


KARINA WAS A SWEET and innocent girl from the countryside of São Paulo, in a city called Porto Feliz, raised with all affection as if she were the true daughter of the Schmidt family, especially by Jorge, her adoptive father, who saw in her the future of everything. what they had built, because as they couldn't have children, adoption was the best option, and Karina went beyond what they imagined.

Their life in the countryside was perfect, until the day there was an invasion of land by a movement that called itself the Social Movement for Lands.

Vivian Schmidt was the first to see the crowd breaking the fence and breaking into her property and calling her husband:

— What shall we do, George?

— Protect Karina, I'll try to solve this.

— George, for God's sake...

Jorge kisses his wife, bends down to his daughter and says:

— Take care of your mama in case something happens to me.

The girl with tears in her eyes hugged him.

Jorge took his shotgun and walked towards the crowd and said:

— You have entered private land, I kindly ask you to leave.

— We don't want trouble, — one of the crowd said.

— I don't know what you want, but if you take one more step, you'll find what you want.

Jorge cocked the shotgun to make some psychological impact, but he didn't realize that one of the protesters had a gun and shot him, hitting his leg.

Immediately that crowd came towards him.

Vivian comes out of the house also with a gun in her hands and shoots in the direction of the demonstration.

At that exact moment, the police arrived and fired a warning shot into the air, which made the mob run desperately towards the couple's house, running over them.

The mob invaded the house destroying everything they saw in front of them looking like hungry locusts to protect themselves from the police.

Scared Karina didn't understand absolutely anything that was happening around her, she tried to get out of there, but the police had already surrounded the whole house when she ran towards her parents, one of the policemen was checking that they were okay, but by the time she arrived he said to his partner:

— We can't do anything more for them.

KARINA WAS SITTING across from the police chief, it was the third time she had answered the same questions, and each time she had to remember the terrifying scene of the death of the only people she loved in her life.

— Do you have any living relatives so we can deliver you?

She just shook her head.

— A grandfather, uncle, cousin…anyone.

She nodded again.

As much as the sheriff felt sorry for the poor, beautiful girl, he just couldn't do anything for her.

Upon arriving at the house that sheltered abandoned children, Karina soon realized that that wonderful life of love and affection she had lived with her parents had come to an end, everything had been changed forever.

The girl's beauty soon drew attention, as she herself didn't know and wasn't even mean enough to understand everything that was happening to her.

Karina didn't have any living relatives, in fact, she didn't even know anything about her real parents, they never talked about her past, her grandparents, if they had any siblings or anything like that.

A couple of neighbors volunteered to take care of her until she reached the age of majority to take care of the farm, but contrary to what everything indicated, the farm remained invaded and one of the city judges legally allowed them to stay there, since the heiress of the property was not old enough to care, of course this result was achieved at the cost of a small bribe that the protesters gave him.

— KARINA, THE HEADMASTER wants to speak with you.

Upon entering the director's office, the wish was only one:

The return home and that it was all just a slight mistake...

— I'm sorry I don't have good news,— he began.

Karen sat down.

— Your neighbors had an accident with the landless too and didn't survive, I think you'll stay with us for a while longer.

Tears involuntarily streamed down her face as the director stood up and hugged her.

— It's okay, honey — He said looking at her face — we'll take care of you.

She nodded quietly, but inside she knew that hell was just beginning, that man made her shiver.

At that moment Karina realized that he was without his pants and put his erect penis in her mouth forcing her to suck it. liquid he poured into his mouth.

— There's always a first time for everything, honey, in time you'll love it...

THREE MONTHS LATER, KARINA RUINED and as much as she tried to earn money without using her young and slender body, she always came across people who even wanted to help her, but for something in return.

Your beautiful young body...

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