
The Raging Spider Monkeys

Blocking their path was a rusty old metal door.

“What’s kind of stupid trial is this.” Muna said angrily as she looked at the metal door.

The spider monkey creatures were not so far behind, so without wasting any more time, they began to slam the door, in hope that it would open.

After a few unsuccessful attempts, Kelvin thought to himself:

‘For an old rusty door, this thing is surprisingly strong; and if I don’t do something now, we are definitely going to get killed by those creatures. Wait, I do I have to over thinking this; desperate times, call for desperate measures.’

With that thought in his mind, Kelvin came up to the metal door, and without holding back, he punched the old metal door, right off its hinges.

Jason and Muna both looked at him in shock.

“You could have just punched the door from the start” Muna said.

“There’s no time for unnecessary remarks, let’s just keep on going.” Kelvin replied.

‘He punched down the door; he also beat me in the strength test. Just how strong is he?’ Jason thought as he looked at Kelvin suspiciously.

On the other side of the door was a mine railway with a large mine cart, also due to the delay with the door, the spider monkeys were now closing in on them.

“If I’m correct, this mine railway track should be connected to the other path the compass showed us earlier.” Muna said.

“Then why the hell are we still standing and talking when we should be riding the damn cart.” Jason said as he entered the mine cart.

Kelvin and Muna joined him in the cart, and without hesitating, they pulled down the liver that was used to disengage the break mechanism of the mine cart.

They expected the mine cart to move, but unfortunately it didn’t. Apparently, the mine cart’s train like wheel, was rusted and it wouldn’t bulge an inch on the railway track. To make matters worse, the spider monkeys were just a few distance behind them.

“I really hate this type of stupid shit?!” Jason said, with a mixture of anger and frustration. They quickly got down the mine cart.

“I’ll work on the wheels and see if I can get it moving; you guys should hold off the spider monkey creatures till then.” Muna said, as she got to work on the mine cart wheels.

Kelvin and Jason got into a battle stance, ready to fight the mutant creatures.

“I officially hate this stupid trial.” Jason said, as he slashed down at the first spider monkey that tried to attack them. Kelvin couldn’t agree more; at least that’s one thing they both agree on.

Kelvin and Jason began a head to head battle with the spider monkey creatures, killing off as many as they could. Kelvin’s sword combat had improved a little bit thanks to their training classes, and so because of that, he was able to successfully kill some of the spider monkeys while sustaining little injuries.

He would slash his sword at the spider monkeys, cutting their heads clean. Jason on the other hand, was actually really good with his spear.

Jason would impale some of the spider monkeys, while also doing a 360 degree turn, slicing other spider monkeys in half.

“Hey Muna, can you hurry up; it’s like this creatures just keep multiplying.” Kelvin said, piercing a spider monkey through the head.

“I’m almost done; just give me a minute.” Muna replied, as she used one of her short swords to scrap off the rusted edges of the cart wheel.

“I don’t think we have a minute girl!!” Jason added with anger written all over his face.

Kelvin and Jason continued to fight off the spider monkeys for a minute, before Muna gave them a sort of good news.

“Okay guys hop on; I think the cart is ready to move.”

Without a second to spare, Kelvin and Jason entered the cart, and just like before, they pulled down the lever. Almost instantly, the mine cart began to speed down the railway track, while making some funny rusty noise.

The wild troop of spider monkey ran after them, and this time, they were delivering a series of long ranged attacks, by spitting out sticky web balls from their mouths.

“These creatures are still hot on our tail!” Kelvin said, looking at the raging spider monkeys.

“And they are now spitting webs!” Jason added.

“I’ll use the compass and map and try to stir us in the right direction. You guys should focus on slowing down the advance of the spider monkeys.” Muna said.

“Hey, I’m still the team head, so I give the orders.” Jason said angrily.

“Dude, can you just shut up with your arrogant remarks! I agree with her plan so let’s focus on that.” Kelvin said to Jason.

Jason on the other hand, glared at Kelvin for a while before looking away.

The spider monkeys increased their pace until they were quite close to the mine cart. So because of that, Kelvin got up and using his sword, he attacked the spider monkeys vigorously. It was quite hard to stand on speeding mine cart, so Kelvin had to fight, while holding on to prevent falling over. After a while, Jason joined in, attacking with his spear.

The spider monkeys noticed the teamed attack of the two and began to change their attack pattern.

The spider monkeys divided into two groups; and each of this group ran to both sides of the mine cart, and began to slam it hard, trying to tip the cart over. Some of the spider monkeys that were running up the walls, tried to jump into the cart.

“Umm guys, we are in some serious shit right now. I think these creatures have intelligence.” Kelvin said, as he sliced off the head of a spider monkey that attempted to jump into the mine cart.

“We can see that!! And this isn’t helping; we need something to shake off the damn creatures once and for all.” Jason said, while trying to stab the spider monkeys at the side of the cart.

“Shake off… Wait, I almost forgot I have a grenade!!” Muna said, searching through the mini container.

Once Kelvin and Jason heard her statement, they instantly turned and looked at her with wide eyes.

“So, you are telling me that all this time, you had a grenade and we’ve been fighting, putting our lives on the line?!!” Jason asked angrily.

“Yeah, I’m sorry.” Muna replied, chuckling awkwardly.

“Where did you even get a grenade from?” Kelvin asked.

“I got it from the trading village; There was this mercenary who was selling some weapons and explosives, so I traded one of my stuffs for the grenade.” Muna answered, as she pulled out the grenade.

“But I only traded for one grenade.”

“That should be more than enough.” Jason said, as he snatched the grenade.

“It’s time to die, stupid monkeys!!!” Jason shouted as he pulled the grenade pin and threw the grenade in the direction of the raging spider monkey troop.

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