
497. Wasserfee Raids

"The Great Bikini Reef!?" asked Dipper, Mabel, Anne, Sprig, Luz, Amity, and King.

"Apparently, The Bikini Reef was recently raided by a group of Water Wesen..." said Nick.

"You mean that you guys colonized an entire planet where the cartoon known as Spongebob Squarepants takes place...?" asked Anne.

"Yep," said Nick. "Bikini Reef is in our territory."

"We have jurisdiction there!?" asked Dipper. "That doesn't make any sense..."

"Well, sadly, it does," said Nick. "Ever since the United States claimed territory over the entirety of the Pacific Ocean, Bikini Reef became occupied by both the Kingdom of the Seven Seas and the Multiversal United States. It is not recognized as a state and currently acts as its technical colony. It is also a fusion of all the Reefs of the Pacific Ocean as one universal Reef for the entire planet, including the Great Barrier Reef. Its capital is found in the Bikini Atoll: Bikini Bottom."

"We had colonies!?" asked Anne.

"*COUGH!!!* Yes, you did! *COUGH!!!*" coughed Miguel. "*COUGH!!!* Never mind, you're our colony!!! *COUGH!!!* We're hypocrites!!! *COUGH!!!*"

Anne lowers his eyelids and shakes her head. "Well! Sure thing, Captain! You can count on us."

Luz and Amity giggle in the corner, rubbing their noses together.

"Me, Christ... GET A ROOM!!!" yelled Miguel. "Your love will be the death of someone..."

"Also, a couple of old friends of ours are gonna help you on this case," said Nick.


The Weather Reporters, in a submarine, are all annoyed and all have lowered eyelids as Spongebob and Patrick both laugh.

"NO!!! I'M DIRTY DAN!!!" Spongebob punches Patrick in the face with a bat that randomly came out of his pocket.

"NO!!! I'M DIRTY DAN!!!" Patrick takes out a giant hammer from his pocket and strikes Spongebob.

Both are squished like accordions, but continue to beat each other over and over.

"NO!!! I'M DIRTY DAN!!!"

"NO!!! I'M DIRTY DAN!!!"

"NO!!! I'M DIRTY DAN!!!"

"NO!!! I'M DIRTY DAN!!!"

"NO!!! I'M DIRTY DAN!!!"

"NO!!! I'M DIRTY-!!!"

Are... the other notes supposed to sound like owls hooting...?



No! It's cool!

Keep tellin' yourself that.

It's night, and several bioluminescent creatures shine their path as they travel in the Pacific Ocean...

"WOULD YOU TWO SHUT UP!?!?" asked Dipper.

"Well, Dipper," said Patrick. "I believe that both academics such as us shouldn't argue over our hobbies!"

"You're an academic...?" asked Dipper.

"Yeah! An academic of Wumbology!" smiled Patrick.

"What the Heaven is that...?" asked Amity.

"It's a made-up thing that Patrick claims to be a genius of..." said Spongebob.

"Spongebob. Wumbology can be seen everywhere... It's a phenomenon of someone shrinking and growing!" yelled Patrick. "Without it... Wumbo things wouldn't exist, Spongebob."

"Patrick, the last time you spoke about this, we shrank the whole town... Wumbology isn't a thing and you don't know what it is because it doesn't exist."

"Because you're an idiot, Spongebob," said Patrick. "Anyway! MUSH, TO OUR LEADER!!!"


"What are you doing over there, Luz?" smiled Amity.

"Oh! I learned a really cool thing! Apparently, anything in Spongebob's bubbles are completely suspended and frozen! Including my magic spells!" smiled Luz.

They see that Spongebob is storing one of her spells in the bubbles.

"And the bubbles don't pop unless Spongebob decides it!" smiled Luz.

Spongebob pops it, and the spell turns into a light orb.

"Honestly..." sighed Dipper. "As if I wasn't not taken seriously enough... They bring me the most useless pair ever..."

Spongebob puts a bubble over Dipper's mouth, and his mouth foams and he gains lazy eyes. His face completely freezes.


"Oh... Oh, God! I saw the light of God! DON'T... DO THAT AGAIN!!!" yelled Dipper, who proceeds to sob.

The group reaches Bikini Bottom, a city in the Great Bikini Reef, floating above it, which is now, oddly enough, a part of a much larger nation where most sentient fish reside in. Hunting for fish on that Earth is considered illegal now and they all live in the North Pacific. Corals exist as massive skyscrapers, and the reef had spread all over several thousand kilometers. The corals are made of metal and there are beautiful lights of several bioluminescent jellyfish glowing all over the town.

"Uh... Marcy...?" asked Anne.

"Oh! Right!" smiled Marcy, who is on call. "Bikini Bottom is currently acting as the capital of the entire Seven Seas after the United States acquired it, as President Doughnut Trumpet had a deal with King Neptune to have some sort of partnership with the underwater nation. Its population is 3.5 trillion. That's what Rick told me before, at least..."

"By the way, what happened to Rick and Morty...?" asked Sprig.

"He's brought in for questioning about his knowledge about the Dark Quartz Organization... And Morty's taking a break from work..." said Amity.

"I hope they're okay," said Luz.

"How do we get in there...?" asked Sprig.

"Sprig... Amphibians on your Earth can pretty much live underwater, including saltwater... You don't need a suit... But you will need the shrinking necklaces designed by Ray Palmer of Earth-Prime and Hank Pym of Earth-616. You don't need a suit to shrink. But the others? You're gonna need those pills you can see in the driver's compartment of your submarine," said Marcy. "Because of Cartoon Logic, the breathable water rule is inconsistent in this universe, so it's dangerous."

"'Cartoon Logic...?'" whispered Amity.

"'Danger...!?'" smiled Mabel.

King reaches for it, saying "Eh, eh! Eh!" He manages to open it and sees storage where pill bottles are in.

"Take those pills every hour so you won't drown, and you'll grow gills underwater. It lasts for and hour and 15 minutes," said Marcy. "If not, there are emergency scuba diver suits that you can activate by pressing a couple of buttons on your gloves. Yes, you will be wearing suits that Polly and I designed," said Marcy.

They are all given suits similar to Ant-Man's suits but without helmets. The suits are black and red with German G's on their chests.

"'Guh' for Grimm," smiled Dipper.

"This feels like Cultural Appropriation," said Amity.

"Miguel says that he doesn't believe in Cultural Appropriation. One time, I was wearing a Filipino sombrero and a barong Tagalog and black pants, and leather shoes. You guys were offended, but when Miguel saw me later that day, he thought it was funny and he invited me for dinner with his family. They all thought I was hilarious."

"Why were you wearing-!?" asked Amity.

"I lost a bet against Gabrielle..." said Luz. "She... also thought it was hilarious."

"HA!!! Is she talking about the Barong Tagalog thing...? HOLY SHIT!!! HAHAHA!!!" laughed Miguel, in the background. "We should do a costume party this Araw ng Kagitingan! I like it when you measly Americans wear our clothes! It's like we're the colonists for once!"

"You are... the colonists..." said Luz, facepalming.

"Oh! Oh, Geez... Tunnel... There's a tunnel KSSH!!! KSSH!!! KSSH!!!"

"Anyway," said Marcy, who is on the same call. "Bikini Bottom is currently a multicultural massive nation all around the Pacific toward the United States Coast all the way to Bikini Atoll."

"You said that there were Wesen ransacking the tiny city...?" asked Dipper.

"Yeah. Your job is to identify them," said Marcy. "Now, drink the pills and activate the shrinking devices. You can regrow, but you have to be very, very slow doing it. The reason is that you guys don't have masks."

"Ma'am, yes, Ma'am," said Dipper, biting the pill and shrinking.

Everyone does so and they all shrink down to Spongebob's size.

Everyone laughs.

"How do we...?" asked Sprig. "How do we get out...?"



The group all slide down out of the toilet and into the ocean. They are all revealed to have flippers and jetpacks on their suits.

Anne breathes in and out. "Whoa...! Gills!"

Sprig laughs. "Us Frogs don't need gills! We just breathe through our skin!"

"You guys can breathe saltwater on your Earth, right?" asked Anne.

"Yep!" smiled Sprig. "We have specialized skin that acts kinda like salmon gills."

"Cool!" smiled Anne.

"Bahahaha! Frogs..." Spongebob shook his head. "Not acting racist, y'know. Just... y'know... Frogs..."

The group reaches down to the ocean floor and enters Bikini Bottom, the largest city in Maharlica around the size of a continent.

Spongebob and Patrick do diving positions.

King does a wrestler's elbow drop.

Sprig prepares a Superhero landing.

Dipper keeps on writing on his journal.

Mabel lets the wind (or... the stream...) wobble her chub as she drops to the ground. She laughs while this happens.

Amity blushes and grabs Luz's hand. 

Luz laughs. "You really wanna do this...?"

Amity nods with a nervous smile.

The pair giggles as they spin around while they float down to the ocean floor.

Meanwhile, as a vortex is created by their spinning...

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" yelled several very tiny Krill people running away from the massive tornado they created.

A child grabs onto his mother's hand. "Oh... God... MOMMY!!!"

The child is swept away by the vortex.


Meanwhile, back in the mansion...

Miguel's eyes widen and he puts down the magazine he's reading. "I knew it..." he smiled at you, the reader.

Back to the scene...

"Hihihi!" smiled Luz.

"Hahahaha!" laughed Amity.

They all prepare to land in front of Spongebob's old house.

"Well...!" smiled Spongebob. "Welcome to the Bikini Bottom!!!"

The group floats down as bubbles leave their bodies. They all do their landings, but it's a bit too anti-climactic, because their landings only end with a soft "swish."

"Ugh!" yelled King. "Miguel was right! You guys need to get a room! That landing was the death of some people...!"

"C'mon! Sensuality's a thing, guys," said Luz.

"Yeah... In a room," said Anne.

"That was so gay and I kinda liked it! That makes me question my OWN sexuality!" smiled Mabel. "Don't tell Gideon..."

"You gotta give me 5 units," said Dipper, as Mabel rolls her eyes and does so.

"I liked it," said Patrick.

"Me, too!" smiled Spongebob.

"I liked it because the Krills probably got swept away and got lost," said Patrick.

"Great Neptune, Patrick. What the fuck?" asked Spongebob.

"What Krills?" asked Luz.

"Nothing!" smiled the pair.

"I hurled in my mouth and swallowed it again," smiled Sprig. "Turns out puke tastes worse with saltwater." Sprig drools out blood. "Uh-oh..."

"Isn't this your old home...?" smiled Anne.

"Yeah... Gave it to my family. Patrick did that, too with his rock!" smiled Spongebob.

The Squarepantses and the Stars all run around the field while Squidward cries on his chair, covering his ears with a pillow.

"Harold! Pass it to me!" smiled Margaret, Spongebob's mother, as a pie is launched into her face.

"ME, NEXT!!! ME, NEXT!!!" smiled Margie, Patrick's mother, and she gets pied next.

"ME, LAST!!!" laughed Herb, Patrick's father, who is pied last.

Harold and Stanley snicker as Stanley makes more pies and passes it to Harold.

"HEY, SPONGEBOB AND PATRICK!!!" smiled the family in unison.

"HEY, FAAAAM!!!" smiled the pair.

"No..." whispered Squidward. He runs and pokes his head out his window. "GET... OUTTA HERE!!!"

"No!" smiled Patrick, as the pair laughs.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'NO!?!?' GET OUTTA HERE!!!" yelled Squidward.

"Okay!" smiled Patrick.

The group walks away.

"What a grouch," said Sprig, hopping away. "Also, how am I hopping at such speed like on land while underwater?"



"C'mon," said Anne. "Where's the capital?"

In the streets of Bikini Bottom, several Fish People are shown selling various kelp-based and clam-based food. They're selling clam shawarma, seadogs in buns (which are just sea pigs), corned sea cows in bread, sea cow kebab, and peppered kelp flakes. The Fish People all wear various American and Polynesian clothes.

"Y'know, despite all the salt you smell, you can still smell the pepper... And if you're underwater, how is there a Goo Lagoon underwater...?" asked Anne.

"Brine pools," said Dipper. "I read up that if the water is deep enough, the water's salinity multiplies and turns into... that... I suggest that we don't swim there. The Pym Particles in our body would go crazy in that stuff and jazz our body chemistry up."

"There!" smiled Spongebob, pointing to a giant castle at the center of the entire city. "That's where King Neptune lives!"

The group reaches a massive ocean castle of some sort at the center of the entire reef around the size of a regular mansion. There, they are ushered by a Fish Person.

"Hello! I am Sir Steve XVII of the great Neptune army! Spongebob! Patrick! Great Heroes of Old! Welcome to the Castle once more!"

"Bahahahaha!" laughed Spongebob. "Hey, Steve! Guys, this is Steve! He's the 17th and latest Steve after the last Steve was eaten by a Lionfish."

The trumpets are blown. Steve welcomes the group at the gates of the throne room. "MAY I WELCOME YOU, DEAR WEATHER REPORTERS, TO NEPTUNE'S THRONE-!!!"

As he is about to open the gates, they slam open and one door of the gate squishes the Fish Person.

"Alright... Let's leave off formalities for later..." said King Neptune, who is now bald.

"WHOA!!!" yelled Luz, as her eyes are burned by the shining of his bald head.

"BALD!!!" yelled Sprig. "BALD!!! BALD!!!"

The others, including Spongebob and Patrick, all yell, "BALD!!! BALD!!! (BALD!!!) BALD!!! BALD!!! (IT'S SO BALD!!!) BALD!!!"

King Neptune covers his head with his crown. "Sorry about that."

Sprig stares at King Neptune. "Did we really have to shrink to meet him? He looks 5'3."

"I'M A 7-FOOTER!!!" yelled Neptune. "A-Ahem..."

"So..." said King, leaning on the door. "Ruling over all life in the ocean. What's that like...?"

"And... What the heck happened to your design...?" whispered Anne, looking at a photo of the old King Neptune vs. the new.



"Wow... Dude... You really let yourself go..." said Anne.

"Uh... SIR!!! We didn't mean that!" laughed Amity.

Angrily, Neptune asks, "WHAAAAAAT!?!?" as the ground and the entire ocean shake.

"Dad!? Breathe!" yelled Mindy, a little mermaid girl with round glasses, appearing behind Neptune. "Breath, Dad!"

Neptune breathes in and out, calmly. "I am so... sorry... I just... This... Hot... temper... In my head..." Neptune points at his head. "Hoo! I just get so... ANGRY!!!" he growled. 

"Hihihi..." said Patrick. "Hiii Mindy..."

Mindy laughs. "Hey, Patrick!"

Triton pops out with a fan and fans Neptune. He is a teenage merman boy with long hair and muscles. "Dad... seriously... You need to calm the Underworld down..."

"Oh... Geez... I need to borrow some of Poseidon's Snail Gel..." said Neptune. "I'm beginning to grow... pimples...? Y'know... Jesus Christ... I mean, great Neptune... You didn't hear about that part about me believing in Jesus. Ugh..."

"Shush... It's okay, Dad..." said Mindy.

"Ew! Is that the creepy starfish that keeps staring at you when we call them for missions...?" asked Triton.

"SHUSH!!!" yelled Mindy.

"You want me to be more creepy, Mindy...? Hihihi!" giggled a creepy Patrick.

"Uh... Sorry... About that!" smiled Mabel. "But, can you tell us about the Wesen attacks in your land...?"

"Ah... yes... The pirates... PIRATES, I TELL YOU!!!" yelled King Neptune.

"'Pirates!?'" asked the Weather Reporters.

"Ghastly pirates! They had sea horses for faces! Fangs! Curved tails! Limbs like a Human's! Webbed hands and feet! Armored skin!"

"You're just describing a better Fish Person," said Anne.

"SILENCE!!! These creatures are far worse than the Anchovies! Come, land-lubbers! Into my court! And we will discuss with how you exterminate these barnacleheaded Sea Vikings!"

They enter the court to see several Evolved Angler Fish,  Evolved Octopi, Evolved Crabs, a few Evolved Lobsters, a few Evolved Sharks, and an Evolved Whale. The Whale is around the height of Neptune: 5'3.

"Whaleam," said King Neptune. "Please explain how these crittens have been ruining our lives..."

"These Wesen that had been attacking us are known throughout the oceans as Wasserfees. In reality, they should only be found in lakes and rivers, but around a few years ago, these Wesen had began raiding the various Reefs. The purpose of the combined Reef is to keep peace and control over the Seven Seas by bringing most of the people into this massive Reef created by the United States by the genius known as Sandy Cheeks, helped by Jotaro Kujo, who helped produce an artificial Reef where around 75% of our people could live in," said Whaleam. "The reason is to protect our nation from various raiders, such as the Viking Fish Cods and Herrings or the Human Pirates. But not only-... Patrick. Don't touch that."

Patrick touches a magical artifact placed on a pole, and his boobs begin to wriggle violently. "OOOOH!!! OH NO!!! NOT AGAIN!!! SPONGEBOB!!! HELP!!!"

Spongebob blows a bubble and Patrick gains a bra that vibrates.

"Thanks, Spongebob!" smiled Patrick.

"I... I can't stop looking at that..." said King.

Dipper facepalms.

"-... But not only do we fear these brutes, but we also fear the Wesen known as Wasserfees."

"Buzzer Fees...?" asked Mabel. "Like a fee for a buzzin' Honeybee...?"

"That's funny, Mabel," said Patrick. "That's funny..."

"Wasserfees..." asked Amity. "I've read about that in the Diaries. They're Water Sprites, right? They're supposed to be Sea Horse Wesen... They're basically the Tikbalangs of the ocean... They travel in Schools. But there isn't much up there... What's so terrifying about these guys...? Dipper?"

Dipper activates the hologram and looks up Wasserfees in his photocopied Journal that is updated into WikiGrimm. "'Wasserfee. These violent Water Sprite pranksters are known as lake pirates and river pirates, but on some Earths, they've moved to the oceans. The reason why they're so terrifying is their ability to phase through walls. They are also hard to kill because they have their Wahrewoges have the ability to undergo Macht Schrumpfen... Not only that, but they can also shoot... Wasserklinges... underwater... And they are also known for pranking their enemies to death by using practical jokes.'"

"Wait... How old is that journal...?" asked Luz.

"It was carbon-dated to be at least 300 years old," said Dipper. "And it's a Rock Insect..."

"They knew about the Multiverse before all this...?"

"Apparently so," said Dipper.

"What does Mart Shrimper and Buzzercling mean...?" asked Mabel.

"It roughly translates to... Strength of Shrinking and Blades of Water..." said Dipper.

"So, it can shoot water swords and it can shrink...? To our size!?" asked Mabel.

"It says here that they can shrink down to the size of two millimeters," Amity said, looking at the holo-book. She wipes a few pages with her finger as a page-flip sound could be heard. "It says here that they actually successfully kill Grimms just by... being around. They usually travel in 3's."

"Here is the destruction they were capable of doing..." said Whaleam, showing an entire sixteenth of the kingdom to be be full of several dead bodies, around several million fish buried on that particular area. "20 million Fish all dead by your kind... This one..." he shows a picture of a dead fish with stretched underwear. "His name was John. Wedgied to death. This one..." He shows a fish with burst out brains. "He was wet-willied to death. And THIS ONE!!!" He shows a fish drowned in a toilet. "She was given a swirlie..."

"If you're underwater, how did the toilet-..." said Sprig.

"ENOUGH!!!" yelled the Evolved Lobster, hammering his claw on the table. "THESE LAND DWELLERS ARE THE REASON WHY WE ARE SUFFERING IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!"

"Hey! They may be land-dwellers, but they're still good people! I've seen them do heroic crap up there, and I say that we don't give them enough credit for the protection they offer us!" yelled Spongebob.

"I agree," said Neptune. "These Land-Dwellers gave us the idea of having a proper stabilized nation in the first place!" boomed King Neptune. "Silence, General Claw! Now, I ask the seven of you... And Spongebob and Patrick..."

The Evolved Lobster bows his head and sits back down.

"...To help us hunt down these marauders and bring peace to the Reef once more."

"You can count on us, Neptune!" smiled Anne.


"Alright, team!" smiled Anne. "What's the plan!?"

"It says here that Grimms necessarily don't win against these guys... Nor any Wesen for that matter... Because they can phase at will," said Amity.

"WHAT!?!? Isn't there anything where a Witch Demon kills them or whatever!?"

Luz and Spongebob giggle as a hair spell activates upon popping on Patrick's face, giving him hair all over his body.

"Well... We could check Miguel's Scriptures..." Amity activates the Holo-Book and goes to the WikiGrimm Webpage. "Ah! Here! It says here that there's a Divine Spell that allows you to create a cage that can prevent phasing! It's coupled with nets and a bunch of  locks!"

"Great!" smiled Dipper. "Lets-!"

*beep!!! beep!!!*

They all check their watches and immediately take out the pills and they each pop one into their mouths and chew.


All the pills let out a small crack.

The group is led by Spongebob and Patrick toward a cave.

"What is that place...?" asked Anne, as the thunder crackled and lightning flashes. "If we're underwater, how did-?"

"That's where the Marauders are," smiled Spongebob.

"Okay..." said King. "THEY WILL COME TO FEAR ME, KING... OF THE OCEAN!!!"

Thunder crackles and lightning flashes as King poses and his hair flows in the... stream.

"That's blasphemy here," said Spongebob. "Just don't say that in front of either Neptune or Poseidon."

"Okay," said King, bowing his head.


"By the way..." said Anne. "I just realized this... How many are there...?"

"Oh! 30!" smiled Spongebob and Patrick.

"Oh... Oh, I see now," said Spongebob.

"I don't," smiled Patrick.

"ARE YOU KIDDING US!?!?" asked everyone.

"WE'LL GET KILLED DOWN HERE!!!" yelled King.

30 of the Wasserfees begin appearing as a colony toward the Weather Reporters.

Mabel's eyes widen. "HAMON-!!!"

*zap! BOOM!!!*

The Hamon nearly burns all of the Wasserfees, so they just spread and surround the group instead. The Hamon acts like a torch that keeps the creatures away from them.

Dipper joins Mabel and activates his Hamon, which creates a vortex that blasts away several Wasserfees, but they remain surrounding the group, yelling like savages. They cackle as they surround the group.

"Can you guys lead those guys into that cage!?" asked Anne.


"OW!!!" yelled Anne, who activates Charged State and punches them.

Luz and Amity shoot at them with energy blasts.

Sprig attacked with his slingshot.

King shouted at them.

Nothing happens to them. All attacks phased through them.

"Patrick! What can you do to help us!?" asked Dipper.

"Uh... I can shrink and grow, too!"

"Can you get us to the surface?" asked Dipper.

"ON IT!!!" Patrick begins growing... very, very slowly...

"Why are you-...?" asked Dipper.

"'Cuz he used the suit," said a facepalming Spongebob.


"I dunno!" smiled Patrick.

"Can you punch them?" asked Dipper.

"GUBI!!!" yelled GGR.

"No!" smiled Patrick.

"Spongebob!?" asked Dipper.

Spongebob blows a bubble that explodes. That doesn't affect them.

Dipper facepalms. "UUUGH!!! You guys are-!"

"Dipper..." said Mabel. 

"Whatever! Ugh! Guys, are you-?"

*BCH!!! KRACK!!! BOOCH!!! KRACH!!! BOOF!!! POW!!!*

Anne, Sprig, King, Luz, and Amity are viciously beaten and eviscerated (metaphorically) by the Wasserfees who cackle and sneer at them.


Anne is given a wedgie, "AH!!!"  Indian burns "OOH!!!", a handshake with a joybuzzer "OOF!!! (*ZAP!!!*)", and pantie raided (they went into the group's submarine and stole her laundry) "NO!!!!"

Sprig is given dutch ovens (yes, they brought an entire bed for this) "OH, FROG!!!", moonings "EW!!! HUMAN FISH BUTTS!!!", noogies "OUCH!!!", and is pantsed "HEY!!!".

Luz is given wet willies "STOP THAT!!!", a pull-my-finger "GROSS!!!", and a Pythagorean cup "BLURGH!!! (We're underwater, though...)"

Suddenly, Luz gets a call from someone and activates her holo-phone from her watch, seeing nothing but a voice call. "Hello? Who is this?"

"Yo Momma!"

"OOF!!!" Luz yelled, toppling over.

Amity is rickrolled (they show her a video of Never Gonna Give You Up from their phones), "NO!!! This isn't funny!", Stink Bombed, "EW!!!", tickled "HAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHA!!! STOP!!!"  and Whoopee Cushioned, "LUZ!!! DON'T LOOK AT ME!!! I AM PATHETIC RIGHT NOW!!!"

King is toilet papered, "HEY!!!" egged, "STOP!!! THESE ARE GROSS!!!" pied, "UGH!!!" and is called "Queen" and laughed at by one of the Wasserfees. "THAT'S NOT FUNNY!!!" he sobbed.

"*cough... cough...* Dipper... Mabel..." said Anne. "We're dying out here..."

Dipper and Mabel struggle to keep them away.

Dipper tries to look up Wasserfees, but he sees that the device isn't working anymore. "What the-!? WHY-!?"

"Oh... Sorry... I snatched it from your wrist and used it to check my heartbeat. Turns out!? I don't have a heart! Haha! Also, I tried to use it to stop my wriggling titties, so I tried to use it as a rope to stop it from vibrating. Didn't work."

"Ugh! Why couldn't we be given someone more useful!?" asked Dipper.

"Oh, no...! Spongebob, I think we're next!" yelled Patrick.

"Because we actually know this environment, Dipper!" yelled Spongebob, staying in the circle. "We actually know what we're-!"

"No, you don't! Patrick embarrassed us in the court, you didn't tell us about how many Wasserfees are there, Patrick broke the watch, Your Stands are USELESS, PATRICK USED THE SUIT,  and PATRICK'S WEARING A VIBRATING BRA THAT'S PRACTICALLY A SEX TOY!!!"

"Why did it sound like I did more worse things than you did...?" asked Patrick.







A Wasserfee crashes into the cage, knocked out.

They all see that some of the Wasserfees are being captured by the bubbles.

"Wait... What!?" asked Dipper. "Wait... They get suspended IN the bubbles!"

"What does that mean...?" asked Mabel.

"It means that their abilities also deactivate... Because in that state, their minds are completely blank!" smiled Dipper. "Like earlier... with me!"

"You could say that again!" smiled Patrick, punching another Wasserfee with his Stand. "Get it? Because you're stupid?"

"Yeah, YEAH!!! I get it... Spongebob and Patrick? Sorry for doubting you," he said, and the pair nods. "Weather Reporters?" said Dipper, as the others stand up.

"Ugh! It's still in my mouth!" yelled Sprig.


Anne punches one and knocks one out.

Luz zaps another with lightning. "Wait.. We're under-... Y'know what? Why do I even care anymore!?" Luz zaps yet another with lightning. 

Amity shoots several Abomination blades at the Wasserfees.

Dipper and Mabel shock all of them with Hamon.

King shouts at them.

Sprig knocks them out with his mud bullets.

Everyone attacked the ones in the bubbles, and soon, defeated the entire tribe.


"Dear Weather Reporters," said King Neptune. "Thank you for capturing these sicko-bastards... These Dennis The Menaces. These Jack Frosts. These Summerween Tricksters... These Trigger-Happy Hooligans... These Maniacal Maniacs... These... Sick... Bastards!"

"You're just repeating what you were saying the first time..." said Anne.

"RIGHT!!! I shall reward... ALL OF YOU!!!" yelled King Neptune. "With seabitches!"

"Oh, no, no..." said Luz.

"No, thank you," said Amity.

"I have a wife," said Dipper, smiling weirdly.

"Nope! No, no, no..." said Mabel.

"Are they mermaids, at least?" asked Anne.

"Oh, right!" smiled King, rubbing his hands.

"(Ew! Fish!?)" asked Sprig. "(Gross...!)"

Suddenly, seacows appear.

"Behold! Mammals! Like you!" smiled King Neptune. 

Seacows gallop out. "MOOO!!!"

"Here's a fish for the Frog..." said King Neptune.

"No... No..." said Sprig, seeing the horrifying Angler Fish who is clearly a man.

"You are a woman, right? You're pink and all," said Neptune.

"We're alright!" smiled Anne.

"Really? Just payment?" asked King Neptune. "Whatever! Here!"

King Neptune drops a bag of gold on them, and Anne carries it.

"Huh... Stronger when smaller!" smiled Anne.

"Bye, King Neptune!" smiled everyone, walking away and out of the castle.

"What do we do with the Wasserfees?" asked Steve XVII.

"Feed them to the Lionfish!" he boomed, as the Wasserfees gasp in horror. "Just kidding! Enslave them for their eggs."

"We don't lay eggs!" sobbed one.

"Oh... Sex slavery. Dismissed!" yelled King Neptune, as the Wasserfees shriek in horror.

Suddenly, Sprig outside vomits blood and faints on the ocean floor.

"Uh-oh..." said Anne.

Doha kv dl kv dpao aol kyburlu zhpsvy lhysf pu aol tvyupun?


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