
Holloween Party

"Come on, Ara; it is not that big of a deal." Scorpius and James were trying to convince her to come to the party they were throwing tomorrow night for Holloween. She had insisted that it was irresponsible for the Head Girl to allow such a party, and going would be a whole other story. 

"Come on, babe, Hyperion is going. He is helping us throw it. It is the last year. We should all have some fun," James pulled her in close and looked at her in the eyes. "Please," 

She wanted so badly to say no, but she was wrapped around his finger and would do anything he asked, especially when he asked with his big puppy dog eyes. "Fine," She huffed, not happy that she had given in so easily. 

"You are going to have so much fun," Scorpius clapped. 

"I hope you know if we all get caught. I am going to say that I just found everyone and was going to break it up. I am not getting into trouble for your idea," 

"Deal," James said, kissing her. 

"I'm so excited that you decided to come," Mary had caught up with Ara later that day, and Ara just smiled at her friend. She was glad that she was going too, but what was she going to wear. 

"You and I. Lily and the twins can all get ready together. We could invite Lila too. Maybe we can use your room!" Mary was excited to dress up and have a little fun. They were all so stressed with exams that it would be nice to relax for one night. 

"That would be fun," Ara smiled at her friend. She did like hanging out with all the girls. 

"Oh yes, I'll go tell everyone." Mary sped off in the opposite direction, and Ara guessed that she had been sent to convince her to let them get ready in the head dorm. Ara sighed to herself. It was just one night. It would all be fine, she thought. 


"What do you think of this?" Mary was standing in front of the group of girls with the fourth outfit she had tried on. She had on dark black jeans that were ripped up and a crop top with a leather jacket over it. She looked really cute, and Ara started to get even more nervous. She had nothing to wear like that. 

"You look great. That is it for sure," Lila said, approving of what Mary had finally chosen.

Lila had declared when they first started getting ready that she would make sure that everyone looked amazing. No one was going to a Slytherin party without looking top-notch, as she called it. 

"I have been living with you for 6 years Lila, how many of these parties have you been to?" Ara finally asked. 

"A lot," Lila shrugged and moved on to Margret and Milly, who had appeared out of Ara's bedroom.

Margret had on a red skirt with a cute white V neck top. She made it look really good, but Ara didn't think she had anything like that either. Milly had on the same skirt it looked like in black and a black and grey tube top. Both girls looked great, and Lila was happy with what they had picked. 

"I have nothing like this, Lila," Ara finally said, sitting down on the couch. No one would notice if she didn't go. 

"Come on, it is going to be fun, we will find you something," Lily smiled at her friend and pulled her back off the couch. 

Lily was the first one who had been dressed and looked really cute. Out of all the outfits so far, Ara liked hers the best. She had on a white crop top with a big sweater over the top and some black leggings. It was perfect, and Ara thought maybe she could get away with that as well. 

"Come on, Ara, you can borrow some of the clothes that I brought up," Lila smiled and drug her into her bedroom. 

Ara was not going to like anything that Lila wanted her to wear but didn't want to fight anymore, so she let it happen. 

"Lila, this is not my style," She looked down at what she had put on and frowned. 

"It is perfect, plus you look hot. James will love it," 

Ara had been given a black V neck tank top that was sheer near the bottom and was cut lower than anything she owned and a tight grey skirt. She didn't mind the skirt. It was just the top that she didn't like. 

Lila looked great, though, Ara thought, not that she would want to wear that either. She had on ripped up blue jeans with what looked like to Ara some kind of ripped up leggings underneath. Her black crop op was scrunched at the bottom, and it made her already toned stomach look even more muscular. 

"Come on, girls, let's go have some fun!" Lila grabbed Ara and Mary's hand, and Lily and the twins followed quickly behind. They snuck to the room of requirement carefully as not to get caught by teachers, and when they went in, the party was in full swing. 

"I was just going to send Hyperion to find you guys," Scorpius pulled Lila close to his body and kissed her. "You look amazing," He whispered. Ara felt so out of place. Everyone was drinking and dancing, and this was nothing like a party she would want to throw. 

"Wow," James was standing there with two glasses of firewhisky looking at his girlfriend. Ara blushed at the comment and tried to pull her skirt down some. 

"I didn't pick this out," She said after a couple of minutes of them standing there in silence. 

"Well, you look great," James said, handing her the glass.

Ara looked down and knew what it was. How they had gotten some into the castle was beyond her, and she truly didn't want to know. She just smiled and drank it. It burned her throat, and she tried to suppress the cough that was coming up. 

"Want to dance?" James said. Ara nodded, and they went out near the other students and started dancing. Ara had to admit it was fun, but she was still a little self-conscious about what she was wearing. 

After a little while of dancing, she and James found a place to sit and talked for a while. She was happy she had decided to come if no other reason than to hang out with James. 

He went and got them some more drinks, and the taste was becoming more and more likable as she had more. "James," She said after her fourth drink. 

"Yes dear," He made a mental note not to let her have anymore, and he pushed the cup away that was near her already. 

"After we finish school, you and I should go get married in secret, like Vic and Teddy." She smiled at him. He just looked at her in awe. He wanted to marry her, of course, but he didn't know where she stood on the matter. 

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't care what anyone else thinks about it." 

"Ara, I love you too." He decided then and there the next Hogsmeade trip, he was going to purchase an engagement ring. She might want to do it in secret, but he was going to do it the right way. 

"Promise me," She said eventually.

"Promise you what, Ara?"

"Promise me that we are going to get married and travel the world like we talked about."

James smiled and pulled her onto his lap. "I promise," He whispered in her ear. He doubted that she would remember any of this tomorrow, but it made his heart swell with love that she was saying to him. 

"America, Greece, China, and Japan. Italy, and Spain. Where else?" She turned to him and smiled as he kissed her again. He tasted wonderful to her, and she cherished the moment, forgetting completely what they had been talking about seconds before. She just knew that James Potter was kissing her and that they loved one another. 

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