
468. Weather Report Grimm Chapter I: Blood Awakenin...

Bill looks at the distance, sneering. "Heh... Gravity Falls..." He looks through the looking glass. "Don't worry, kid... We'll get in there sooner or later..."

"Really?" smiled The Collector.

"Yes. Definitely! ABSOLUTELY!!! Soon, we'll find a way to bring anarchy to this universe!"

"Wasn't the deal supposed to be on New Year's Eve?"

"Kid, obviously New Year's Eve is just a finale! We have dozens of chances to win and WE'RE NOT TAKING IT!!!"

So... Our uh... story begins here... in a town in the far west in Oregon...

*step... step... step...*

A group of travelers walks out of a green portal and reaches the Boiling Isles.

They include:Nick Burkhardt, Monroe, Dipper Pines, Rick Sanchez, Luz Noceda, Amity Blight, Anne Boonchoy, Sasha Waybright, Marcy Wu, Sprig Plantar, Polly Plantar, and Hopediah Plantar.

They all seem to be only slightly perturbed by demons who constantly chase and eat each other. Giant Nephilim waddles on the streets. Tiny head demons chew on each other's hair. Large eye bats chase each other, giggling.

"Hey! So, that's where Eye-Bats come from!" smiled Dipper. "So, Burkhardt! Who do we need to..." he whispers. "Recruit..."

"Well, five years ago, this town was devastated by a being known as The Collector, until a group of unlikely heroes and heroines saved the Boiling Isles," said Nick.

"That's us!" smiled Amity.

"Yeah... I've killed my fair share of demons before... So, we should try to lay low."

"Why? Are you a Witch-Hunter?"

"No. A Grimm, actually."

"Wait, WHAT!?"

"What's wrong?" asked Luz.

"You're a Grimm!?"

"Keep it down!" yelled Monroe.

"(You're a Grimm...!?)" she whispered. "(You spent a thousand years hunting our kind! That is uncool!)"

"(Yeah... well...)" whispered Nick. "(It's never easy... I've cut off enough heads to realize that I can never stop.)"

Luz is pretty creeped out by that thought of his.

So are the Calamity-Users and the Plantars.

"Here..." said Nick.

They end up in the woods.

"This is our house..." said Luz.

"Oh..." said Nick. "Huh... This is convenient."

Suddenly, the door opens and suddenly, and rings of light appear to prepare and attack the group.

"Give me your best shot, Grimm," said Eda, proceeding to shoot energy blasts at Nick, which Nick slaps away with his ax.

"Luz?" asked Eda.

"So... this is the original Owl Lady," said Nick.

They meet Eda Clawthorne, who now has orange hair once more.

"Eda? Who's that?" asked Raine.

"Just Luz and a couple of...friends...?"

Anne does a thumbs-up but Sasha shrugs.

"Hello, Eda Clawthorne! We are the Weather Reporters! And we are currently recruiting certain people for our group," smiled Dipper.

"What do you want?" asked Eda.

"We want the-!"

"We want the Titan," said Rick.

"Well, as her mother-..."

"I wanna go!" smiled King.

Eda sighs. "Now, hold on-!"

"Alright! It's settled."

"No, it isn't. He's a child!"

"So were we when we stopped The Core and King Andrias!" smiled Marcy.

Eda squints her eyes. "What team...?"

They end up in Pines-Northwest Mansion, which is a special building very near the Mystery Shack, which is currently held by Soos Ramirez.

"Welcome to the Pines-Northwest Mansion!" smiled Dipper. "This is the headquarters of the New Society of the Blind Eye, which was derived from the original Society of the Blind Eye. But instead of making people forget about the Supernatural, we handle it!"

Eda looks around to see that several artifacts and gadgets are placed in the hallway of the great mansion.

"Here, we research the Supernatural rather than just straight up killing them!"

"Which we'll do only if we think that the target is too dangerous to live!" smiled Monroe.

"'Target?'" asked Eda.

"Yeah... You'll get used to it..." sighed Amity.

"And, there's no sign-up fee! Just get recruited and we'll pay you with the required snails! Think of it as a college where your kids will go back every weekend! So, what do you say?" Dipper smiles reassuringly.

"Well, I don't know about any of that..." said Eda. "All I know is that I don't agree with Grimmology or any of that junk! I have to respectfully -!"

Stanley Pines walks out of the room, drinking apple juice. Fuck it. He's drinking scotch.

*BURP!!!* "Dipper! I need you to scratch at the place where a great-nephew shouldn't. I asked Mabel to do it but she called it 'Sexual Harassment...'" He did air quotes. "Dippie!? Dip-Dip? *GASP!!!*" Stanley sees Eda. "Marilyn!?"

"King... We gotta go!" yelled Eda.

"AH!!!" yelled Anne and the Plantars.

"He's the variant of the man with the Wax Creatures!!! THE CURATOR!!!" yelled Polly, hiding behind Anne's leg.

"No, no... Relax..." said Dipper. "That's just my Grunkle..."

"And I gotta go!" Eda takes out the Portal from her pocket and hops into the Boiling Isles.

"TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!" sobbed Stanley, managing to grab her leg and enter the Boiling Isles.

"Should we worry about that?" asked Morty.

"No," said Dipper. "He survived worse. Being in an unfamiliar place where he doesn't understand the culture or dialect is just a piece of cake."

"So..." said Sasha. "What are you supposed to be, little guy...?" she leaned toward King.

"I'm King! I'm a Titan!"

"Whoa, really!?" Marcy inspects King. She pulls out a bit of his hair.


She then tastes it. "Hm... Interesting taste... He is a Titan! Tell me! What are your sleeping habits!? Where do you live!? How many more horns can you grow?"

"Uh..." King backs away.

"Huh... What's with that scar on your chest...?" Marcy sees King's scar on his chest, suggesting a horrible wound from a battle.

King backs away.

"(Psst!)" whispered Luz. "(King! It's okay! She's a friend!)"

"So... You trap your 'suspects' in wax statues..." Anne squinted her eyes.

"No... What!? Why would you think that!?" asked Dipper.

"The Curator tried doing that with Anne over here..." said Hopediah. "And we don't trust you any less than Frog Caesar did Toad Brutus!"

"Yeah!" yelled Sprig.

Anne, Sasha, and the Plantars cross their arms.

"What...?" asked Morty.

"No, no, no... Listen. Grunkle Stan sure acts shifty, but he's a good guy! Trust me! I've seen what he's done! He saved the world from Bill Cipher!" smiled Dipper.

"The Triangle Demon!?" asked Sprig.

"Yeah! And that's why I respect the man!" nodded Dipper.

"Can you prove it?" asked Hopediah.

"Uh... Here...!" Dipper shows his birthmark. "This birthmark actually relates to a prophecy of me defeating Bill one day. It's how I got my name!"

"Why the Big Dipper?" asked Sasha.

"I dunno," said Dipper.

"HELP!!!" yelled King, running away. "The girl with the notebook is trying to steal my broken horn!!!"


A few weeks ago...

"That was a cringe cover."




Nick wakes up in the early morning with Adalind.

He brushes his teeth along with his wife, Adalind.

"Nick...?" asked Adalind. "You're pale again..."

Nick's skin is slowly turning pale. "Right... Sorry." He tries turning back to his original color.

"Diana?" asked Nick. "Be back at 9, alright!?"

"Okay!" yelled Diana, who is 17 right now.

"You, too, Kelly!"

"Yeah, Dad!" yelled Kelly, who is 14.

Both siblings run downstairs and outside wearing their clothes to school.

Nick finishes the pancakes he cooked and takes on his badge.

"Bye, Nick," said Adalind, in her Attorney's suit, kissing Nick goodbye. Both open portals with their portal guns and leave off to work.

In the Precinct, Nick is greeted by nearly every cop there.

"Hey, Nick!" smiled Wu. "Looks like the Grimm of the year is back at it again solving crimes, huh?"

"Yeah... Well..." sighed Nick. "I had some great help from good people."

"Captain wants to see you, by the way..." said Wu. "No idea why..."

Nick is confused.

Later... Nick enters the office with a rather easy-going attitude.

"Hey, Captain. What do you-?"

"Nick. Just the guy I... needed to see," said Renard.

"Why... What's wrong?"

"Well... You see, Nick... Because of my status as Captain, I've been made to... oversee the whole state... Because of... Well..." Renard smirks.

"You're being transferred?"

"Not exactly... Because of our history in dealing with the Supernatural... We've been made to oversee the whole nation in every conceivable universe."

"What...?" asked Nick.

"Yes, Nick. We're currently part of the New Society of the Blind Eye. But there's a department underneath it called the Weather Reporters who are made to report and investigate Supernatural Cases that have stumped the Wesen and Grimm Detectives we have all over Maharlica, and I want you to be the face of it."

"You're transferring me...?"

"Well, not exactly. You and Wu would be working in that department because of your... experience... that was greatly preferred by Ms. JoJo. Since Hank retired, you, Trubel, and Wu are the only ones who will go there. And I want you to be the face of it."

Nick squints his eyes. "Of what, exactly?"


Dipper wakes up in the morning next to Pacifica, who is asleep.

Dipper kisses her forehead, stands up, and walks out of the house. He brushes his teeth and goes on to eat breakfast, then brushes his teeth again, and takes a shower. 

Two 12-year-old girls who look alike, one blonde and the other a brunette, run outside. "We're gonna have fun with the others, Dad!"

"Be back by 6 PM!!!" smiled Dipper. "I love you, Sunny! I love you, Windy!"

"I love you, Dad!" smiled the pair, running off into the town.

Dipper walks out of the house, revealing the town of Gravity Falls nearby.

Dipper smiles, putting his fists on his hips.


"Huh...?" asked Dipper, looking behind himself.

No one is there. He shrugs and goes to work... which is literally just downstairs.

"So... I heard that Grandpa just died..." said Soos, cleaning the Mansion. "What's that like?"

"Didn't really know him very well, so... I guess it's fine...? It's weird that you own the Shack but still act as the handyman and janitor of this place," said Dipper.

"Yeah! Haha!" laughed Soos. "I'm a Handyman first, a Janitor second, and a successor third! See ya later, dude!"

He puts on the Mr. Mystery fez on his head and walks out of the Mansion. "Doo doo doo doo doo..."

Later that night..

*beep!!! beep!!! beep!!!*

Mabel wakes up while her face is slammed on the table with several rainbows and unicorn stickers all over her face. She grabs the device and runs outside. "DIPPER!!! UGH!!!" She falls to the ground and crashes out of the door. "DIPPER!!! WE'VE GOT A REPORT!!!"

The others wake up.

"What the ding-dang is goin' on!?" asked Hopediah. "Did the Blutbaden come FOR MY EYES!?!?"

"No, Hop-Pop. We just got a report," said Anne. "Our first report, apparently."

"What!?" asked Luz, walking out of the training room with Amity and Miguel. "What happened!? We got a report!? YES!!! LET'S GO!!!"

"Whoa, there, Kamote Girl," said Miguel, eating a slice of an Ube Roll. "Easy... This is literally just your first report. You literally didn't hear what it is yet."

"I'm sorry, Miguel... Just got excited on the first day of my job!" smiled Luz.

Note: "Kah-Moh-Teh"

Nick speaks. "Apparently a group of Blutbaden has -!"

"I KNEW IT!!!" yelled Hopediah.

"-... Killed ferociously and mutilated by an unknown Wesen."

"Oh... Frog..." said Hopediah.

"What's so scary about Blutbaden anyway?" asked Anne. "Isn't Monroe a Blutbat or whatever?"

"'Blutbad...' Yeah! But he's VEGAN!!! So, he's fine! But haven't you been reading the DIARIES!? Sharp fangs! Pointed hair! Pointy ears! Red beady eyes! Howling in the night! Agitated WHEN IT'S THE FULL MOON!?!?" Hopediah shows the Family Phone and reveals that it's a full moon tonight.

"No offense, but I'm pretty offended by that," said Monroe.

"We'll research it tonight," said Dipper. "Hey, Grunkle Stan! How was your... Uh... talk with your ex?"

"Oh... Uh... Turns out she's bisexual.You know those swings that can actually swing left and right instead of just forward and backward?" said Stanley.

"What...?" asked Dipper.

"I'm trying to say I didn't know she swung that way." Stanley walks into the kitchen and coughs. "*AHEM!!!* Old-people-pills suck... *Ahem!!!* Apocalypse. Doodly doo..."

"Well...!" said Monroe. "I guess this is our first lesson in Grimmology..."

The group reach the dead body to see that the person had been, in fact, decapitated and their limbs were precisely cut into pieces.

"Oh, wow..." said King. "Honestly... This is just a regular Monday in the Boiling Isles."

"Yep," said Amity.

"This is exactly what happened to our third cousin!" smiled Polly.

"Ugh!" yelled Sasha, grabbing her nose.

Monroe smells the air. "I'm not picking anything up. Looks like it was cut by a blade."

"Whoa...!" yelled Mabel. "It stinks!"

"Probably been rotting for days," said Nick.

They see several more bodies beside it, each with decapitated heads and limbs.

Nick squints his eyes. "What kind of Wesen could do this...?"

Morty activates the DNA Scanners. "Huh... That's weird... No piece of the murderer's DNA was detected. No hair. No blood drop. No nail. No skin sample. Nothing. He's pretty clean, I guess. Heheh!"

Nick squints his eyes.


"Nothing here..." said Monroe.

It is revealed that Marcy is researching in WikiGrimm.

Monroe is reading in the Wesen Diaries.

Nick is reading in the Grimm Diaries.

Rick is also researching the body.

"Well, this is boring..." said Sprig.

King, however, looks at the body closely. "What if the guys who killed the Blutbad wasn't a Wesen or whatever? What if he hunted Wesen?"

Nick thinks for a second. "That actually makes sense. Dipper? Mabel? Anne? Luz? Sprig? King? Amity? We have a lead... 427 Bakers' Street. Morty found spit on the victim's body that matched a person there. I'm counting on the seven of you."

"You're not going!?" asked Amity.

"Paperwork," smirked Nick.

The seven of them sigh and grumble and enter portals, leaving the facility.

"You think they're ready?" asked Miguel.

"They're the main team," said Nick. "They should."


"I can't believe that we're doing this alone!" yelled Dipper. "We're the field persons!?"

"Yeah... Well..." said Mabel. "It's not like this is the first time we've investigated some super secret mystery! We are the Mystery Twins, after all!"

"So... what...?" asked Sprig, hopping. "Do we just find for a super weird thing goin' on in the house we're going to?"

"No... We're here to arrest..." Anne reads the file. "John Pottersville... Apparently, Nick classified him as a possible serial killer. 'Warning: Possible Grimm. Do not attempt to provoke.' Oh! Sprig! Put on your disguise!" smiled Anne. "Huh... Five dead Blutbaden and a... Folterseele... What is that...?"

Sprig puts on his human disguise and poses adorably.

"You, too, Sweet Potato!" smiled Luz.

Amity puts on her hood. "I'm pretty worried..."

"Why? You scared of these Grimms or whatever??" asked Luz. "What's so scary about them, anyway...?"

"Luz... Grimms are a race of Super Soldiers created by the one and only God to hunt Supernatural creatures like us... They've spent years documenting and hunting us. When I was a kid, Dad used to tell me these fairy tales that kept me up all night when I was a kid and it always ends with the Demon losing their head."

"Really?" asked Luz.

"Yeah... Actually, our ancestor was a Grimm," said Dipper. "But the Pines today didn't inherit the gene."

"There was actually a powerful Demon Warlord from the Boiling Isles that Captain Burkhardt killed," said Amity. "He was a very powerful Wizard who conjured divine magic known as the Zerstorer. Nick, with the spirits of all his ancestors, decapitating the being."

"Whoa..." said Luz.

"So... These Grimm guys..." said Anne. "They're nothing like anyone or anything in Amphibia..."

"They might have actually created the Calamity Stones..." said Dipper. "Remember what Fischbach said back in the Invasion? It might have some truths to it than we thought..."

"Well! I think we could totally kill that guy!" smiled Mabel.

"Remember the rule, Mabel! Everyone...?" asked Dipper.

"'We don't kill unless we have to...'" they all groaned.

"Yeah, yeah..." Anne rolled her eyes. "No fun, though... Oh! Dudes! We're here!"

They reach a lovely house with a lovely garden with lovely flowers all over.

Butterflies fill the air as they (except Dipper and Amity) all smile in awe.

"Guys... This is pretty suspicious, don't y'all think?" asked Dipper.

"Dipper... It's a WONDERLAND!!!" yelled Mabel.

"Which is exactly what he wants you to think. Now, when that door opens, remember to just bring him in for questioning!"

The door opens.

"Hello, dearies!" smiled the withered elderly man. "Why have you come here...?"

"Were you seriously just waiting behind the door for us...?" asked Dipper.

Amity nervously backs away. "I am honestly with Dipper on this one... We should-..."

"Hello, Mr. Pottersville, sir!" smiled Luz. "Hello! We'd like to bring you in for questioning, heheh!"

"Would you like a cup of tea each, my dears?" he smiled sweetly.

"Heheh... No, thank -..." said Dipper.

"We'd love to, oh sweet one!" smiled Mabel.

"Come in! Come in!"

Dipper and Amity facepalm as they enter the house which is filled with beautiful paintings and lovely ornaments.

King tries to follow.

"King... Stay outside..." said Luz, booping his nose. "He might be one of those Grimms and might... I dunno! Kill you for some reason...?"

"Okay..." said King.

Dipper and Mabel look around. They look at each other and Dipper has a suspicious face. Mabel, however, smiles.

"Who's this?" asked Dipper, pointing to a picture.

"Old friend of mine..." said the old man. "The cops say that he was murdered by that horrible serial killer out there..."

Dipper looks closely and his face slowly transforms into an Eisbiber's face. "WHOA!!!"

Mabel also sees this.

"Did... DID YOU SEE THAT!?" asked Dipper.

Mabel nods with concern.

The group is served tea by the old man.

Luz then goes on to speak with him. "They must've done some mistake! So, we're the Weather Reporters! We're a new group of researchers who-!"

Sprig smells it and gets worried. "That... smells like a frog... heheh..."

"Yeah... It's my secret ingredient..."

Everyone sets it down with concern.

"No, thanks! Haha!" smiled Anne, putting it down.

He turns to Sprig.

"Yeah! We're allergic! All of us!" yelled Sprig.

Sprig does a sign where he karate chops his neck.

"Yeah!" yelled Dipper. "Totally!"

"Yep!" smiled Mabel.

"Uh-huh!" smiled Luz.

Amity squeals.

Anne gets a call from Nick.

"Hey..." she whispered. "An Endezeichen... What's that...? Uh-huh...  oh! Okay... And... What's a Folterseele?" Anne is horrified by what Nick says.

"It's a Frog Wesen..."

Anne looks at the tea and puts it down. She pushes the teacup away.

"So... I just got intel that a Folterseele is a... Frog Wesen..." Anne laughed nervously. "That has slime that's considered... poisonous..."

Everyone is horrified upon hearing this and pushed the teacup away.

"Heheh..." said Luz. "We'll be going now..."

"Luz? What's going on in there?" asked King, from the window.

"Really...?" sneered the sweet old man. "You forgot to drink your tea... dearie..."

"We'll just... be arresting you now..." Luz activates her Tao Mandalas.

"Oh... You filthy Sorceress. You think I'd allow you after seeing that you can do all that?"

He puts on an Endezeichen mask and punches Luz to the ground with a high-tech energy gauntlet imbued with Hamon.

Luz blocks it.

"Endezeichen..." whispered Amity. Amity then activates an Abomination Spell and creates a purple blade, proceeding to try and kill the Grimm.


Her hood comes off.

The Grimm takes out an energy katana. "Demon... HEATHEN!!!"

He tries to chop off her head but Luz blocks it.

"Get away from my Sweet Potato!"


He crashes outside.

Anne activates her Calamity Powers and blasts a laser at the Endezeichen.



The Endezeichen then comes from behind and tries decapitating Anne, but she dodges and kicks him, but he grabs her foot with his gauntlet and breaks her leg by elbowing it.

Dipper activates his blaster and tries to blast an EMP Wave at him, but he grabs it and disables it.

Mabel takes out an ax and tries chopping his head off, but he grabs the ax with ease.

"My scanners say you have the Blood of the Grimm flowing through your bodies... It's slowly activating..." said the Endezeichen. "Sadly... You are working for the wrong side... I must dispatch of you at once..."



King shoots a soundwave from his mouth as the Endezeichen.

However, he activated a Wakandan energy shield that blocked the attack.

Sprig then hops and shoots his tongue into the Endezeichen's face, but he grabs the tongue and grabs Sprig by the neck. 

"Amphibian..." whispered the Endezeichen.

He then blasts a shockwave that knocks everyone out, except for Dipper and Mabel.

Note: Ende-ZAI-Ken...

"You're going to die for that..."

"RAUGH!!!" Dipper punches the Endezeichen in the face.

The Endezeichen stares at Dipper and proceeds to laugh at him.

"You will all certainly be a humorous new addition to my collection..." said the Endezeichen.

Dipper punches the Endezeichen over and over again and manages to land a few blows.

He begins to spark with Hamon Energy.

Mabel joins in and smacks the Endezeichen, bitchslapping him across the face.

The two twins begin beating the Endezeichen over and over again, both sparking with Hamon.


The Endezeichen gets knocked out upon Dipper's final punch.

The two pant in tiredness, and slowly realize what they've become.

"Dipper?" asked Mabel. "What have we become...?"

Dipper bows his head, still panting. "Something dangerous..."

And that was the first chapter of Part 15: Weather Report Grimm! Enjoyed it? YOU BETTER!!! I'll work on the next few chapters...

New Society of the Blind Eye:

Captain:Nicholas “Nick” Burkhardt

Lieutenant:Drew Wu

Sergeant:Sasha Waybright

The Weather Reporters:Mason “Dipper” PinesLuz NocedaAmity BlightKingMabel PinesAnne BoonchoySprig Planter

Weather Researchers:MonroeRick SanchezMorty SmithPacifica NorthwestPolly PlanterMarcy WuHopediah Plantar

Weather Strike Team:Willow ParkGus PorterEveTheresa “Trubel” RubelJohn ConstantineMarc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake LockleyJoseph Joestar


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