

There was a brief silence after Cassian had made his report.

"Are you sure of what you just said?"

Lucius asked with a serious look on his face.

"According to what my student said, it appears that the arch demon has possessed a boy named Kelvin Peterson and it seems he hasn't gone through an awakening yet."

Cassian said. Lucius was in a deep thought. He turned away from Cassian and said

"This is a very serious matter, and I'm sure you know there would be consequences if your information turns out to be false."

"Of course sir, I would take full responsibility." Cassian said.

"Very well then I will leave you in charge of this mission. Gather a few demon hunters, find the location of the boy, capture him and bring him back to base. And also, I would appreciate it if you go easy. I don't want any human casualties."

"Yes sir." Cassian said as he left

Meanwhile Kelvin was back at home, enjoying a nice dinner with his parents.

"So tell me Kelvin, how was school today?" Kelvin's mum asked.

"It was okay, nothing out of the ordinary happened." Kelvin said.

"Well, your mother and I were thinking of getting you a math tutor. What do you think?"

"But dad I don't need a math tutor." Kelvin said to his father.

"Am sorry but until your math grades take a turn for the better, you're getting a tutor." His dad said.

"Your father is right dear, you'll soon be graduating and you're going to need enough credit to graduate. So I think this is for the best. And Kelvin I've been meaning to ask you this since you came back from school, how did you get such an awful scar?" Kelvin's mum asked.

"It's from yesterday's accident. No need to worry yourself over it, mum." Kelvin replied.

"Does it hurt?" "No mum, I'm fine."

Kelvin assured his mum, and the rest of the dinner went by quietly. Just as they were rounding up the table and preparing to head to their rooms, they heard a loud knock on the door.

"Who could it be at this hour?" Kelvin's mother asked in a troubled tone.

"Don't worry I'll check it out."

Alan, Kelvin's father said as he went to the door and opened it. Standing in front of the door was a man who was obscured by shadows. Stepping into the light; the man revealed himself to be Cassian.

"Who are you and how may I help you?"

"You must be Kelvin's father. So please tell me, is he home?" Cassian asked.

"What do you want with him?"

Alan asked, looking at Cassian suspiciously.

"I have been ordered to bring him back with me. And I wouldn't like to result to violence, so please can I see him."

Alan made an attempt to close the door immediately Cassian said that, but before he could, Cassian grabbed hold of the door and forced it open. Cassian came into the house and following him, were ten more people all wearing the same uniform and carrying stun guns, they immediately surrounded Kelvin.

"What is the meaning of this!!? Who are you people!?"

Kelvin's mum asked standing between Kelvin and the demon hunters.

"Restrain her."

Cassian ordered one of the demon hunters. Before the demon hunter could restrain her, Alan rushed over and punched him on the face. He grabbed one of the dining chairs and brought it down on the head of another demon hunter. Some of the demon hunters rushed over immediately and started shooting him with the stun guns. Seeing this Nathalie, Kelvin's mum picked up a vase and smashed it on a demon hunters head, breaking the vase. The demon hunter turned and smacked Nathalie on the head with the butt of his stun gun, knocking her out cold. Alan saw the state of his wife and was angry, despite been stunned multiple times, he grabbed the demon hunter responsible and smashed his head into the window shattering it to a million pieces. Kelvin rushed over to help his dad but before he could his father said

"Kelvin get out of here!!! Rush to the police station and get help, I'll hold them off."

Kelvin was hesitant. He didn't want to leave his parents in the hands of these strangers.

"Go Kelvin!!"

Alan shouted. Kelvin didn't have any choice but to listen to his father, but as he turned to leave, he saw Cassian in front of him with a sword in hand.

"I can't allow you to do that."

Cassian said as he wacked Kelvin with the hilt of his sword. Kelvin fell to the ground; he looked up to see the demon hunters restraining his father, to the side not far away from him, his mum was lying still on the ground and turning back, Cassian was behind him tying him up. Fear was swelling up inside him; he was conflicted with negative emotions of shock and confusion. 'Who are these people? What do they want with us? Are they going to kill us?' Those were the only thoughts going through Kelvin's mind. He was panicking with fear and anxiety and in that instant Kelvin began to feel a sharp pain rising up in his body. It initially started from his chest and gradually spread throughout his entire body. Kelvin started screaming and shaking uncontrollably on the ground as blood dripped from his ears and nose and at that moment he released a huge bust of dark energy from his body, that shattered all the windows and blasted everyone away both the demon hunters and his parents. The pain was unbearable and Kelvin felt like his head was going to split in two, so using his full strength he tore of the rope used to bind him, and going on a kneeling position, he closed his eyes and grabbed his head. The pain would have been a bit bearable for Kelvin, if it wasn't for the fact that kept on hearing a deep dark laughter in his head. Kelvin continued screaming even as his body began radiating with a huge amount of dark energy.

"What the hell's happening to me? My body is burning with pain and my head feels like it's going to burst open at any moment." Kelvin thought.

Gradually the scar on his left eye began to glow red, red veins began to appear on the white of his left eye, and eventually his pupil started glowing blood red. Immediately after that, the demon hunter closest to Kelvin exploded from the inside out, filling the entire area with blood and guts. The same thing happened to another demon hunter as he too exploded from the inside out. Cassian stared in terror as his fellow demon hunters exploded one after the other. Regaining a bit of his composure he shouted to the remaining demon hunters

"Forget our orders, he is awakening. We have to kill that thing!!"

Some of the demon hunter drew out their weapons, while some brought out guns. The ones with weapons dashed forward in an attempt to kill Kelvin, but before they could reach him, they exploded filling the living room with more blood. The other demon hunters who brought out there guns, including Cassian started firing rapidly at Kelvin. Kelvin, unaware of his surroundings and all that is happening around him, continued to scream in pain as bullet after bullet pierced his body. Despite all the attempts made by the demon hunters, Kelvin was still alive and the attack on the demon hunters didn't stop. The demon hunters continued to explode one after the other, living nothing but blood and guts.

"Shit!! We can't kill that monster; we have to get out of….."

One of the demon hunters tried to say but before he could complete his sentence, he exploded. Others tried running away but they also exploded. Cassian watched in terror as his comrades died one after the other and not long after that, he too exploded. Alan rushed over to his wife as she slowly regained consciousness.

"What's happening why are you covered in blood? Are those people still here?" she asked.

"Nathalie we have to get out of here, its Kelvin. He…."

Before Alan could complete his sentence he exploded right in front of his wife. Nathalie screamed as she looked at the remains of her husband. She turned her head and scanned her surroundings. She screamed even more as she saw the carnage in front of her. In the middle of all the carnage was Kelvin and he was clearly in a lot of pain. Nathalie rushed over to Kelvin's side and hugged him before shouting

"Kelvin it's your mother!! Kelvin you have to calm down!!!"

Opening his eyes Kelvin saw his mum,


He said as he lifted his arm to touch her, but before he could, she exploded drenching him with blood.

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