
Blind Spot

To an ordinary adult, a child was harmless and could pose less problems.

They were weaker, slower, less experienced and less intelligent than an adult.

It was a natural reaction for an adult to feel no threat from a child and to underestimate them.

One reason why child assassins and bombers which had been raised by certain organisations were so effective was because they were easily seen as being harmless and would be overlooked by even the most skilled people.

They could get close enough to their target and complete their mission they had been set before the target realised what was going on.

That was all that two people experienced as they saw an injured child that was around ten years old.

The child was injured and had suffered greatly to make their way to them before finally collapsing.

The child was without any others and had no Pokémon with them which suggested those with her had been caught up in what had happened and probably did not survive.

Any other supplies or belongings were either left behind or were buried under the rubble.

They were not experienced doctors and could only work with what they had seen from the injuries and appearance of the girl so they tried to assess her situation the best they could.

Their figures blocked the poor lighting so they it was difficult for them to see everything clearly.

One had knelt over in front of the other so the other had a poor view of what was happening in front of him.

The circumstances allowed for there to be a blind spot and the girl continued to lie there motionless as they discussed what to do with her.

Kimi was lying down facing upward after being turned over and listened to them discussing how they would handle her. 'Hmmmm? They must have caught others before from how they are talking. Wait a sec! Do not tell me.. those jerks! No wonder there were so many casualties!'

She was angry but had kept herself from moving.

Her aura was keeping track of the movements of the two men and the two Pokémon that guarded them. 'Good thing I approach them this way, now I got a better idea of their numbers and their Pokémon.'

It was like she was waiting for something specific that would trigger the next part of her plan, the use of aura helped connect her to Espeon to relay her orders and share their senses.

A strange tingling sensation spread through her body as if something was about to happen.

It was not something that happened to her personally but was instead what she had picked up from Espeon.

Once it had happened, the clenched fist of Kimi was unclenched and formed a palm then struck upwards.

A wave of energy was pushed from her palm as it made contact with the chin of the man that was leaning over to check on her.

Just as that had happened, a loud bang sounded from far away but it was loud enough to cause any other noises to be difficult to make out.

The explosive noises did not just end with one quick one as they continued.

As if waiting for the right timing, Espeon walked out of hiding with her red gem glowing on her head and the psychic energy was gathering. "Espeon!"

A metal ball flew across the room and the man that was behind the other and was standing had been distracted by the noise.

He couldn't held but shield his ears with his hands once the explosive sounds began.

The metal ball flew with enough force and accuracy under the control of Espeon.

It made contact with his chin just along with a small wave of psychic energy.

In most cases fora quick knockout blow, it was usually best to target the chin, the size of the neck or the temple.

Some areas were more dangerous to target and could cause more harm during the initial impact which could be life threatening.

Even if they did not die from that, they would still fall to the ground and suffer more injuries which could be life threatening.

One person was much closer to the ground so they fell onto the body of Kimi while the other had fallen back from the impact.

Just as he was about to fall back and hit his head, several vines had shot out and caught his body.

Tangela appeared just in time to catch him with the vines but that was not the end of it.

Just as that was happening and the two others did not yet fully react, Kimi reached for the Pokéball on the waist of the man which had fallen onto her then had it in her grasp. "Return."

Kimi had succeeded in pushing him off her and pointed the Pokéball towards them.

One had been pulled back inside while a Pokéball floated from the waist of the other man.

The colouring of the lighting on the Pokéballs helped to identify which ones were currently occupied so it was simple to find the right ones.

The other one had floated up and was pointed towards the other then sucked it back inside.

Everything happened within a very short timeframe and had been covered up by the noise that came from further within.

When the noise stopped, everything had ended and there were two people that lay on the ground unmoving while the two Pokémon had been taken back into their Pokéballs.

It did not matter who was registered to them or had caught them so long as the current Pokéball registered to them was used to make them return, it did not matter who used the register Pokéball to do so.

It was a very simple and effective way to remove Pokémon from the battle but it needed certain circumstances to pull it off.

Not every trainer would keep the Pokéballs out in the open and some would keep them very secure on their bodies or within a place of storage.

It would not be so easy to approach to grab them for ordinary people since they would be on guard.

It also helped that psychic abilities could assist in grabbing them from far away so long as the owner was not able to notice it or was not in a state to secure it.

The plan had many backups for each possible outcome if it failed but the teamwork and timing had aided Kimi and Espeon in doing most of the work so the only additional aid had come from Tangela to prevent any accidental deaths.

The two Pokémon were a Raticate and Weezing which could have been dealt with quickly during the confusion but it posed more of a risk if they were not finished in one or two moves.

Since it had been successful, Kimi could move onto moving closer to the source of the problem in Mount Moon.

The two of them were both searched so their belongings were taken away before being gagged and tied up.

Everything she gained had been stashed away for later and she would retrieve it once everything was over.

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