
81. Stickin' Stones ~Project: Mint~

Kariel stares at his metallic mechanical legs and gives off a big sigh. He sits on his bet, contemplating alone.


Princess Bubblegum, the ruler of the Candy Kingdom and Highest Honor of the Council of Princesses, slowly puts a hair sample with her gum. She puts it in some sort of machine. The machine looks like a large glass cylinder. She left it there for 9 hours and returns to see a blue humanoid fully formed fetus. She pressed a button just at the side of the cylinder near the cap as the baby is born.

Princess Bubblegum carries the baby.

"Hm," she coldly hummed. "So this is a baby."

Princess Bubblegum gives the baby a rattle and pats her head.

"Project: Mint. Age: 9 hours. Species: Human-Gum Person Hybrid," said Princess Bubblegum into a recorder.

Suddenly, a Stand resembling Gold Experience emerged from her body. It is much small and has a feminine body compared to Miguel's and Gio Brando's Stand.

"Hm," said Princess Bubblegum. "Stand Name: Gold Experience. Ability: Unknown."

*knock knock*

Kariel walks in. "Hey, Bonnie!" smiled Kariel.

"Hello, Mr. JoJo," said Princess Bubblegum.

"Aw! Is this a new Candy Person?" asked Kariel.

"Sure?" asked Princess Bubblegum. "This is actually my daughter."

"Oh!" smiled Kariel. "Hey, there, little guy! Gal... I mean... Who's the mom? Oh, right! Marceline the Vampire Queen! Haha...Wait... That makes no sense..."

"It's fine. I cloned my gum with a human's!" smiled Bonnie. "It's... *ahem*... she's... my clone."

"Okay, cool," said Kariel. "Isn't that kinda cheating, though? On your jowa?"

"What the blood's a jowa?" asked Princess Bubblegum.

"It's slang in the Philippines for partner-... Never mind..." said Kariel.

"It's not cheating because there's no sexual activity in her creation," said Princess Bubblegum.

"Nope! Nope! Nope!" shouted Kariel, covering his ears. "Don't wanna hear it all over again. Anyway! Kuya sent me here to deliver a package to him! Where is the package?"

"Oh," said Princess Bubblegum. "This little one is the package. Protect her at all costs and make sure no one harms her...People out there are sent to harm her, actually.For the fate of the world...And also probably... maternal reasons...Deliver her in Finn and Jake's apartment portal only. Do not use your Stand to deliver her into the other Dimension."

Princess Bubblegum snuggles the child on her chest.

"Who will you send it to?" asked Kariel.

"Well... of course... to the person I trust the most," said Princess Bubblegum. "Her father."

"Who's the papa, exactly?" asked Kariel.

"Oh..." smiled Princess Bubblegum. "It's Mertens. Finn Mertens."

Kariel drives silently in the night toward the Human Colony, where Minerva currently rules as Princess of the Humans. The night was cold, but not too cold, and was rather blissful. Crickets chirped around and owls hooted. It was a calm and beautiful night. He drove in the grasslands toward the Human Colony in a truck.

"In a few kilometers, we'd get into Finn and Jake's apartment and enter the portal there. Then, we'd turn up in the mansion and I'd give you to your dad so he could raise you to use your Stand properly and help cure my Kuya!" smiled Kariel.

Mint, seatbelted beside Kariel, tilts her head looking at him, acting confused.

"Don't look at me like that, kiddo!" shouted Kariel. "You wanna stop by the coffee shop in the Human Colony? There's mint-flavored Ice Cream there!No, wait... that might be cannibalism.Well? Where do you wanna go, little one?"

Mint, confused, still stares at Kariel with one eyebrow up.

Suddenly, Mint turns her head to the left, sensing... something. She isn't sure what, but she senses it. Kariel notices that her eyes flick left to right, searching for an answer.

*strip... strip... stri~i~i~ip*

Kariel's eyes widen. Kariel brings out All-Star.

"Hewwo!" blushed All-Star ACT 1. "Why'd you call me?"

Kariel brings out his revolver.

"Someone's nearby," said Kariel.


Kariel's eyes turn pitch black as he turned around. He turns his head, moving left to right until he finally focused his eyes above him.

"Kariel... Someone's on the roof..." said All-Star.

Kariel immediately pointed upward.

"Mint, cover your ears," said Kariel.

Mint covers her ears.

"She's pretty smart," said All-Star.

"Twinkle!?" asked Kariel.

"Right," said All-Star, as she prepared to curve Kariel's bullets.


Kariel reloads his revolver, making sure that no one touches the package.

"Twinkle?" asked Kariel.

All-Star checks outside.

"He's alive," said All-Star.

"What does he look like?" asked Miguel.

"He is Bruno Aguinaldo. According to the files, he is one of Eradicator's men," said All-Star.

"A Stand-User?" asked Kariel.

"He's only a paid hitman," said All-Star. "His file says that he is only a situational ally. His code name is Mummy For-A-Day. He's the kind of person who doesn't take sides. Rather, he only does what he is paid to do. He's here to take Mint out."

"Ah... a coward," said Kariel, squinting his eyes. "Well... if he wishes to harm Mint..."

Kariel shoots his gun out the window as the bullets curve toward the man.


"I'd have to take him out," said Kariel.

"Should we attack him in ACT 2, Kariel?" asked All-Star adorably.

"No," said Kariel. "We might accidentally hurt Mint."

"We could portal her into the other Universe," said All-Star.

"Bonnie specifically said that we should only deliver her via Finn and Jake's Apartment Portal," said Kariel. "We should only stay at ACT 1."

"You can go ACT 2... But fight the guy carefully!" smiled All-Star.

"I'm not Superman, Twinkle," explained Kariel. "Because my stamina constantly drains, I can't control my gravitational properties and I might accidentally injure the package in the ensuing battle."




Kariel's arm is immediately wrapped in some sort of duct tape material.

Another tape tentacle appears and turns into a blade as the copper decapitates Kariel's arm from the shoulder.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" yelled Kariel.

Several blade tentacles stab at them from above and outside the windows.

Kariel grabbed Mint via All-Star ACT 3 and portals themselves out of the truck.

Kariel lands on the ground as Mint is in ACT 3's arms.

"Oh, my, Gawd!" yelled ACT 3. "Kariel... Like... What happened to your arm?"

"Stuff..." sighed Kariel. "Take that guy out..."

ACT 3 punches the man over and over again with only one arm.

"ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA-!!!" shouted ACT 3, punching Bruno over and over again.

Nothing happens. He is barely injured by the attack.

"Tch-..." whispered Kariel. He grabs his shoulder out of pain.

Mint touches his shoulder.

Kariel's eyes widen.

His metal legs have come off for some reason. Kariel feels a little bit shorter. He moves his legs... But then he realizes something...

He didn't have legs.

Kariel looks at his left shoulder and sees... yes... He now has a left arm again.

"It still hurts... but I can move these new body parts..." said Kariel.



The tape blades pierce Kariel's limbs and torso as he grunts as blood gushes out of his flesh. He growls and prepares his gun once more.


Kariel reloads as the tentacles twist in Kariel's flesh.

"Aah!" he whimpered. His voice cracked out of pain as the blade dug into his flesh.

"Ah..." said Kariel, as he kept on going and shooting at the man.


Kariel reloads.

All-Star tries to break his neck with a single jab, but Mummy For-A-Day grabs her face and bashes it into the ground.

"ORA!!!" she shrieked.

More tape blades from Bruno are launched toward Kariel, but All-Star moves the trajectory of each blade toward the ground. However, this didn't matter, since the tape blades just kept on coming. The blades decapitate Kariel's trigger finger as he screams in pain.

Note: If you remember, Kariel can only manipulate the trajectory of a certain number of objects. A massive weakness of Kariel is that he cannot keep up with multiple objects coming towards him, so he would easily be harmed by something like a machine gun, for example. But, if, for example, Kariel only blocks two objects that repeatedly attack him like bullets, like fists, he can keep up with the opponent's attacks since he only controls the trajectory of two objects.

Mint then touches Kariel's leg while she sits on the ground, and the finger regrows.

Kariel takes this to an advantage. While All-Star ACT 3 fought Mummy For-A-Day, Kariel used some cloth to tie Mint onto his back. Kariel then shot at his enemy once more, but again, the bullets bounced off. Kariel howled like a berserker and shot at him more.

"Kariel..." said ACT 3. "This is a terrible strategy... We have to rethink our next moves."

Kariel pants out of exhaustion. Mint touches Kariel's gun.

"Hey... What are you-?" asked Kariel.

(theme begins)



The bullet, this time, stuck to Mummy For-A-Day's leg, as roots began growing from his leg and soon entangling him under an Australian Buloke, a tree with the world's hardest wood.

Bruno croaks and struggles to get out.



Bruno's tape mask is forced to come out, revealing a woged face of a frog-like humanoid. He shoots his tongue out of his mouth toward Kariel.

But, Kariel quickly grabs the frog man's tongue.

*shaky ribbit*

"An Aglebemu," said Kariel. "Interesting. So, Frog Prince... What makes you the neutral one in this world? Neutrality... a cowardly wise man's strategy.Thank you, Mint.Thanks to you, Bruno Aguinaldo the Aglebemu got desperate. Now..."

*click click*

"I have a bullseye," said Kariel.





ACT 3 then punched Bruno over and over again, crushing his face.


*pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow*

"Ora-orada ang gawa mo," said Kariel, posing.


(theme ends)

Kariel sighs. "Geez..." he bowed his head, feeling tired.

Bruno, now dead, has his Stand dust as he is engulfed by this tree that Mint developed.

Kariel sighs in relief as he stares down at Mint. Mint gives Kariel a big smile. He decides to bring her to the Human Colony on foot.


"My daughter?" asked Finn, as he carried Mint and put that baby on his lap. "Waddup, little dude."

"Tch-..." said Kira, as she continued reading a magazine about manicures.

Mint is threatened as she brought out her Stand, Gold Experience.

The other members of the Jazz Fusion stood up in fear as she brought out her Stand.

Finn brings out his Stand, Time Adventure, and Mint began staring at Finn. Suddenly, she giggles happily.

"Guess she knows that you're her dad," smiled Jake.

"Her ability is that she can create life," said Kariel. "She can also create organs."

Kariel pulls the sleeves of his legs up, revealing... well... legs... new legs that had grown from Mint.




The Jazz Fusion turns to see that Finn removed his left metal arm as he offered the stump to Mint.

"Finn..." said Josuke. "I don't think this would-..."

"I know. Me neither," said Finn. "But if there was a possibility... even the slightest chance..."

Mint sees this and touches the stump, as an arm grows from the stump. However, this arm disintegrates almost immediately.

"Figures," sighed Finn, as he picked the arm back up and put it on. He lets out a deep sigh of disappointment.

Mint touches Finn's arm, and Finn smiles at her, brushing her sweet sticky mint strip hair.

"What's her name?" asked Finn.

"Mint Mertens," smiled Kariel.

"Thanks... Kariel JoJo," smiled Finn.

"What happened to you... anyway?" asked Kariel.

"It's a long-..." said Josuke.

"Finn bought a cursed grass sword from a grass wizard. Then he met his human dad and that encounter caused him to lose his arm. That arm then became our late friend-turned-enemy-turned-friend-again, Fern, or Grass Finn, an alternate dimension version of Finn possessing the former Grass Sword," summarized Jake.

"Huh," said Kariel.

"How'd you lose your legs?" asked Jake.

"Crushed and torn off by a megalomaniac Mafia Boss who wanted to destroy humanity and bring honor to the Supernatural world," said Kariel.

"Cool," said Finn.

"If that-... *ahem*... She is going to be in our relationship..." said Yoshiko, scratching the table softly. "It's fine... I guess. Your clone child with another woman you clearly had feelings with before."

"Yoshiko, how do you know that?" asked Finn.

"I dunno... When were you going to tell me about her, Flame Princess, Huntress Wizard, and all the Princesses of Boo?" asked Yoshiko. "And you lost your virginity to A SPACE CLOUD!!!"

"It's 'Ooo' and... YOU READ MY DIARY!?" asked Finn.

"YOU WENT TIER 15 WITH LSP!?" asked Jake.

"Who?" asked Gumball.

"You don't wanna know..." said Jake. "Also... see that shadowy door?"

Jake points to a shadowy door.

"Let's all just back away into it while these two argue..." said Jake, as he backed away. Everyone else followed, except of course, for Finn, Yoshiko, and Mint.

"What the hell, FINN!?" asked Yoshiko.



"OH-!!!" yelled Finn.

The two argued as the Jazz Fusion and Kariel all exited the room. Darwin closes the door as Mint winks to you, the reader, blowing a flower from one of the buttons on her sweater.

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