead!"

"OK! After I kill you, they will cry at your death!" Foon said as he rushed at Ji Sin with his spear. Ji Sin broke the spear with a single strike and they both started a hand to hand combat. Foon was swift and fierce but was countered with aplomb by Ji Sin using his Wing Chun Kung fu. The duel lasted for a long time, then Ji Sin used the dragon style to break Foon's leg, with Foon crawling away in pain, Ji Sin somersaulted and landed at Foon's back and broke his neck.


Tang Wai was in a duel with five soldiers, with his huge metal club, he smashed them to death, and then he charged towards a single soldier retreating for fear; the soldier lost balance and fell to the ground. With no helmet, the soldier tries to crawl away; Tang Wai pulled the soldier to himself on the leg.

"Oh! A pretty one," he said as he skimmed his hand around the soldiers face. Then he reached for the soldier's breast, and tries to remove the clothes,

"Enough! barbarians filthy as hell, hmm!" Ng Mui shouted.

"Oh, another! Don't worry I would be gentle on both of you." Tang said salivating.

Ng Mui charged towards Tang with her twin blade, and Tang Wai reciprocated with his metal club. They both fought, with Ng Mui cutting his head off and placing it next to the female soldier before she left.


Riro walked into the palace and found Za Ming facing the rising sun with his back against Riro;

"You know there is no right or wrong – and also no true dragon warrior or an imposter – it's just perception. Any one of us that make it out of that door, will be the choice of the people." With that Za Ming swiftly turns.

"I have come to put an end to your insanity!"

"Hahaha! See!" Za Ming points to a pool filled with oil.

"There I would burn your body after I kill you!" with that he charged towards Riro with his sword.


Shifu Wu walks into a temple in the palace, and finds Fo Shan Ga kneeling down praying.

"It's all over! It's time to pay for your betrayal to China and our lineage!" Wu shouted.

"Wait, not so fast. You really think you can make it out here alive?" Fo Shan Ga said as he rose up and quickly threw an incense stick at Wu. Then they both started a combat. With both men engaged with their staffs, after sometime they both lost their staffs and engaged in a hand to hand combat. And Wu was stabbed by Fo Shan Ga mysteriously and then Wu furiously threw Fo Shan Ga towards a statue in the temple. Fo Shan Ga landed with his head at a sharp point, it broke his skull and he lay dead in the temple.


Riro and Za was locked in a hand to hand combat with Za almost invincible to Riro's eyes as he dealt spontaneous blows on Riro sending him to the ground on several occasions. The last causing Riro to remain on the floor with blood gushing out from his mouth; He remembered Shifu Wu's lesson on fast opponent and then he stood up with the ancient Tai Chi stance and practiced inner peace. Then each of Za Ming's move was countered;

"What style is that?"

"Spiritual Kung fu!"

"Invincible Kung fu? Well that won't prevent you from dying." Za said as he rushed towards Riro who sent him to the floor with his wonder paw. Riro was about to strike the final blow, with Za Ming begging on the floor, when he remembered his mothers word that all deserved a second chance. Then, he reached for the hands of Za Ming, who quickly pulled a short dagger and stabbed Riro on the side severally; sending Riro to the floor.

Za Ming took a lamp and ignited the pool, then picked his sword and walked towards Riro.

"Now die in hell!" with that he tries to thrust Riro through, Riro clasped the blade in between his palms, with Za exerting more force, hence blood flowing from Riro's palm, without thinking Riro swung his right leg and it hit Za Ming on the head, sending him into the fire with Za shouting in pain and anguish as the flames consumed him.

Riro quickly ran out of the building as it was soon engulfed by flames. Outside, Riro was met with cheers by troops from Wong Su and Pechihli while opposition troops surrendered and bowed to Riro; With Bomra running into his arms and hugging him tightly.


After the burial of Lee Wong, Sao Loo and Fo Ping, Long and Soso Yen along with their troops journeyed back to Pechihli bay, where Zen Tai would face judgment. Then the five elders parted ways, most notable was Ji Sin, who built a new Shaolin temple in China.

So Min and Lu Gin married Donnie and Egret Chan respectively; also Riro tied the knot with Bomra and months later she became pregnant.

With Riro being the dragon warrior, he became the sole ruler of the barbarian's camp, pirates in Pechihli bay, Wong Su and Qing dynasties. And China was united again. He reverted to the old rule for selecting the dragon warrior; hence the dragon warrior could be me, you or anyone in China.


At Ching dynasty, a barbarian was being led to the palace of Ching Shin by soldiers, then they got to a room separated by a veil, behind the veil was Ching Shin,

"Lord Shin!" the soldier bowed with the barbarian and he then pushed the barbarian forward.

"Lord Ching Shin! Emperor Za Ming has fallen before the dragon warrior." The barbarian said,

"Enough!" the barbarian was trembling as the voice sounded monstrous.

"Soon the whole of China would bow to a new conqueror! Hahahaha!!!" the voice sounded with the barbarian and the soldier stopping their ears.