
A new land

A portal opened up in the sky and Kia fell from it. "Ouch!!!" she yelled as she landed on the ground with a loud thud. She stood up and dusted off the dirt and grass on her body. She looked around discovering that she was in a forest and it was the afternoon, she fell from the sky which she knew from her fall, at least she didn't fall with her face flat she thought, suddenly she heard something fly above her.

A bird, a giant one at that, it looked like an eagle and there was a rider on it. She had never seen something so beautiful and magnificent, it looked like the ones in her fantasy movies but she had no more time to think of it as it might be her only way out so she called and yelled at it.

"HEY!!!!!! Hello!!!!! look down here!!!!!" she yelled at the bird but there was no sign of stopping so she carried out her plan B, running after it.

It was dumb, very dumb she thought. Her skinny legs couldn't match the strength of the bird's wings, not to talk of the speed of the eagle and the rider was a very experienced rider but she had no choice, she ran and called as fast as she could but the rider or bird didn't stop, still she didn't give up even though her legs were given in already, she still tried but alas! she yelled and stumbled on a stone and fell down the small rocky valley, she fell pains all over her body and then she realized that she sprained her ankle, her foot was stuck between two huge rocks and it was twisted between them. Her hat was missing from her head and her bun was now loose, leaving her brunette hair falling over her face.

"OUCH!!!!!" she yelled as she tries to remove her foot from the stones, but it was really stuck, she couldn't yell since she was really thirsty and tired. The forest looked empty in a creepy way and without anyone tell her, there was no one in the forest who could help her, tired and frustrated, she started crying wondering why she can here in the first place, she wasn't looking for something and even though she was, she wasn't worth it. As she continues to cry, she felt a movement on her leg like someone had moved, she looked up thinking someone might be there, but found no one then she looked at her foot and found out that the stones had moved, 'wait what!! but no one has been here to remove them and even though someone was here, the person won't remove them alone since they were boulders' she thought to herself. She tried to stand up but fell backwards, but just when she thought she'll fall and break her back on the stones, she instead fell on the grassy floor.

" Hey watch it here missy!!!!!! someone trying to sleep down here!!!!!" an angry male voice yelled at her. She looked down at what yelled at her but all she saw were rocks. Okay, she was absolutely confused right now, first of all, the moving rocks, and now angry talking from rocks again, it could only be one thing but she refused to listen, so she decided to kick one of the rocks to clear her doubts and well... it did.

"Hey!! don't you listen??!!!" the angry voice asked. Kia was shocked and widened her eyes in fear.

"You....you t.. talking??"

"No, I sing" the voice answered rudely.

Kia went ahead and kicked the rock again

"I hope you yell too" she snapped back rudely to the rock as she continued to kick the rock.

"ouch! ouch!! OUCH!!! stop it! do you know who I am?!! " it asked her.

" yeah I know who you are!! an ugly old rock!"

Before Kia know it, the rock transformed into a troll, a short one with small feet and hands and large bat ears and a mouth with fangs facing upwards, it had big brown eyes which were angry and a small button nose. It was looking at Kia with disgust but Kia wasn't affected by it, she was really used to such look and just stared back at the troll.

"Who are you and what are you doing here"

"oh! ummm...well, I new here and I'm lost" she partly lied

"really?..." he looked at her skeptical.

"yeah," she answered.

" so what's the name of the school?"

Kia eyes widened, she didn't think of that when she lied,

"I mean, even though you new here at least you should knew the school name shouldn't you?"

"Ah..yes you're right.." she said, she decided to come clean but before that could happen, more trolls began to form from other rocks around them,

"Harry!! you better leave that young lass alone" the female voice said behind Kia, she turned to see the troll woman behind her, she was frowning at the male troll, she then turned to Kia and smiled. Kia smiled back not knowing why.

"Sorry about Harry dear, he can be such a trouble at times. I am Tito, what's your name?"


All the trolls grasped. Kia was confused

"You...you are her, you are her!!!, everyone, the savior is her. She has been reborn just like the prophecy said" Tito yelled to the others.

" Wait, what?! what are you talking about?!"

"You are Kia, the reborn savior Mora'ne, and the heiress to the crimson fire, the most powerful magic ever, you're here to save us "Tito said

"No I'm not here to save anyone, I am here because of my late grandma, I fell from the sky, I wasn't reborn..." Kia answered while frowning

"Exactly, the savior will fall from the skies,so the prophecy said"Tito added

"This is poppy-clock!!!, lies I say lies!!!!!!," Harry said angrily, he looked at Kia and continued"How can this one be the heiress to the most powerful soceress?! I don't scent her powers meaning she doesn't even know what magic, and I'm sure of it!!"he spat at Kia.

"Don't you dare insult the heiress again" Tito spat back at Harry and then a fight began, some were taking sides, Kia could only look at the small people as they battered about what she didn't know. As they continued, a shadow of a bird casted upon her and she gazed up just to see the bird she was chasing before. It flew down to the ground and as the bird settled it's self on the ground, the rider came down towards Kia, the fight stopped and silence followed. The rider looked at Kia skeptical with her golden eyes and said.

"Kia Anderson?!"


"Come with me."

"okay" and Kia followed, she mounted on the giant bird with the rider in front and off they flew into the blue skies.

please let me know about your thoughts on this book,I really need your opinions, so that I can have the strength to continue.

Chioma_Emmanuel_63creators' thoughts
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