

It has been a couple of years since I started watching Harry, he and Dudley are both 8 years old and Dudley has started to bully Harry. Harry being the weak boy he is can't defend himself, so tonight I will sneak into Dudley's room and terrify him.

Later that night.

"Goodnight mom," Dudley says as his mom tucks him in.

"She leaves and closes the door."

After about 15 minutes I decided it's time.

I am standing in a dark corner of his room, I start to breathe louder so he can hear me.

He jumps up and looks my way, he stares at me for a second then I disappear.

"MO-" before he could scream I used Silencio charm and Petrificus Totalus, which made it so he can't speak or move.

(I had a dream one where I was looking at myself from a third-person perspective and something was watching me. It terrified me.)

I walk close to him and I can see he is sweating a lot.

I started to speak to the boy making sure to scare him with my voice.

(this sucks.)

"Little child, tucked safely in your warm bed."

"So scared."

"I see you cowering away, with every noise you hear."

"What was that?" I ask as I used a spell to open his closet door.

"Was it the vent creaking open or your closet door slightly Ajar?"

"Or maybe it came from under your bed." I say disappearing from his line of sight then grabbing his arm.

"If you keep messing with Harry You will be victimized, You will be in pain, You will Die."

"You are not the first and you will not be the last. I am Eternal."

"You know, I was watching from the shadows as your parents tucked you in."

"So sweet."

"All the while I was reveling in how glorious it is that they will never see you again."

"You will be torn from your safe warm bed and tossed into an icy H*ll from which I came."

"A Place where all light is absent, a place where love and compassion have been replaced with pain and suffering."

"If you ever bully Harry again, I will Haunt you and Kill you very slowly." I say as I slowly start back into his closet until I am all the the way inside I slam the door and remove the spells that I put on him.

I hear him breathing heavily I can also smell that he has wetted his bed, foolish boy.

(Year 1991)

Over the years Harry has started to grow up, more and more he has started to notice me, never scared just curious. I have started to show my self more and more to him so that when the day comes he will not fear me. I have already contacted Albus about me teaching at Hogwarts, I will teaching Ghoul studies for years 4th and under and I will be teaching Magical creature survival for 5th and up.

Harry has started to get his letters but of course, they won't let him read them. Dudley ever since that night has not bothered Harry, but his Aunt and Uncle are a different story.

(July 31rst.)

Somewhere in the middle of nowhere in a lighthouse in the middle of a massive thunderstorm. Harry can be seen making a birthday cake out of the dirt on the ground.

"Make a wish Harry." he says to himself.

Then he blows out the dirt candles.

Then all of a sudden.




Harry's aunt and Uncle start to walk downstairs Vernon has a shotgun in his hand.


This time the door falls down and all anyone can see a giant black monster with glowing silver eyes, illuminated by the lightning strikes.

"Who's there?" Vernon asks sounding like a child.

Goliath POV.

I break the door down and start to walk inside, Dudley sees me and faints.

"I'll shoot you," Vernon says.

I look at him and smile showing all my teeth.

"Do it," I say in my sinister voice.


The shrapnel falls to the ground no injuries to me.

"I-I know you." I hear Harry say.

"Y-Your the statue that us outside of our house." Harry says.

I nod my head.

I snap my fingers, a box and a Letter pops out of nowhere.

"Happy Birthday Harry." I say trying not seem scary.

"T-Thank you."

He grabs them and opens the letter first.

"U-Um who are you?" he asks while trying to open the letter.

"Harry, I was a friend of your mother's when she passed away she asked me to protect you. My name is Goliath." As soon as I mentioned his mom he stopped moving.

"M-My mom was friends with you?" he asked.

"That she was, when she went to Hogwarts she was the only student to ever come and talk with me. Even though I never talked back every day she would find time to chat with me." I tell him.

"What is Hogwarts?"

"Hogwarts is a school where strong Professors teach young wizards like yourself how to use magic."

"I-I'm not a Wizard, I'm Harry just Harry."

"Harry you are from a long line of strong wizards your mom and your dad were Wizards and we're taught at Hogwarts." I say.

"I will tell you more about it on our way to Diagon Alley," I say starting to walk out of the door.

"You will not be going." I hear Vernon say.

"Oh yeah? Who's gonna stop him, old man?" I say glaring at him.

I turn around and look at Harry.

"Unless you want to stay of course?" he quickly nods his head and follows me.

To be continued.



Hope ye enjoyed.

Once they get to Hogwarts the story won't feel as rushed.

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