
Chap 37-Resting

Chap 37-Resting:


( A/N: Small Fix. )


{Mount Paozu; 03:36 p.m}

"So... does this really work to make us stronger or something?"

Levitating on the side of Goku's house, underneath a tree, three people are seen levitating with closed eyes, but the longer haired one opens one to look at the other green one.

Being called out of his concentrated state, Piccolo opens his eyes, as his cape floats behind him making it pretty dramatically epic.-" Yes, it's one of your last Ki control activities, we have been teaching you how to make the more

complex moves and sense it until now, to put it simply."

In the last ten months they mostly trained while in the breaks they would teach Raditz the ropes of Ki, and even bettering Gohan's own too.

It was outstanding how fast they grew in strength, principally Gohan, the little boy was showing himself to be a menace in the future.

But not falling behind, Piccolo was going up without seemingly willing to take this as demotivating, on the contrary, he accepted the challenge.

That is until he has to put up like something like the anomaly, as he calls her.-' How do someone create a being like her, and think it's okay?'- Was his thoughts on the Owl.

Even if they're friends at this point, he still can't shake how much potential the girl has, it's like she could turn herself into a god with some years of training.

*Sighs*-" Uncle, if you get an even better control over it you can waste way less! Auntmei is an example if you want, she just lakes experience, Mister Piccolo said."

The boy saiying that made the older Saiyan look at the Namekian for further information, he had gained a lot of information on the girl, but this was new.-" How so? She seems capable of taking all of you and still win even if my brother and I helped."

His tone was one of genuinely confusion, since as of right now the girl was what a peak Saiyan looked like to him, or at least part Saiyan.

Humming, Piccolo closed his eyes again, to remember all his fights with her.-" You see, Mumei is one of the most skilled fighters I've ever faced, if not the most, but she doesn't take stuff seriously, but you can kinda see her side too. If she did.*remembers the Owld-Beating*, She could end everything, those guys that are coming too."

Raditz, hearing this widen his eyes, he knew about the girl power, but she raises an eyebrow too.-" What you mean? Can't she already? You guy's felt her power that day too, didn't you? I couldn't feel Ki at the time, but the pressure, was something even Vegeta didn't have that..."

Coughing the boy at the side got his uncle's attention, and raised a finger like making a point of something.-" No uncle, what Mister Piccolo means is that, if auntmei wanted, she could be multiple times stronger than she is right now, in her base state."

Now, the older brother finally understood, and remembered what he learned some time ago.-" The techniques she has... they alone put her already pretty big, now imagine that with some serious training...*trembling*, what's up with that girl... she's mad or something, she could conquer the universe if she wanted at this point."

Making his point, Raditz every time he learned more from the one who struck down a deal with him, made him fear and respect her even more.

But right now he didn't understand. Why hold back on getting stronger? What was there for her in doing so?

And like on cue to break him out of his thoughts.


Both Saiyans looked at the one in the white turban who was holding back his laughter, a site to see, being that the green man rarely laughed.

Probably biting his cheeks on the inside, Piccolo turned his head to the side, away from them...-" Sorry about that.... But seriously, thinking about her wanting to conquer such things was too funny, at this point in time, I fully believe she's not even moving a finger whatever place she is, so she can fight against the guy you said was at her level, and I can't say I am not excitedly waiting, to see her going all out.*smile*"

Blinking twice, the long haired Saiyan got a thinking face, until like something clicked, and a light bulb appeared above his head.-' She wants to fight an equal.... heh.... Vegeta, you're in for a treat here.*smirks*'


"GOHAN!!! IT'S TIME FOR YOUR MATH EXERCISES!! AN HOUR HAS ALREADY PASSED!"- Opening the door with a loud noise, a mother calls her child in.

Sweating, the uncle scratches the side of his head.-" Doesn't matter how many times I see, is that woman really not a Saiyan? Even got the temperament...."

Following him, Piccolo goes back to his meditating position in the air.-" Already asked myself if she was really a human, didn't get much far in it."

As the two discuss either or not Chi-Chi was an alien too, the boy that was training with them ran from under the tree and got inside the house, passing by his mother, who nodded happily, and looked at Gohan getting inside his room.

After he entered his room, she looked outside to the two talking a very indecisive chat about if the woman was human or not.

A deadpan rose on her face, and she stared at them for a second before looking back inside and closing the door with her.


"But like, she can handle Kakarot, she must have a high endurance and defense."- Raditz makes his point as he puts his hand to his chin.

"Yeah, and she can have incredible power when angry.... makes you wonder...."- And while his eyes were closed, a drop of sweat dripped from Piccolo's forehead.

Seeing that some things are best to be kept a mystery, Raditz started copying the Namek stance, and once again tried going back to meditating.

And after some minutes of doing so.


"*sigh*, Should have seen that coming, brother's after all."- Not even opening his eyes, Piccolo could tell the other was already in his dreams.

The Saiyan was still on the same stance he started, but a huge bubble was going out of his nose, going bigger than smaller, following his breathing and loud snoring.




{Raditz dream}

"And what you're going to do now Baby Princes?"- Raditz was above a mountain of Vegetas, his ego in the skies.

He had been having the best therapy of his life, punching and kicking as many Vegetas he could, and all of them were super weak!

Smiling widely, in the horizon he sawed even more Vegetas coming in with huge prideful smiles ready to be stomped on.

The place around him, reminiscent of his old home, Planet Vegeta, with the big rock formations and ravines that go deep into the earth. And he was above one of these rock formations, funnily enough, he felt like this was the biggest, since the mountain of Vegeta's corpses made it even bigger!

"AHAHAHAHA! COME ON PRINCESS!! WHERE'S YOUR STRENGTH?!"- Throwing his left arm back, then firing it with an open hand forward.


A huge pink beam of Ki completely obliterated the whole army of Vegetas, making the one who did it laugh even louder.




{Real world}

"Eheheh... Die.....*Snooore*..... Princess....."- His snore was fusing together with his grumbling now, prompting Piccolo to ask what was going on inside the Saiyan dreams.

But he just focused on his own, as a string of purple blood ran down his nose, and he opened his eyes and cleaned with his right hand.-" Almost had you.*Looks hand* Huh, just you wait, doesn't matter you're ahead right now, you'll not let us in the dust like this, if you think that's how it's going down."

Frowning, he goes back to his full concentrated state.




{Gohan's Room}

"*Sigh* Saying auntie had left me work backfired a bit after mom asked for a schedule....*lays back on chair* At least I am getting stronger."

Sitting on his chair with his old notebook, just resting there and now trying to meditate a bit, Gohan was just killing time now.

He didn't really have anything to do, and the schedule he gave his mother was totally made up, but, it was for the better.

If his dad, auntie, Piccolo and uncle fall in any way, they need more fighters, and he knows that not everyone can keep up with them, aliens.

As he meditates, he sees his dad, and he's looking at him in the eyes smiling.

The many times he was told he had a great potential, and that he would be a great warrior. By even his aunt, who challenged him to get near her.

She was always like this, a free minded person, same as his dad. But, she also is a super smart person, she plans things you can't comprehend, like she has a computer in her head or something calculating possibilities.

But she's a living person, she makes mistakes, and takes them and tries to make it better next time.... well not all of them, but you kinda get what he means.

As he stares at his father, a hand from the blackness of the void reaches behind him, and rests at his side, with a very carefree attitude.

"If you stay weak, you'll regret down the line, you have a lot to lose Gohan, *smile*, and if you want to prove that, I too, need to work hard, *waves hand at herself*, prove it, to not only me, but everyone that we need to step up our game."- And saying so, she makes the boy freeze there.

She taps his dad's shoulder and disappears.-" Gohan, don't lose focus when you're fighting!"- Appearing in front of the child, Goku fires a right jab at the boy who raises his arms at the last second.


On contact, Gohan feels like his arms are going to break as he slides back, his whole body feeling numb.

He knows he can't win, this is his dad one of the strongest people he knows, but he needs to push forward, to search the strength he requires, to protect the ones who are all the time at the frontline.

After all what are they going to do if one day they are defeated? They need more strong fighters, so that they can rise against threats that may come around the clock, you never know.


Breathing in loudly, he bends one leg forward, and the other to his side, and matches his dad's hands positions and stances of hand.


Liberating all that air from his lungs, he gets serious and focuses only on the one in front of him.

Looking at this, Goku smirks and once again.


Appears behind Gohan with a double axe hammering punch, but misses as the boy crunches down, laying all his body into his left arm holding all his weight.

Seeing that the attack missed him, Gohan stretches the arm holding his body, and goes up with a stretched left leg to his father's head.


Reacting fast, Goku tapped the boy thigh with an open palm to the side, effectively making him miss completely and go flying forward.

Executing a backflip and using his arms to thrown himself back and gain some space, the kid looks forward at his grinning father once again, fully knowing that this isn't something he can win.

But, a certain someone creeps inside his head.

' There isn't achievements without failures, cool phrase, isn't it? But, well, think there is luck ya know? Sometimes it can make something that looks impossible a big hit for whoever tried it, so I guess you try again and again until something happens, or luck blesses you, either way, you end up accomplishing something.'

"Heh... sometimes, auntie really gives the cool auntie vibe...Hmmm, I think it's what she's going for? Like she has said so many catchy phrases...."- Being confused himself, Gohan gets ready once more.

And when he gets back into his stance, he once again rushes forward, trying over and over.





{North Kaioh World}


The small planet in the middle of nowhere is having lots of problems staying in orbit of whatever is holding it up there.


Many yellow clouds are spread as massive powerful wind waves are fired to all sides and tremors happen everywhere on said place.

Zooming in to the small planet, we see flashes of red and pink everywhere, appearing just to quickly disappear the next second.

"Still slow! Raise your pants up, and try harder ya-boy!*PAM!*"



Raising an explosion of dust, the red flash is thrown from the skies into the ground level with immense strength, and up there a lady with a weird black dress, that looks to have teeth on the collar that extended behind her in a transparent black cloak of sorts, and on her head a black small crown with a small black skulls craved on it.

Her hand stretched with an open palm that a little smoke goes out of it, from hitting a certain someone a bit too hard.

Looking down at the one in a crater with his eyes white, she sighs and descended to the ground level.

Being at the edge of the crater she crosses her arms and looks down at the Saiyan man that now is without both his orange and blue shirt.-" His body is defined, but that's about all the strength he has."

As she analyzes him, behind her, multiple steps can be heard getting closer.-" Hey Calli, ya know you don't need to hit him that hard right?"

Laughing a with a little "Hmm", she turns around with her arms still crossed and looks at the Kaioh with her rose eyes.-" He's a Saiyan, I am doing him a favor, and after he told me about the Owl girl, I kinda want to see if he can keep up with her, but if one day she visits us, *smirks* would be pleasantly fun challenge."

The Kai trembled a bit at the hungry for battle shinigami, she's responsible for the security in hell, and going after rogue souls in here.

She's basically the bodyguard, and when she's not working you can expect to see her on the Kaioh planet drinking wine, and sometimes running away from someone that also works around here in another sector.

Going down the hole, she picks up the downed Saiyan and puts him underneath her arm like a sack of potatoes and walks up the crater.

After getting out, she motions her head to the Kai, and sighing he fixes the hole.

After watching the Kai train the man she's holding for some time, she waited until he taught Goku everything about techniques, and then took the boy as a sparing partner every time she was around.

The one in question was super happy with the idea of training with someone so strong, that was until he needed his new technique if he wanted to even follow a little of her speed, Goku was growing stronger and stronger, and the shinigami was just playing around and getting some exercise.

She was the bodyguard of this place for a reason after all, and unless you are a certain immortal bird, she was sure she could take you down, be it emperor or dead god, as long as you enter this realm, you're her priority.

Walking inside the house, and coming seconds later with empty hands, she walked to the monkey side, and signaled for him to give her something, he immediately understood and disappeared for a second, and reappeared in the next with a purple bottle in hand.

"Hmm.*pop**gulps*, AHAAA!!! This is the good stuff man."- And as she walked to the other side of the planet, she was drinking her bottle and walking funny.

Leaving a cricket, a monkey and the Kai there, just staring.

A small wind cut in between them.-" We're gonna to need to talk with Yenma..."

It being the cricket suggestion, just to receive a *BONK!*.



From the Kai.-" No, she's on vacation, we can't do anything here, she's free to do whatever she wishes until she gets back... she's his daughter, you think he would even listen to us? Even through I taught him, he would lose all respect for me, if he knew I was bad-mouthing his daughter behind her back, and on her day's off..."

The monkey nodded and the cricket cried.

Whipping his forehead, the chubby Kaioh just gave up and got back to reading his magazines, at least the reaper got her lots of them, so she could stay around.

And on the other side of the small planet, a loud yell could be heard.






{Earth; Lookout; 04:23 p.m}

"Ouh, you guy's seem to be alive, what a loss."

A charcoal black genie stands in front of three bald man, varying from height, and a long haired man with scars on his face, that was now clean from his beard.


* Heavily breathing sounds*


"I thought I was going to die.... again..."- Krillin dripping from sweat lies on the ground, totally wasted.

To his side, his friends are not any better, and Chiaotzu is completely passed out.

"But since you completed it, Congratulations *clap*clap*, I can assume you also learned some education as well, may I? Hmmmm."- Looking directly into their souls, Popo just stares.

The only there, that was actually up, trembled a bit, and with all his remaining strength, nodded like his life was depending on it, and not only his own, but his best friend's too.

Smiling, Popo turned towards the temple and started walking back to Kami, to report a job well done.-" You guys are free to go and do as you wish now, train well, you'll need it. And say hello to the Owl girl for me, wanted to ask if she wanted some tea last time, but the bird got over her head, and she flew away, probably too busy."


*Steps getting away*


Hearing that, Krillin just closed his eyes, exhausted.-'Maann, Mumei really escaped huh... lucky her, but at least we got super-duper stronger... and I never want to see a Raditz again...*faints*'

And for the context? They fought multiple Raditzes, one after the another, each with strength of the newly awakened one they have sawn after Mumei 'helped' him, and they were beaten....


A lot...


To the point that Krillin started to pray to Jesus, but remembered he was Buddhist, just to get kneed in the face. That much.





{Pov Kro; Kro's House; Void}


"You've never left me in such a solitude for so long..."

''I want to hear you jump around asking for pancakes again...''

"My dear....."

*Shuffling *

Running my hands through my little bird's hair, and my other between her chest, feeling her heart beat, I can't stop worrying....

She has fallen in this sleep state for weeks now, outside it must have been ten months or something, and right when she was recovering, she gets sent back to a state like this....

Isn't it a bit too cruel? Now that she finally has everything, from both lives.... well almost everything, for some motive, all interactions Muun(Joe) had with anyone in her mother world, was simply deleted.

As for the Muun from this world.... she remembers everything.

Yeah, I have been analyzing everything we got new, and when Muun wakes up, I am not sure if she'll be the same.

The will of the one before her, was big, but she let the depression of losing everything get to her....

I can't put any fault on her, if I somehow lost Muun, and be left alone around.... I prefer to stop existing.....

*caresses hair*-" You, little ball of chaos, is the only thing that makes me want to go out there, and protect you as you do your crazy stuff by your side, I do not wish greatness, after all, what's the greatest thing than those you already love?"

Being by her side as we reach the peak and beyond, as she laughs and jumps into fights, I will be there to hold her back, and if I see she's going down, I would not hesitate to end the other party.

Even if her pride doesn't allow it.

And that's something I come to love about my own self, after passing so much time with her, she somehow managed to climb the ranks inside my head...*smile*, now it seems I am second place huh.

"Well at least I think I am number one somewhere else."- Leaning forward at the one who's at my lap with her head up and breathing lightly.

I slide some freckles off her forehead and kiss it while closing my eyes for the moment.

Getting my head back on the rest of the couch, I sigh and continue patting her.


"Hmm?"- Looking at my right side, I see one of my screens, it seems the summaries are done, I let it do so for better collection of data.

"Okay, explain everything, together with her mother's stories too, I wanna check and make sure it bumps with what I understood from seeing them myself self."- Talking so, and sliding my hand forward a wall of text appeared, and I just laid back patting my bird, listening to my own voice, but a thousand times more robotic, made it myself.*smug smile*


[ [ Yuki, a middle-class, Non-combatant inhabitant of < Planet Civilization >, named by the first king of the place, she was super strong even for a civilian, but did not attend combat school, but even so her friends that got in there taught her the basics of the energy on earth called "Ki".

And with her knowing the basics, she was already happy enough, she lived a normal life for an Owl in there, it wasn't much different than earth's usual life.

But the only point was that her race was extremely dangerous, to the point that Yuki was on the four digits without much intense training, besides her fights hand to hand, at school training classes.

For years that she didn't exactly say how much, she did the same, since school was open and always had more content to teach, and she liked the classes, and it was free food, so she didn't stop going.

The planet was full of resources, and the population was about one hundred thousand, and the birthrate was sad, one baby every ten years or so.

But despite being so small, their forces had many warriors in the twenty to thirty thousands in power, what was going to put them in aim of emperor's eyesight.

Yuki said that her race declined the alliance with him, which align with data we have on Frieza, and concluding, with Raditz part, we assume that it was the Elite Saiyans responsible for the start of the massacre, until the higher power houses showed up themselves.

Then starting an all out fight between both sides, she even stated hearing roars as she hided, making us conclude, the use of Oozarus was a thing there.

Completely taking out the people by the bits, since the Saiyans would get tired, and retreat to rest.

Making the civilians fly away in their Owl forms, but bit by bit, they were hunted, with the union of the Frieza's forces later on, it was the doom of the race.

Yuki when the Saiyans got to where she was, was going to die, but she said one of them with a hair in a low ponytail shot the other two who were going to have 'fun' with her.

As she said.-" Your father was a super gallant person, he just pew pew both fuckers and helped me up!... After that, I should ask my self how do I not fall in love?"

Helping her, he couldn't get a ship to escape with one of the last survivors, since it was guarded by the Frieza forces, and they were forced all warriors to stay in the planet until they ended their jobs, stealing their remote controls for their pods.

The man, who she learned was named Berry, saved her and took her to the other side of the planet, on the complete opposite where the Saiyan and Frieza forces were hunting.

And somehow stayed there for three years, as her words say.-" I don't have any idea how we stayed there that long *cough*cough*, Hmm?... no don't worry I am good, *ahem*, Well, your dad and me craved a small tunnel, and hided our selves there, and you know what already, guy charmed a single lady, and I wasn't going down virgin!! What?! Your mother has need okay?"

Ten months later, Mumei Naya Berry was born, and Yuki stayed there almost all the time, valid to say, no memories from Mumei have appeared from there, and last was her playing with her mother on earth.

Meaning everything that happened from here, happened to her when she was too young.

On their second and half year there, an announcement was made.


Yuki and her family were totally bombarded by the information, and had to escape, so Berry, made a plan, he would steal one of the pods that was left in the surroundings of her city, they were from one of the dead Saiyans.

And he got one, as Yuki stayed on a pink grounded land with her daughter in hand, she was said to wait, until her husband arrived.

From her sayings.-" He.... was utterly devastated when he got back, his armor was half destroyed, and he had wound everywhere.... luckily they were mostly light ones, he said he fought some low level grunts that were around and was perfectly fine.....*clenches teeth*, he said everything was going to be fine...."

Putting the mother and child in the pod, she said to hear a sound uncannily like a blast of Ki, her husband turned around smashing it with the side of his hand, exploding into a curtain of smoke, that would help the pod to silently fly up.

And the next second, she heard a kid's voice coming from the other side of the smoke, just for her husband to click on a button on the remote in his hand.-" The last thing he said was to find Bardock's son, I was angry, at him and everything at time... but.... here we are... me on this bed, and you taking care of me, little berry..... maybe... you can find him one day, Mumei. "


!!!!!! - >> Something has been found from the data collection..... << - !!!!!!!!


□□□ - Loading....


■□□ - Searching brain unconscious library....


■■□ - Voice was found that doesn't hit with any person met.....


!■■■! - Voice was matched, and using Muun's (Joe) memory, we identified who it belongs to.


Voice match found, source > Young Vegeta < ] ]











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