
Chapter 233 - The Slime King(Part 11)

Point-of-View: Izzozon


"Okay...that should do it. I've healed all his injuries and regenerated all the parts he lost, as well as replenishing enough blood to maintain functionality and keep him alive. Unbelievable...even if he does have a Contract with Demon, is that really enough to keep him alive after sustaining that much damage?" She mused in fascination, before standing back up with a grunt as she placed her hands on her back and arched the middle of her body forward, "Ow, my back...shouldn't have stayed squatting in the same position for so long. Alright, I'm done, he's all healed up. It'll probably be at least a few hours before he regains consciousness, but-...woah!"

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" I cried as I pulled her into a tight hug, feeling immensely relieved. 

"U-uh, hey...cut it out, this is-...," She began as she tried to wriggle out of my grasp. 

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