
part 4

Hermione had her second Charms class on Tuesday morning and then Ancient Runes and just before lunch Herbology. In the afternoon after lunch she waited in the common room for Ginny who had forgotten her quills. Ginny grabbed her bag and they headed to the hall for Life Class.

"So you might drop Arithmancy?" Ginny asked.

"Yea my timetable's too full, I don't get enough free periods, I wanna sit the N.E.W.T but I know all of it, there's no point going to the lesson. I'm going to ask McGonagall if I can do that," Hermione said.

"Cool," Ginny smiled. "Lets hope you and Malfoy don't kill each other in this class. I'm surprised Harry and him ain't attacking each other."

"Yea because they fought on the same side during the war, they got a long a little," Hermione said.

They entered the hall. There were no desks but the hall were full of two seater couches and at the top of the stage stood Professor Dumbledore, McGonagall and Snape.

After a few minutes Dumbledore began to talk, "First I want every couple to sit on one of these rather comfy sofas."

Hermione sighed as she walked over to Draco who had already sat on one of the sofas without her, she sat beside him, trying to keep the space between them wide.

"Good," Dumbledore smiled. "This class hasn't just been made because of the Marriage Law but it has been a factor. These classes you will have this year will help you deal with the changes in the Wizarding world. Half of you will leave after this year, the other half will leave next year, either way the world is now different. There have been many changes to deal with Voldermort's actions. One is the new law. Up until Christmas majority of these classes will focus on marriage," Dumbledore smiled. He continued after a bit. "You all know the person you are sitting next to, will be your spouse. Now this is probably not how you all imagined you will marry but it is happening. Marriage can be a beautiful thing, full of love, bliss, happiness. Today I'm not going to stand here and tell you what marriage is. I want you and your partner to communicate. For the first few minutes I want you to talk to each other. If you sit in silence me or Professor McGonagall or Professor Snape will notice and we will force you to talk if we have to."

Everyone slowly started talking to their partner.

Hermione looked at Draco who was sitting there lazily. Hermione sighed and leaned back.

"So..." Draco said as Snape came towards them.

Hermione followed his gaze, "So um, what's your favourite colour?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"It's a question," she said. "Snape's coming, just answer," she whispered.

"Green. You?"

"Red," Hermione replied.

"Typical Gryffindor."

"What and green doesn't make you a typical Slytherin?" Hermione asked.

"You know what Granger..." Draco sat up and faced her when Snape coughed.

Draco sighed, "Fine, favourite food?"

"Um, Lamb chops," Hermione said.

"Me too," Draco was completely shocked that they had something in common.

Snape walked on.

"Good he's gone," Hermione rested.

Draco didn't say anything, he was happy to sit there until Dumbledore took to the stage once again.

"Brilliant!" Dumbledore smiled. "Hope there were some interesting conversations. Next you will be given a book with a few charms and spells in them, take a few minutes to look over them." Dumbledore flocked his wand and the books fell onto everyone's laps.

Hermione opened them, there were contraception charms, a few potions, there were even beauty potions.

Draco chuckled.

Hermione looked at him.

"Page ten," he said.

She turned to page ten, "Lust spell for those who need an extra bit of help."

Hermione grinned.

"That's something for Crabbe and Goyle," Draco grinned.

Hermione laughed. Draco would never admit it to her but he liked her laugh. He shook his head, refusing to believe he had just thought that.

Hermione continued to flick through the book. Then another two books fell between the space between them.

"These are diaries," Dumbledore picked up one of the black books. "For wedding dates, anniversaries, trust me you will be needing them when planning this wedding. Right next task, I want you all to stand up." Everyone stood. Professor Snape flicked his wand and all the sofas were gone.

"I want you all to face your partner, for the final part of today's class," Dumbledore said and everyone did so. "A list will appear with a 'situation' on it. A situation you may have to deal with when your married, I want you all to discuss it. Everything you say will automatically be written on the paper."

Hermione and Draco waited, the paper was given to Hermione who read it, "You and your spouse have both been at work. You can't afford to go out but your both hungry, who will cook dinner? (No house elves or maids)"

"Stupid Question," Draco snarled.

"Everything you say is being written," Hermione warned. She let go of the paper which was hovering in the air between them.

"Well it is stupid, like I won't be able to afford dinner at a restaurant!" Draco laughed. "That's stupid."

"Its just roleplay, can you just go along with it," Hermione was getting angrier.

"Fine, if we can't go out then you can cook!"

"What? That's no fair!"

"Yea I've been at work, you can cook!" Draco argued.

"I've been at work too!" Hermione argued. "Probably working harder then you!"

"What's that supposed to mean!"

"It means your LAZY!"

"At least I'm not a mud blood!" Draco grinned.

"You rotten piece of crap!"

"Ooo Granger has a mouth on her!"

"You sexist, lazy, arrogant pig," Hermione snarled.

Draco raised his wand, "Stupefy!"

Hermione dodged the curse, "Expelliarmus!"

Draco dodged it. Everyone watched them. As Snape heading towards them, "Accio Wands." Both wands were in Snape's hands.

"Mr Malfoy, Miss Granger, my office now," This time it was McGonagall speaking.

Hermione glared at Draco who gave her the dirtiest look she had ever received. They both angrily headed to McGonagall's office. Draco sat in one chair with his arms crossed and Hermione sat in the other chair with her arms crossed too.

"This is all your fault!" Draco snarled.

"My fault! You're the one who didn't compromise!" Hermione shouted.

"Mudblood!" Draco shouted.

"Ferret!" Hermione screamed.

"ENOUGH!" McGonagall said as she entered the classroom. "This feud or whatever this is between the two of you has been going on for far too many years!"

She sat down behind her desk.

"Prof..." Draco began.

McGonagall raised her hand to silence him, "I don't want to hear who's fault it is. You two are going to be married whether you like it or not. This behaviour is not suitable for a marriage nor an environment to bring up a child!"

Draco and Hermione still looked angry.

"You too must learn to get along, I don't care how but you must," McGonagall said sternly. "I will not put up with wands being drawn in classes."

"I'm sorry Professor," Hermione said slowly.

"Me too," Draco said, the look on his face showed how hard it was for him to say that.

"15 points from Slytherin and Gryffindor and you will both be serving detention tomorrow night."

"Professor its Wednesday tomorrow, I have Astronomy," Hermione said.

"I have it too," Draco remembered.

"Thursday night then. I want you in my office at eight," McGonagall said. "You may leave." McGonagall handed them their wands.

"Granger stay out of my face until the detention," Draco said as they walked up to the seventh floor.

"We share a common room, a bedroom, classes and you think I can stay out of your face?" Hermione asked. "I don't wanna see you your face Malfoy but I have no choice but to!"

She angrily walked ahead of him and entered the common room. Harry, Ron and Ginny were awake. Draco stormed up to their room.

"What did McGonagall say?" Ron asked.

"Your talking to me know?" Hermione snapped.

Ron blushed, "Hermione, I'm sorry."

"Yea yea until next time!" Hermione yelled.

"Hermione calm down," Ginny said.

"No I won't calm down!" She shouted. "I've got detention on Thursday, I've lost points! I have to marry my enemy! WHY ON EARTH SHOULD I CALM DOWN!"

She was shaking as Harry got up and led her to the sofa. She sat back and closed her eyes.

"Sorry," she muttered.

"Its ok," Ginny said. "You'll get through this."

Hermione sighed, wishing she could believe that.

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