
Chapter 132 - I Told You So

"That's...that's everything that happened. I-if it wasn't for them, I would be dead right now. It should've been me...," I trailed off as I made my voice crack, clenching my fists with a rueful, frustrated look on my face, my shoulders trembling. 

Man, if only I could cry on command, that'd really sell this performance. 

"Y-yeah...if they, um, hadn't protected us, um...they might have survived...," Added Ilex quietly.

He's somewhat recovered from the shock of what happened down there, and he's back to his usual self, at least to some extent. Everyone else in the Guild is shocked as fuck though, most of them reeling in disbelief and denial. 

"N-no, this can't be...they can't be dead!" 

"I refuse to accept it, there's just no way it's possible!" 

"Damn it...you two, this is all your fau-...!"

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