
Chap 35- Finding pieces

Chap 35- Finding pieces :



(A/N: Small Fix)

(A/N: Ayo What's this? New cover?

..... I need a break after the Saiyan saga lol.)




{Unknown Forest; 03:13 p.m}

One month.

The time that has passed since the last reunion our dear Owl had an encounter with the main protagonists of this world and universe.

And she wasn't stopped around, no, she was going around.

Walking as a way to get more information, asking one person that lived here and there if they knew anything about her, but in the way the steps came from, she got in every building in that direction she found, they knew nothing.

And she got around the world in that line of direction where her steps come from, asking anyone that she passed by, or were living close to her line of direction.

But after all this month of searching, she stopped by a lake in the middle of a forest, where the leaves were already turning yellowish, some even close to red already.

Mumei looks at her reflection, looking it straight into it's eyes, or her own eyes.

"Nothing, All this search led us to nothing... It's like I am some type of ghost or something."- Keeping her staring competition, a blue screen shows up by her side.

[{ Hmm, Yeah, but you wanted to see e everything in that line of direction where the steps came from, I told you it wasn't a good idea, but at least the scenery was pretty beautiful.}]

The bird nods, confirming that she found it pretty beautiful as well, but still it was for nothing, no results in the end.

Getting up, she started levitating while crossing her arms.

"Well, guess I need to go back to that desert."



A sonic boom being left behind, she goes flying to its direction once more, using Kro was the GPS.

[{Yeah... turn a little to the left..... Gosh you're going to pay for this... turn a little more...}]

While flying, Muun keeps her eyes to the ground, not even noticing the other statement Kro made, about her paying or something.

Being fully focused, she looked at the far right seeing a small shop, it was painted in purple and dark blue colors like lines everywhere.

Not having any other decorations besides its front windows, she raises an eyebrow and started descending to it, Kro was curious herself, and stayed in silence for the moment.



Landing right in front of the door entrance, she gave another more cautious look at the windows, but shrugged it off since nothing could really put a dent on her right now.

Moving her right arm to the door, she twists the golden door handle, making a *click* sound, signaling it's open.

"Open... well don't mind if I do."


Opening the door, to a very dark red inside, literally, the windows were displaying just some books, and behind it was a dark purple cloth so not much could be seen from inside.

But now, she sees the dark red colored walls, and a lot of books in shelves, in various colors, and covers.

Stepping inside and hearing the wooden floor cry a bit when put weight on it, she looks down and take another one.


Receiving the same noise, she just shrugs and go walking inside the place.

It is pretty clean, way cleaner then Kro's kitchen was when she arrived there.

Making such a comparison in her head almost made the blue-eyed lover almost come forth to protest, but.


A second noise of wood being forced was heard coming from the other room, stopping both of them from saying anything further, Muun just gives a look, seeing that it leads to another part of the store, she just walks in feeling each step being accompanied by more and more noise, making her want to blow this floor up.

But having a sweet talker saying that it was best to not do so in her ears, she just walked in.

She was still a pretty short paved as of right now, the headaches have turned into something regular, that she got used to, but she lost so much patience.

Having Kro defuse her was essential in this journey she had, she would go there one time or another to just gain some pats from her system core, and push back any implications of the pain in her head.

Also, all this time, Kro wasn't just watching with her arms crossed, she was trying, fail after fail, to make a program to help with Muun's memory loss, but everything is easier said than done.

Her program didn't do anything, so she opted to continue distracting the bird with small random talks and such, making her ignore it.

Worked wonderfully well, and so the Owl got around the world, following that single line of where her steps had come from, in hope of finding something, and now with that paying nothing, here we are.

Inside whatever this shop is.

Going to where she heard the sound of wood cracking just a few seconds ago, she looks at all sides after entering the other room.-" Even more books.... can't even eat them..."

[{ Why your first thought is that they aren't eatable, it concerns me...}]

*tap* - *Creak*

"Oh, some of them are~ Just depends on which and what you want to taste~nanoja~"- Following the voice of an old kind grandma, the bird girl spin to her right, finding an old lady with white hair in a bun and closed eyes.

Wearing a dress with red and purple lines making waves all the way down to her feet, also in her face some very thin glasses, probably using them because of her age.

When Mumei turned to the old woman, her eyes widened, and two blue with green details of pupils made themselves known.-" Yu? Are you alive? Where have you been all this time? What happened to the little one, is she okay?"

Walking with a staff in hand, she grabs Muun by both shoulders and shakes her, firing questions, the one being shaken just stares confused at the old lady.

Finally stopping, she takes a step back and takes a better look at the bird.

"Uhh... Who's Yu? I am Mumei.... I don't know the one you just talked about miss... but for you to know someone that looks like me, could you tell me more?"

The old woman, finally getting her head back in place, raised one hand to her mouth trembling like crazy...-" Mumei... little Mumei... how much time has passed.... you've grown to such a copy of your mother's figure..."

Those words, such short words, but they made the Owl girl look at the lady with lots of curiosity, of a lost past, and the woman she had called mother.

Taking a step closer to the lady, Mumei put one hand on her shoulder trembling a bit.-"I...I.... lost all... my memory from before, all I remember was waking up in a desert, and until now I have been following my owl way.... could you please tell me more?"

Looking down directly at the old lady's eyes, Muun asked to know.

Raising one very rough hand to the Owl's hand on her shoulder, she smiled.-" You must be so lost... but your strength... she would be proud, your mother I mean, she was strong, stronger than anyone or anything on earth, she wasn't from here, even if she didn't say it.

I could tell, she could fly, and I've seen her turn into an Owl once, and like you, would sneak jokes around, they were bad most of the time, involving species of birds and such."

Patting lightly the girl's hand, the old grandma turned around with her staff, signaling to the couch on the side of a pile of the bookshelves to the right.

They both walked there slowly and made themselves comfortable, and after doing so, the lady breathed in and started once more.-" I will tell you from the beginning then, when I first met you guys she appeared out of nowhere, totally desperate, asking for help, I worked as a somewhat doctor at that time, some called me a witch even ehehe...

I didn't know why she was so scared at the time, until I looked at her back, seeing a smaller copy of her, sleeping and coughing a lot, when I say you're a copy of her I mean it, only difference that you tow have would be her eyes, they were way more orange, meanwhile yours seem to have turned completely yellow.*points at Mums face*"

The one being appointed to put a hand above her right eyes, like contemplating it.

*Snickering **cough*

Coughing a bit after laughing at the younger one actions, with Muun's help with some light taps on the back, the lady goes back to it.

"Having her enter and letting me help you, the mother was so worried, that when I started to making you drink medicine, I thought she was going to kill me *giggles*, jumping a little here, I helped her, and later she would show up from time to time, two times a month, then two times a year, finally she stopped coming.

She would bring you one time or another too, if I remember correctly she lived in the close to the south city, the way she talked about it, probably a very high mountain. I asked why she came to me that day in her least visit.

'We're passing by, and my daughter just fell like this... I had no other option...'- It's what she said at that time.*closes eyes*, for me, it's a blessing seeing her little girl has grown into such a strong woman."

Too stunned to talk, Muun just lowered her head, in her last life she wasn't an orphan, she had a mother and father... didn't she?

Searching further in her mind, she couldn't find anything that had any relation to them back there.

'Why.... why can't I remember them... dad would always..... what he did again?....'

But for some reason, she couldn't remember anything about her mother, nor her father.

She knew there was something, she didn't know what.

It was like it was all dull, like they were simply deleted, every memory she had from them, realizing it, she almost had a panic attack.

But she did not.... For some reason it terrified her, why she was so calm about not remembering their faces? Or any memories from them, it was like she never knew them to begin with.

She was disconnected from everything, not hearing Kro, or the lady who was trying to get her attention, just plainly looking at the ground, her eyes were looking there, but her mind was somewhere else.

That was broken when she was suddenly in another place, a bedroom she knew very well, sitting on someone's lap, looking straight into blue eyes that were very concerned, Mumei was empty-headed right now, every memory she thought she had from her family, wasn't there like thought they were.

Discovering she had a mother and a story before coming to be.

Some clicking sound echoed in the room, and Kro widened her eyes, the past mother and father of Mumei memories didn't exist.

And her memories were being filled with holes, that shouldn't exist, and what terrified her the most, was she not missing them, one bit.

"It's okay...*hugs Muun* Everything will be fine... this still a fun-fun trip, don't think too much into it... you're good, it may be some errors that happened when you remembered everything at the desert, at the same time of forgetting, it must have caused some sort of chain reaction."

Not caring she was talking utterly bullshit or not, Kro needed something to calm her bird, she was lost.

Many would ask why she's that terrified.

Now try imagining.

You know about your loved ones, but now every interaction you remember having with them, has vanished.

And to top it all off, you can't seem to care about it, since you don't remember them, but you know, something was there.

Losing something, and not knowing what it was, and if it was the most important thing to you.

That's what the small Owl is experiencing, questioning, and asking.

Patting the girl's head, who had her eyes empty, somehow Kro managed to put her to sleep.

"She'll need to recover her missing memories the fastest possible... maybe a fusion between the new and old ones could fix it for her, my dear Owl, it looks like it's not as simple as we first thought this would be..."


{Pov Gradma}

Hmm.... little Mumei really did disappear....


"Even on the weird part, how can someone be so uncannily similar to her parent... but she said she forgot, and by her face, things must have come back in some way to her."

Getting up, I will find my tea set, this was a good day, meeting a long data daughter of a friend, doesn't happen every day.

Yu... Once again...

Your daughter has grown into a beautiful and strong girl, when you said back then she would be able to destroy planets one day with one of her fingers.


"She may one day, after witnessing her Ki paths, she's a little monster, but it's like they say, like mother, like daughter.*smile*"


{Snake way}

"Hmmm, I think I am more than half way there already, but damn this is a loooong way!"- Running on the back of a scaled trail, that we can't see the end or the start.

Goku, is on his journey to the teacher Kami-sama said could bring him to new heights never imagined before.

He did ask why him when they were on the office of the god, and he just gave a direct answer.-' We're in need of stronger warriors, young Mumei by herself is the current strongest, and you said earlier more of those aliens from your race were coming, didn't you? And if they're as strong as her, every one of you will be dead if you lower your guards, she can't protect people with enemies the same level of strength as herself.'

Not prying any further, the Saiyan understood it was for the betterment and protection of the planet, and for him, to get even stronger himself!

Seeing his Ki reserves were about full, after eating from one of the capsules he got from Kami.

He was running to digest it all up a bit, and now.



He got back to flying, the long way that it was, and it all he needed to still go through.

Idk if I put into good words how she was at the edge of having a panic attack......~ye

ReyKalecreators' thoughts
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