
170. Jump Force Chapter I: Jotaro Kujo!!! Meets Gio...

*tap tap tap tap tap tap*

Giorno taps his fingers on his nails, crossing his legs and calmly waiting for something. He looks around the room. Dolphin dolls are seen everywhere and there are at least three aquarium tanks in the room. One is a tank that holds sea creatures, one has a tank that holds freshwater fish, and the last one holds a small turtle. The woman on the desk at the corner of the room silently listened to music in her earphones while typing something. Giorno looks down and smiles at the turtle he's holding.

"Polnareff, I believe that the person you wanted to have me speak with is rather fond of sea creatures."

The turtle, oddly enough, replies to Giorno.

"He's a very good friend of mine and we go way back. He became a Marine Biologist a few years back. He's really good at his job." said Polnareff, looking up to Giorno.

"What's his name?" asked Giorno.

"Kujo Jotaro," said Polnareff.

"Oh. So he's Japanese," said Giorno.

"Yes," said Polnareff. "He has a family living here in the States."

"Why'd you want me to meet him?" asked Giorno.

"He has something to tell you, Giorno..." said Polnareff. "...about your Father."

Giorno's eyes widen. Sweat began to slowly drip from his face.

"M-My Father...?" asked Giorno, with a widened expression, looking rather surprised. "Here?! NOW?!! Where is he?!"

"You have to ask him yourself, Giorno Giovanna," said Polnareff.

"Why are you just telling me now?!" asked Giorno, with a confused expression.

"Ah..." said Polnareff. "That's a very good point... Hehehe... That's something I have no answer for... Haha..."

Giorno sighed out of frustration.

"Mr. Giovanna!" said the woman on the desk. "Kujo Jotaro would like to meet you now."

Giorno Giovanna softly nodded, and said, "Gracias." He then walked towards the large wooden door, opened it, and entered.

Looming upon Giorno Giovanna is Kujo Jotaro.

"Sit down, Giorno Giovanna," said Jotaro, as Giorno nodded and sat down.

"Giorno Giovanna." said Jotaro, as his eyes stared down at Giorno's. "Your Mother raised you alone and had your stepfather take care of you for most of his life. I've heard rumors of him beating you when you were young. I've also heard intel that you saved a Gangster by the name of Cannoli. You also took down the biggest Stand-Using Mafia Boss of Italy, who goes by the name of Diavolo, and you are now currently the head of the Mafia. Is that right, Giorno Giovanna?"

"Si," said Giorno, looking down.

"I guess Polnareff told you that already..." said Giorno.

"Where is he?" asked Jotaro.

"Uh..." said Turtle Polnareff.

Jotaro stared at the turtle.

"Chariot Requiem, I presume?" asked Jotaro.

"Yep..." said Polnareff.

"Yare yare... honestly..." said Jotaro, facepalming. "Don't worry, Polnareff... We'll find a way to fix this."

Polnareff began to tear up.

"That's what they all say," said Polnareff. "GEEZ!!! I WANT MY BODY BACK!!!"

"That's odd. Turtles don't cry when they are sad because they physically cannot get sad. They cry to remove salt on their bodies." said Jotaro, crossing his legs. "Well, in a way, you're pretty damned salty."

"WAS THAT A JOKE?!!! I WILL FIND A WAY TO KICK YOUR ASS FOR THAT, JOTARO!!!" shouted Polnareff, as Jotaro closed his eyes shut and looked away.

Giorno laughed softly.

"Ah, yes... About what I'm supposed to speak with you about... your Father's name..." said Jotaro, as Giorno leaned closer. "...is Dio Brando."

Giorno looked down.

"Ah..." said Giorno. "Wait... I've seen a picture of him..."

Giorno takes out a photo from his wallet and showed it to Jotaro.

"I found this one when one of your goons were spying on me," said Giorno.

"Yare yare daze..." said Jotaro sighing once more. "He wasn't my goon. He was just a member of the Speedwagon Foundation."

"You mean the wold-renowned research group? Wait... You're related to Joseph Joestar?!" asked Giorno Giovanna. "More on that later... Mr. Jotaro... Where is my Father?"

Jotaro picked up a picture on his desk. It's a picture of the Stardust Crusaders, his old friends. "I'm the one... who killed your Father."

Giorno's eyes widened with confusion first... then blind rage...

His Stand, Gold Experience, appeared as Jotaro's Stand, Star Platinum, appeared as well.

"Easy... the both of you..." said Polnareff.

"Why?!" asked Giorno, gritting his teeth.

Jotaro calmly stared at Giorno.

"I heard your Stand has a second form... Probably a form that my Stand could never achieve in defeating," said Jotaro, glancing at Gold Experience.

"Why'd you do it?! I just don't understand..." said Giorno, eyes quivering.

"I know that feeling. Searching for something for a long time, but when you find it, you wouldn't like the results of your finding," said Jotaro.

"Why'd you do it?!" asked Giorno, slamming the table.

"He was my enemy," said Jotaro.

"You're gonna kill me, too, aren't you?!" asked Giorno.

"No," said Jotaro. "You are not my enemy. At least, according to two friends of mine,"

"Should I kill you right now?!" asked Giorno.

"Depends. Am I your enemy?" asked Jotaro. "I'm not afraid to die... At this point... I'm not afraid of anything. Not anymore. What do you think, Giorno Giovanna? Am I your enemy?"

Giorno gives a hard look into Jotaro's eyes. Polnareff gives both of them a worried expression.

"No... You are not my enemy," said Giorno, retracting his Stand, still with eyes quivering. "You don't seem like you're a bad person.So, tell me... What was he like? What made him make you even think about killing him?!"

Jotaro sighs. "Yare yare daze... It all started... about a hundred years ago... with an object called the Stone Mask... A mask that intertwined our families together... a mask that changed our fates forever."


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