
Until Death Do Us Part

"What if I do something wrong though?" Hermione pulled harshly on her curls, causing her scalp to protest. Astoria rubbed her back as the brunette put her head in her hands, resting her elbows on her thighs, silently sighing in exasperation at herself and the girl in front of her. It was late and they'd been going in circles for awhile. Not that she blamed Hermione, though: if she was stressed for her, Astoria couldn't imagine being the one getting married.

"You know this isn't something you can study for. It's just something that happens."

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I don't wish I could've studied for it! Just to- I don't know, practice or something?"

"That's what the rehearsal was for." Pansy perched herself gingerly on the armrest, dangling her toes above the carpeted floor.

"Yes- but something not as formal, you know? Like studying for a test, there isn't a mandatory mock exam, you just.. study for it."

"Look, even though you're marrying the world's biggest prat- oh, don't look at me like that Astoria, you know it's true- he'll take good care of you. You wouldn't be here if you didn't want to get married to him, you would've come up with seventeen plans to escape at this point."

Hermione looked up at the brunette, cheeks flushed with worry.

"That's part of it, though. I don't know what I want." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "Some part of me doesn't want to, whether it's fear or an.. unwant to do so I don't know. And it's terrifying the shit out of me."

Pansy patted her on the shoulder. "That's the part of you that knows he's a prat. It's normal to be nervous, considering this is a life-changing event. But," she added kindly, "you'll get through it just as fine as you have for anything else."

Astoria took her hands in hers. "It's scary, yeah. But.. you're not going to regret it, I already know it. I've seen the way you look at Draco, and the way he looks at you. He's never looked at anyone else that way. Ever. His eyes change from grey to silver, and they light up instead of averting and avoiding everyone's gaze. His love for you is so evident. Everything's gonna be okay."

Hermione nodded, exhaling hard. "I hope you're right."


Narcissa arrived at the apartment building about halfway through the day, having left Draco a note to get himself together and to await Blaise and Theo, who would hopefully distract him until the time came. She smiled wryly, unsure of whether she should've left the Manor in their care, considering the fact that Blaise had once learned about a Muggle sport called and attempted to play the game down the main corridor, smashing a vase and dislodging a painting in the process, but better that, she supposed, than Draco having a panic attack over his wedding ceremony.

Pansy had only just woken up, on account of a late night the night before, and was bleary-eyed and half-asleep when she let Narcissa into the apartment. It was a bit of a mess, as the girls hadn't bothered to clean it out from the former forty-eight hours, but the older woman sidestepped the articles of clothing and tissues on the floor with the aristocratic grace that Pansy had always associated with Narcissa.

Astoria, meanwhile, stood over the sleeping form of Hermione, who had had a fitful night by the looks of the sheets. They were twisted and tangled around her legs, and Narcissa knocked quietly on the door, wondering why there was no noise emanating from the room.

"She's having a nightmare, I think." Astoria gestured helplessly to Hermione, who had clenched her fingers into fists. "I don't know what to do."

A look of horror descended over Narcissa's usually calm and cool features, but she bit her lip and steeled herself, sitting far enough away that Hermione wouldn't kick out and catch her skirts.

"Hermione, dear, you've got to wake up now-"

"..I didn't take it. I swear, I didn't take it-"

Pansy rushed in with a bottle of something pearly-white, tipping the potion into Hermione's mouth.

"What is it? Some people react worse to things when they're having a flashback."

"It's a potion that Astoria and I perfected years ago. For.." Pansy pursed her lips. "Bad memories." She whispered the latter part, slipping the vial back into her pocket. Patting Hermione's shoulder gently, she left the room to clean out the thin glass container.

Hermione's breathing slowed and she blinked her eyes open slowly, forcing herself to peel away the layers of nightmare that remained engraved in her head. Slowly, the room stopped spinning and she could see the people that stood, concerned, over her bed: Astoria and to her surprise, Narcissa Malfoy.

her brain snapped quietly at her. Hermione sighed, suddenly remembering.

She stretched, elbow hitting the headboard rather painfully. Narcissa smiled.

"I have your dress here, darling, so why don't you get up and we'll start getting you ready." Narcissa patted a zippered cover on her duvet gently, and Hermione slowly kicked the covers off, steadying herself on the back of Narcissa's chair before heading to the bathroom.

She freshened up, staring at herself in the mirror. She had bags under her eyes, sure, but her eyes were sparkling with excitement, and her cheeks were flushed slightly with anticipation. Narcissa knocked.

"May I come in?"

"Yes, of course."

Narcissa sat her down before Pansy came sauntering in, conjuring a chair and guiding Hermione to it before sitting in front of her and carefully doing her makeup. Astoria helped her pin her hair up with sparkling pins, so that her hair no longer cascaded down her shoulders but instead was held in by the barrettes and pins in an elaborate bun. Narcissa helped her into her dress, the silk fitted smoothly to her body and outlining her silhouette like a second skin. She'd never worn anything so fancy or perfectly tailored to .

Pansy clapped delightedly as she saw it. "You look gorgeous!"

"It's all your dress, Pans, all your dress. You look amazing as well."

Pansy had insisted at also designing bridesmaid dresses for her and Astoria: amazing affairs of subtle silver, with a tight bodices and long, straight skirts: cropped bodice and a slit for Pansy, corset and slight ruffles for Astoria.

Hermione took a deep breath, looking at herself. Her face was flawless, courtesy of Pansy. Her hair wasn't falling unless she wanted it to, Astoria's work hadn't ever failed before. Narcissa smiled kindly as she slid a chain around Hermione's throat.

"It's my gift to you. It's made of gold, to match the one that Draco gave you-" Hermione reached up and rubbed her thumb and forefinger against the crescent pendant-"but it's got a Portkey built into it. The key engraving carved into the back of the diamond is what activates it. It can only be used once, so keep it for the right moment." Hermione nodded, throat dry. Narcissa hefted a veil up and secured it to the crown of her head, letting the white lace hover over her. Pansy turned away, wiping a tear.

"Jesus you look like a bride, 'Mione."

"Are you ready to go?"

"I hope so."


Draco scowled as Blaise and Theo fussed around his robes. "Mate, it's your wedding day. You have got to look perfect. Otherwise your mother is going to have my forearms for breakfast."

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