
71. Pretty Eyes Don't Tell Me Lies

Thanks so much for the reviews you guys. I really appreciate them. I hope that you like what's to come. I really tried to take a lot of your requests in your reviews into consideration for this chapter. So, I hope that you like it.


Erin looked down at her Chicken Parmesan and picked at it as she listened to Hank and Jay make small talk. They were supposed to be celebrating Hank and Olivia's engagement, but ever since the confrontation with Allie earlier at work, she really wasn't in the mood for celebrating.

"Are you ok, Erin?" Olivia asked as she took a sip of her wine and put her glass down.

"Yeah" Erin said looking up from her plate and nodding her head. "Yeah...I'm fine. Just not that hungry"

"Is it the chicken?" Hank asked "I can make you something else"

Erin shook her head "No, really Hank. It's fine"

Hank gave Erin a look and went back to eating his dinner. Jay looked over at Erin and reached his hand out to touch her thigh and he gently gave it a squeeze.

"Mama" Everly said as she sat in her high chair and ate with her fork.

"What bug?" Erin asked as she sat her fork down and looked at her daughter.

"Here" Everly said holding a piece of cut up chicken for her mommy.

Erin gave a smile and shook her head "No baby, that's yours. You eat it"

Everly looked at Erin for a few seconds and brought the small piece of chicken up to her mouth and ate it.

"Noah sure likes it" Jay said looking at the toddler who had his mouth and bare chest covered in pasta sauce.

"He eats like you, Halstead" Hank said as he took another bite of food.

"Funny" Jay said as he stood from Hank's table and took his plate to the kitchen.

"Evie-bug, are you done?" Jay asked as he rinsed his dish and put it in the dishwasher.

"All un" Everly said nodding her head.

"Are you ready for a bath?" Erin asked as she stood and pulled the removable plate from Everly's high chair and carried it to the sink.

"Baff? Everly nodded and reached for Jay as he unbuckled her from her chair.

"Yeah, messy girl" Jay said as he pulled Everly against his chest. "A bath"

Erin cleaned Everly's tray and looked over at Jay. "I'll do it, Jay"

Jay shook his head and looked at Erin. "I've got it. You just relax"

Jay carried Everly out of the kitchen and up the stairs as Erin put the tray back on Everly's high chair.

"Are you sure you're ok, Erin?" Olivia asked as she started clearing the table.

"Yeah, I'm fine" Erin said. "I just have a lot on my mind"

"Anything you want to talk about?" Olivia asked.

Erin forced a smile and shook her head. "No, It's nothing big. I'm just tired. I'm sure I'll feel better in the morning"

"You and Halstead still spending the night?" Hank asked as he made his way over to the sink.

"Yeah" Erin said with an added nod. "We'll stay. We're celebrating, right?"

Hank nodded and wrapped his arm around Olivia's shoulder "That we are"

Erin smiled and her eyes welled with tears "I'm really happy for you guys

"Erin" Olivia said as she reached a hand out to Erin who backed away from her.

"I'm OK" Erin assured as she walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

She looked in the bathroom at Jay who was sitting beside the bathtub and bathing Everly. She smiled sadly as she listened to Everly laugh and babble at her father who was making the bathtub toys talk.

Erin walked into her old room and slipped her shoes off and curled up on her bed. She was exhausted, her conversation with Allie and the punch kept playing over and over in her mind.

She was just thankful that Trudy had seen and heard what had happened and was more than willing to fill out a statement backing Erin and her actions when the commander came to the station after Allie had filed a formal complaint.

Luckily, after a talk with the commander and Platt stretching the truth for Erin's benefit, the commander had been satisfied and left without further action.

Erin didn't understand why she was letting Allie get to her. She knew that Jay loved her and she hated that she was letting Allie's words hurt her. Maybe she was just being hormonal and pregnant. But Allie accusing her of being a bad mother was just too much for Erin to take.

She had such anxiety about her parenting skills to begin with and just knowing that someone else thought the same things made her heart ache.

And deep down she lived in fear that Jay thought the same things about her.

Erin heard the bedroom door creek open and the light flipped on.

"Let's get you ready to go to bed naked girl" Jay said as he carried a delighted Everly, who was wrapped in a towel over to the bed.

"Nigh nigh" Everly said as Jay sat her down on the bed and grabbed her diaper bag.

"Mama" Everly called as she turned over on her knees and crawled towards Erin.

"Hi pumpkin" Erin smiled and rolled over on her back as Everly climbed up on her legs.

"Baby" Everly said as she put her hands on Erin's tummy.

"Yeah" Erin's smile widened as she looked at her daughter. "That's the baby. You're so smart"

"Come here my little nudist" Jay laughed as he walked around the bed and picked Everly up off of Erin's lap.

"Da-dee" Everly squealed as Jay gently tossed her on the bed and started to diaper and dress her.

"Did you tell mommy what you did?" Jay asked as he rubbed baby lotion into Everly's skin.

"No no" Everly shook her head and looked up at Jay.

"What'd you do?" Erin asked as she sat up and looked down at her daughter.

"Tell mommy that you used to potty" Jay said.

"Did you use the potty?" Erin asked with excitement in her voice.

"Yes" Everly said as Jay zipped her sleeper and pulled her up to sit.

"Our daughter is a genius" Jay said as he moved to sit down on the bed.

"One step closer to a diaper free world" Erin said with a smile.

"At least for a few months. Then it's double the diapers" Jay said with a laugh.

"Very true" Erin said looking down and placing a hand on her bump.

Jay frowned as he looked at Erin. "Are you ok, Er?"

Erin looked up and nodded "I'm fine, why?"

Jay looked at Everly as she slipped off the bed and and walked over to a few toys that were sitting in the corner.

"Becasue I know a genuine Erin smile and this isn't it" Jay sighed. "Baby, just tell me what's bothering you"

Erin shook her head "It's just the stuff with Allie today. I shouldn't have hit her"

Jay moved closer to Erin and reached for her hand. "Erin, don't worry about that. I know you didn't tell me what was said, but I can promise you that whatever Allie tried to tell you isn't true. And I'm going to talk to her about it"

"Why?" Erin asked as she raised an eyebrow at her husband. "Why do you have to talk to her?"

"I just thought" Jay started.

"Don't" Erin said shaking her head "If you want to go to Allie, just go"

Jay sighed and tried to choose his words carefully. "Erin, I'm not going anywhere. I just thought that if I tried to smooth things over with her that it would keep her from trying to do anything worse"

Erin picked Everly up from the corner and carried her over to the pack and play. "And what if she does make it worse? What are you going to do?"

"Erin, I just don't want you to lose your badge. I know how Allie can be" Jay warned.

"Let her. If the bitch wants to screw with me that's fine. But I'm not going to sit around and let her screw with my kids" Erin spat.

"Erin" Jay started again.

"No Jay, I'm not sure I know who you're defending here" Erin sighed.

She looked in the pack and play at Evely who had busied herself with playing with the toys that were in it.

"I'm on your side Erin. You know that" Jay said as he looked at his wife.

Erin walked over to the overnight bag and picked a few things out of it so she could take a bath and get ready for bed."Really?" Erin said as she fought back tears. "Cause it doesn't feel like it. I feel like you're trying to tell me I'm wrong for defending myself to someone who said such terrible things about me"

Jay stood from the bed and took a step towards Erin.

"Er" Jay started.

"No" Erin shook her head "Just forget it"

Jay watched as Erin walked out of the bedroom and across the hall to the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

Jay looked over at Everly who was standing on her feet looking over the side of the pack n play.

"Your old man is an idiot" Jay sighed and sat back down on the bed.

The sound of Everly's giggle filled the silent room and Jay groaned and covered his hand with his hands.

Jay looked over at Everly and put the TV on Sprout and walked across the hall to the bathroom and opened the door.

Erin looked over at the door and sank down in the bubble bath as Jay walked in.

Jay shut the door behind him and leaned against the back of the door.


Erin looked at Jay and gave him a sad smile. "Hey. I'm sorry"

Jay walked over to the tub and knelt down next to the tub and looked at Erin. "I'm sorry, too"

Erin laid her head back against the back of the tub and looked at the ceiling. "I don't know what's been bothering me. It's just..."

"What baby?" Jay asked moving to his knees as he reached for Erin's hand in the water.

Erin kept her eyes on the ceiling and shook her head "I just think about the things that Allie said and I can't help but wonder if they're true. I know that I don't have a perfect past and I'm not a perfect person, but she made some really good points"

Jay shook his head "Erin, you know that whatever she said it's not true"

Erin turned her head and looked at Jay "If we got divorved you know that you'd get custody of Everly and the twins and with my past I'd be lucky to even get visitation...and just the thought of losing my kids and you. I can't begin to think about something like that happening to me...or us"

Jay reached out and raised his hand to Erin's cheek. "Baby, that's never going to happen"

"But it could" Erin said as she moved to sit up in the tub.

"It won't. You and I...we're always going to be together. And if by some chance a day comes and we're not? I'd never take our children from you. You're the most amazing mother, Erin. And I'm so proud to be the father of your children. Whatever Allie has said to you is wrong. You're amazing and I wish so much that you'd believe it" Jay gave Erin a sad smile as he looked at her.

Erin wiped a tear from her cheek and shook her head "I'm sorry. I'm just really stressed out"

Jay knelt up and placed a kiss on Erin's head.

"Baby, please don't cry" Jay whispered against her head. "Please"

Erin took a shaky breath and looked at her husband as he pulled back from her "You're too good to me, Jay. Why do you put up with me?"

Jay smiled and brushed a wet strand of hair out of Erin's face. "I won this contest in Hell"

Jay watched as Erin's face turned into a smile and he laughed as he looked at her.

"You're such a jerk" Erin said with a smile.


Kim and Erin sat on Kim's couch fanning themselves with magazines. There were oscillating fans placed strategically around the room and the door to the hallway was open in an effort to help the air circulate better.

The heat wave that had overcome Chicago the last week was not anywhere nearing an end it seemed. Chicago was experiencing a heat wave like it hadn't seen in almost a decade according to the weathermen, with temperatures in the triple digits every day for the last five days. And of course, the air unit had once again went out at Kim and Adam's apartment.

Erin groaned as she held the cold glass of ice water against her neck, letting the moisture run down her chest and under the tank top she wore.

"I swear, if this weather doesn't break soon, I'm going to throw myself into the Lake Michigan head first." Erin groaned. Not only was it miseable to be hot, but it was miserable to be hot AND pregnant with twins.

Kim laughed as she did the same thing with her glass in an attempt to cool her body. Both women were wearing shorts and tank tops but that still seemed like too much clothing on a day like this.

"I can't believe that this building has a broken unit AGAIN. They sure as hell aren't going to hike our rent to fix it. Hell no." Kim whined as she stood and walked over to the window.

"I once told Jay if he came home without an air conditioner, I was throwing him out on his ass." Erin laughed as she remembered how his face at it had lit up with her words.

Gaby stormed into the apartment, her hair wet and a scowl on her face that sent a shudder down both Kim and Erin's spine.

"Erin," she growled as she moved in front of one of the fans to let the air cascade over her skin. "Why the hell does this building not have air conditioning? I just took the first shower of my life in completely cold water and it still didn't cool me off. Pffft! I swear I hate Chicago!"

Gaby slumped down on the chair and sighed heavily.

"Tell us how you really feel Gaby" Erin laughed as she put her feet up on the couch. Kim sat on the open window sill and leaned out the window, looking down at the street. She saw Jay walking up the street, whistling. He and Ruzek had a meeting that afternoon after work and it was obviously productive from his chipper demeanor.

It had been a week since everything with Allie. A week since her nightmare. She had told Jay about it, embarrassed more than anything about the whole thing. She had been intimidated by Allie and that really bothered her. She had no reason to be intimidated she knew logically. But logic didn't always play a part in affairs of the heart.

Erin had been pulling away from Jay in the last week too, her unease with him and everything with Allie consuming her more and more as the days went by. She trusted Jay but she didn't trust Allie.

Her nightmare and hitting Allie and the fact that Allie was moving back to town was consuming her thoughts more and more and she felt like she would burst if she didn't talk to someone about her thoughts. She looked over at Erin and Gaby who were chatting, avoiding the subject of Sylvie Brett with an almost painful blatancy.

It had come as a shock to everyone that Sylvie had been pregnant. Erin and Kim went over to see Gaby after a really bad fire at a school a few days ago and found Sylvie with Gaby, her sobbing on Matt and Gaby's bed. After almost nothing had worked to calm her down, Kim had offered her one of the Valium she had left over from her attack from Roman, but Sylvie refused the drug and admitted that she was pregnant. It had come as an even bigger shock that she didn't know if the baby was Cruz's.

After her ranting and raving about her suspicions of his cheating, Erin and Kim were floored when Sylvie admitted that at the end of shift one night, she and Sean Roman had begun a short-lived fling.

It had only happened a few times. He was recovering from his drinking and she was feeling neglected by Cruz. He was always working or out God knows where and Sylvie was beginning to suspect that he was cheating on her.

Both she and Roman were lonely and one night after meeting up at Molly's, they had let things get out of hand. Both agreed afterward that it had been a mistake and that it shouldn't happen again.

However, it did! Sylvie put an end to it after the fifth such slip up and told him that she couldn't do it anymore and wanted to make things with Cruz work.

By the time the Spring ended and Sylvie and Cruz were getting ready to head on vacation for the summer, Roman approached her with a confession of love. Sylvie had been shocked. She had been torn because she had very strong feelings for Roman, more than she had ever intended to but she loved Cruz. Cruz was her husband and she owed it to him and the vows they took to make their marriage work so she left Roman standing in his living room heartbroken.

Her guilt was eating away at her like acid in her stomach and Sylvie finally admitted the affair to Cruz. They fought and they raged but in the end Cruz agreed to forgive her and forget it ever happened if she agree to never see Roman again. Sylvie agreed and that's where it was supposed to end.

Over the summer, things between Sylvie and Cruz only got worse. He said he forgave her but he would make snide remarks about the affair whenever they would argue. He would use it against her whenever he needed some ammunition in a fight. Then Sylvie had begun feeling sick. She was tired and sick to her stomach and she couldn't hold food down. She made and appointment with a doctor just prior to them returning to Chicago and discovered she was pregnant. When the doctor told her the approximate date of conception, Sylvie had been horrified. The date fell smack in the middle of her affair with Roman.

Cruz had walked out of their room one week ago and had not since returned. No one had seen him but he called Matt and told him that he was staying with a friend and asked Casey to get some of his things for him because he didn't want to go back to his apartment. He wasn't ready to see Sylvie yet. Casey hated being put in the middle of his two friends but agreed much to Gaby's dismay.

Kim walked back over to the couch and sat down again as Jay walked in the door.

"God," He groaned as he walked in. "It's not any better in here. guys, you really need to get an air conditioner."

He walked around the couch and bent to kiss Erin's lips. She turned her cheek slightly so he just barely got the corner of her mouth.

He frowned slightly but didn't say anything since Kim and Gaby were around.

Erin had still been pulling away from him and he didn't know why. She had been distant since the altercation with Allie and they hadn't had sex since last Thursday when she told him about her dream. Every time he tried to initiate something she would have an excuse and he was getting very frustrated. Her pulling away when he kissed her was the last straw and he intended to talk to her about it once they were home.

Gaby sighed and looked down at her watch realizing for the first time that it was getting close to dinner.

"I guess I should head home. Get dinner started for Matt" she smiled and said her goodbyes and slipped out the door.

Erin laughed as she stood as well. "I guess we should go too."

"Talk to you later," Gaby called over her shoulder as she flounced out the door.

"I'm going to take a shower when we get home. Wanna join me, love?" Jay asked as he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Erin laughed as she walked toward the door. "On that note, I'm out of here. See ya Kim."


Hank stepped out of the car, buttoning his jacket and tugging the sleeves down. Closing the door, he walked up the steps to the his house. Before he had a chance to reach the handle, the door opened and Olivia slipped outside. He whistled appreciatively, his gaze following her body down to her feet and back up again.

"It's just a dress."

"Uh uh. It's this sexy scarf thingy I like," ducking away as Olivia swatted him. He laughed, pulling her into his arms and kissing her lips. She dropped her head, exhaling loudly. "What's the matter?"

She shook her head, slipping her hair behind her ear. "I'm just nervous."

He tilted his head down to catch her eye. "Why?"

She finally looked up at him before looking away. "There's going to be a lot of important people there tonight, Hank. I just want to make a good impression."

"Hey. Look at me." Olivia sighed, closing her eyes for a moment before looking up at him. "You're going to be amazing tonight. Everyone is going to love you. All those people are going to be beating down your door for your attention. Look at all that you've accomplished this year. This LIFE, for that matter! You've got enormous talent. You're smart. Beautiful." He kissed her lips quickly. "You're an amazing woman. Friend. Not to mention you have me as your future husband. That pretty much means you're on a mission from God." He kissed her neck as she smiled. "So will you calm down? Everything's going to be just fine."

She hugged him tightly, resting her face in the crook of his neck. She kissed at his neck, just below his ear where he liked. He moved his head back to kiss her lips. Grabbing her face, he caressed her cheek with his thumb. As he brushed his lips over hers, Olivia's eyes fluttered shut, enjoying the sensation. Moving his lips, he continued to kiss her face, lowering his hands to her back and enveloping her in his arms. Working his way down, he moved his lips over her neck, darting his tongue over her skin. She tilted her head to the side, allowing him access to her throat. Nibbling gently, he worked towards her shoulder, nudging the thin strap of her dress out of the way with his nose. The strap fell off her shoulder, dangling softly against her arm as he kissed her skin. Running his hand slowly up her arm, he fingered the strap loosely as he kissed her shoulder, before replacing the strap back in place.

"How do you do that?" she asked, gazing into the pools of his eyes.

"Do what?" he whispered, leaning forward to leave tiny kisses on her jaw line.

"Make everything okay. Not just with your words. But with your eyes, too."

"I think you give me far too much credit." He nudged her nose with his own before kissing her forehead. "I was just stating the obvious."

"Well they weren't so obvious to me."

"Well, what can I say? You're just pretty damn lucky to know me." She smacked his arm as he laughed. Holding his arm out for her to take, "Let's go to dinner."


Adam packed up all of Kim's notes and placed them in her bag. He laid a blanket on the floor and sprawled out on top of it. Resting his head on his bent arm, he stared into the fire. Kim had started taking the steps to join IU and he was beyond proud of her. Working, taking classes, and raising a son was having it's toll on his wife, and he was doing his best to help her where he could. But tonight, in the comfort of their apartment with their brand new air conditioners, he wanted to show his wife just how much he loved her.

Kim walked out of Jack's bedroom, closing the door softly behind her. When she walked into the living room, she snuck up on Adam and tackled him from behind. He laughed lightly, flipping her over his body and laying her in front of him. She giggled softly, scooting up close to him and draping an arm over him.

"Is Jack asleep?"

"Yep. All tucked in."

"And you've studied enough for your test tomorrow morning?"

"Yep, it's permanently engraved in my brain."

"And it's barely 9 o'clock and we have the rest of the night to ourselves?"

"Straight until the morning." She scooted closer, smiling at his implication.

"Well, Burgess. Maybe I should hang out here with you. You know, make sure you stay out of trouble." He smiled, nuzzling his nose against her cheek.

"Well, I wouldn't want you to have to do anything too difficult." She moved her hand over his chest, working along his back and down to his ass.

He pressed against her, his erection growing steadily against her thigh. He brushed his lips over her own before whispering, "Well, then you'll just have to surrender to me now." He locked his lips over hers, kissing her deeply. He rolled over, pulling her on top of him as they continued to make out. She lay on top of him, crushing her breasts against his chest as she kissed him passionately. Her fingers moved through his hair then down his arms until their hands were clasping. They continued to kiss like this, their lips constantly moving, their tongues swiping over each other's, their bodies melting into one.

In one swift movement, Adam rolled them over, shifting a leg between hers and rubbing it against the junction of her thighs. Their hands still clasped together, he moved them above their heads, holding them lightly against the floor. He moved his lips down to her neck, nibbling the tender flesh with his teeth. She sighed with pleasure as she hooked her free leg over his own. He continued to kiss her neck, sucking at the soft skin and causing Kim's desire to rumble through her belly. Her hands lightly pinned to the floor, she allowed him to move above her. Grasping her hands with one of his, he used his free hand to slip under her shirt. Licking along the V outline of her sweater, he grasped one of her breasts, pinching gently at her hardening nipple. She moaned softly, squirming beneath him, wanting to feel his hands against her bare skin. Nudging the sweater up, he scooted his body down to kiss her belly, his tongue dipping into her navel. Her hands now free, she moved them to his hair, only to be pushed away lightly; wanted her full attention on herself alone. Slipping the sweater up her slender body, she arched off the ground to allow him to free the soft material from her. Sitting up, he swung his legs around and lifted hers over his, straddling Kim around his waist as he sat her up against him. She scooted her body forward, her heat pressed against his erection, her ankles hooked behind his butt.

She pushed Adam's shirt off his shoulders and down his arms, tossing it to the side before stripping his wife beater off. Adam flicked his tongue over her lips, silently requesting access to her mouth. She smiled teasingly at him, clamping her lips shut and tilting her head back. He reached quickly for her breasts, pinching both nipples through the thin cotton bra. She gasped, her mouth falling open for his waiting tongue to delve inside. He continued to kiss her, rolling his tongue over her own before she started to suck on it. He unclasped her bra, slipping it off her shoulders and discarding it on the floor. Grabbing her ass, he pulled her even closer; enjoying the sensation of her hot center against his throbbing length, her mile long legs securing him against her. Their bodies pressed against each other, skin against skin, as their lips continued to move over each others.

Slipping his hands behind her back, he arched her body against him, lowering his head to run his tongue over her nipple. The soft bud puckered even more as he blew against the wet tip, moving to reciprocate the same on the other. He nibbled on her breasts, worrying the tight peek between his teeth before sucking fiercely. She gasped, rolling her head back as he lowered her to the ground. Situating himself between her legs, he laid on top of her as he continued his ministrations on her breasts. She gasped and moaned, wanting to close her eyes, but never able to stop watching him. Wanting to touch him, but enjoying his request to please her alone.

He moved down her body, kissing every inch of her stomach and running his tongue along the edge of her jeans. Her stomach rippled with desire; her legs instinctively falling open even wider. In one swift motion, Adam ran the flat of his tongue seductively against the thick seam of her jeans, at the apex of her thighs. She rolled her hips, gasping as she watched his tongue disappear into his mouth. He stared up at her, running his fingers along the edge of her jeans; to the zipper and out, back and forth. She bit her lip roughly, nodding her head at his obvious request.

He plucked the button of her jeans open, slowly lowering the zipper down. Pulling the fabric open, he grasped the edge and pulled them down her soft legs. She bent her knees, helping him remove the rough denim. When her legs were free, he ran his hand up her thigh torturously slow. She whimpered as he palmed her soft mound, rubbing his hand up to the top of her panties and back down again. He rubbed his thumb gently over the fabric, causing her hips to thrust up against his hand. The fabric was moist from her excitement and he continued to push his fingers against her. Her head fell back, trying to control herself from putting Adam in a headlock between her thighs. When her eyes were turned away from him, he clamped his mouth over her mound, pushing his tongue against her repeatedly. Her moan came out breathy and strained, her neck snapping down to look at him with wide eyes.

Adam himself could only take this torture so long. He needed to taste her completely. Skimming up her legs, he peeled her panties off of her, then hooked her thighs over his shoulders and opened herself up to him. Without hesitation, he ran his tongue over her lips, the flat of his tongue tasting her opening as the tip flicked over her.

"Ohhhhh!" Kim moaned, stifling the end by biting her lower lip. Slipping his hands under her ass, he fed upon her. His tongue extended and stiff, he slipped it in and out of her tight opening. She panted with each thrust, her hips moving in time with his tongue. He slipped his thumb over her, rubbing briskly before moving away.

Running his finger over her lips, he pushed gently at her opening. As it disappeared inside of her, she moaned deep in her throat. He thrust slowly into her, curling his finger up to press against her slick walls. He moved his mouth back to her clit, lapping slowly at the engorged nubbin as he slipped a second finger inside. Kim squirmed above him, her back arched off the floor as her hips rolled against his mouth. As he increased his speed, he clamped his mouth over her as she began calling out his name. Biting on her hand, she tried to muffle her screaming, panting repeatedly as her body began to quake. She clamped her thighs around his head, locking her ankles as she thrust up against his mouth. Her body continued to tremble as his tongue snaked inside her, his thumb relentless on her clit.

As Adam moved up her body, kissing random spots along the way, she smiled down at him before wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him to her lips to kiss. As he turned her body so that he could spoon against her, she licked her lips, touching them gently with her fingers as she tasted herself. She giggled softly before turning around in his arms to face him.

"And what's so funny, Darlin?"

"I'm just laughing at my own stupidity."

"How's that?"

"About how much I miss you doing that" She blushed as he stroked her back and smiled.

"Well that, my dear, is an indulgence you can have whenever you please. Just so long as you promise to not snap my neck in your exuberance." He laughed softly at her look of embarrassment. His laughter stopped as she grasped his erection through his jeans. He allowed her to move her hand for a moment before taking her wrist and pulling it away. "That, we're going to save for another day." She made a face at him, pouting her lip out slightly. He kissed it quickly before snuggling her against him.

"Honestly, babe. I'm just too tired! You wore me out!" He laughed at her giggle, resting his chin against her head, perfectly content to make her happy. For the rest of his life.


Jay and Erin walked out to the car, both cold and wet from the summer storm that had hit and brought some relief to the city. Erin clasped tightly at his hand, never wanting to let go. Completely oblivious to Allie's watchful eye, they stopped at the passenger side door, sharing a tender kiss. After securing Erin inside the vehicle, Jay watched as an unmarked car drove away. He climbed into the car and they drove away silently towards the house; Erin's head on his shoulder, her arm hooked around his own.

When they reached their destination, Jay helped Erin out of the truck. Before they turned to go inside, he looked up at the night sky. "It's beautiful, isn't it? The calm after the storm."

Erin looked up, shivering slightly before moving into his arms. "It is. But just as beautiful from inside." She pulled at his hand until they were inside the house. Finding a note on the counter, Erin read it quickly.


Everly is getting another tooth, I gave her some meds and she fell asleep early. I'm taking the guest room and getting a nap in before work tonight. Wake me if you need me

Love, T

Erin grabbed the cordless and called Hank's cell as she walked to the master bedroom. While she hunted through her closet for something for her and Jay to wear, she reassured Hank that they were home safe. After hanging up, she went back into the living room where Jay had already stripped down to his boxers

"Here's some clothes for you to change into. I'm gonna take a shower."

Jay inspected the clothes he was handed, paying close attention to the boxer shorts in his hand. "Hey, these aren't mine!"

Erin smiled, guilt covering her face. "Oh? Yeah, those must be Kelly's

Jay fingered the material, thoughts filling his head. "So you want me to wear another man's underwear? And why are you still holding onto these? Perv"

Erin shook her head and looked over at Jay "They're comfortable. But don't worry Jay, he doesn't fill them out like you do"

"Now, the twins and I are hungry. So, I'm going to go get dressed so we can eat"

Peeling her wet clothes off, she stepped into the steaming hot shower. Letting the water cascade over her, the feeling in her fingers and toes began to surface. She and Jay had worked on a hideout sting with Olinsky and Dawson earlier and while they were watching the suspect, the two had yet again talked about Allie.

But after this talk, Erin had to admit that she did feel better about things between her and Jay. And was finally ready to lay her head down and get a good night's sleep.

Erin tilted her head back in the water and she smiled as she felt a tiny kick against her abdomen. Her smile widened as she felt another flutter on the other side and she brought her hand down to her stomach as she felt the twins move.

The sound of Jay screaming her name filled the silence of the moment and Erin quickly got out of the shower and dressed in her robe as she ran down the hall.

Erin saw Jay standing in the nursery as Teddy opened the guest room door and came down the hall.

"Call 911"

Jay's voice was in a panic as Erin walked into the empty nursery the glass shattered on the floor, pink curtains blowing in the post storm breeze and an empty crib were the only things Erin could see.


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