
My First Time Is With A Demon

"I don't... I don't know what to do! I'm so scared! I might lose everything here! All the empty promises I made, and all the bravado I was displaying... I can't deliver! I don't know what to do!"

The room was completely still as I stared at Lilith.

Exposing the ugly side of myself to this clueless demon wasn't going to help me in the slightest.

She most likely didn't even have the answers to any of my problems.


—Why did everything naturally flow out?

'Ahh... now I know why [Freedom Of Expression] isn't working...'

"Master..." Lilith leaned on my throbbing body, causing me to lose balance and fall on the cold surface of the floor.

Thanks to my high Level, there was no damage, but I still felt the impact from the friction between my back and the hard ground.

Just as I was recoiling from the impact, I noticed the demon girl was atop me, covering my body with hers.

'... Is this what I really want? Is this the natural state I desire?'


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