
C37: Lancelot

The details of who the next target was sent to me via email, and just as how I calculated things, their target would be Evangeline. The details of her house, stolen photos of her, and even the photos of her in the workplace are included. She was being watched, after all. The advantage is, since I'm the one who volunteered to do the job, I have the control of the time and no one else might. The disadvantage is, once I bring all of these pieces of evidence to the court, I might be affected and be charged as having an accessory to the crime? I can be wrong, but what's clear is there's the obvious thing that I covered up the family's business, myself included.

Surrendering all of these will include me to the ones that can be imprisoned. Moreover, if I'll reveal it, they're likely to say that I killed several people too with my own hands, which will be lifetime imprisonment … for sure. But if I'll keep being silent, more and more people will be murdered brutally. I don't need to look like a hero, but the only solution I can think of is to face reality and pay the consequences of my actions. If only I wasn't a fool, I could've kept silent instead of letting them use me.

It's the end, isn't it?

It's too late for regrets now. Even if I want to undo the crimes that I've committed, there's no way I can bring back the lives that I've taken. I can even imagine how God angry is at me, since I took the lives of His people, and I'll never deserve forgiveness. "Sorry" isn't enough to change everything.

The only destination that I'll end up to is hell, and nowhere else. Once I get locked behind the bars, I'll rot and get old there, die and go to hell.

My life is nothing but a sad and miserable story that isn't worth telling. A bad example even. Behind that head chef that many people admire is the murder of innocent people. Thing is, it took me years to know how valuable lives are – when I found out that Giovanni is a part of Evangeline's family. These feelings that I'm beginning to have for her won't go anywhere. I can't possibly love someone pure like her while I'm in jail. She deserves someone better. Someone who'll love her with every beat of his heart 'til he breathes his last. Someone pure, with no blood shed in his hands.

The only thing that I can be a part of is to secure her safety at all times in whatever way I can. With this knowledge that they're after her as requested by her uncle, things will be even more complicated. Will she ever forgive me when she finds out?

Probably not. I wouldn't set my hopes high. It's way too far from possible.

Meanwhile, as I reflect on my life decisions and the details of the target that was sent to me, my phone rang, with Evangeline's name on the screen.

"Hi," she began.

"Let me guess. You made dinner?" I replied, chuckling. It's so sweet of her to do this from time to time – preparing dinner and inviting me over as if our houses are just next to each other. I couldn't say no even if it's quite hassling, because I enjoy the company. We both do. If it's only easy to say how grateful I am that I met her, I would. But she might get the wrong idea. Or is there even a wrong idea?

I shouldn't overthink this.

"Yes. Will you come over?" she asked, her voice in a high tone.

"I can, of course," at first I felt enthusiastic, but as the memory from last night flashed in my mind, I couldn't help but get bothered. Worry, even.

"If you're in your room, can you please glance at your window? Tell me what you see." I can only hope that there won't be spies around just like yesterday. Since they're eyeing for her and I'm the one who's assigned to do the job, she might be watched. I'm not going to let anyone lay a finger on her. If I'll need to sacrifice myself to save her, I would. The thing is, why would her uncle be that angry at her to have her killed? She didn't do anything wrong.

"There …" she paused as she replied, and I sense the tension in her voice. "Someone's outside the house, and I think I'm being watched." Just as I thought. I don't know who those

people are or know why they're watching her, but my guess is, the mayor is the one who ordered to do so. Probably expecting me to make my move.

I'm going to make all of them pay, even if that includes me.

"I'm going to be there in probably 25 minutes. Keep safe. If in case something else happens, call me again. I'm on my way." She didn't say anything else but left the call ongoing. I took the coat on my bed and wore it, and finally headed to my house's parking to leave. When I entered the car, I turned on the engine and I checked my phone if there's anything from her. The phone call was gone, but there are no text messages either.

The more minutes pass by that I'm not hearing anything from her, the more worried I get. I bit my lip as I drive at full speed, not caring about the traffic rules – after all, it's pretty late, 10 pm, and the only thing I can do is hope for the best.

My phone began ringing and I turned the loudspeaker on for me to hear.

"Eve," I said as I answered, and I hear her fast, heavy breathing on the other side of the line.

"Please, where are you? I'm scared. They … they just broke in, I don't know what to –" I heard a crashing sound, presumably her phone slipping off her hands, and the call ended.

"Eve? Eve! Answer the phone!" the phone kept on ringing, but nobody answers. What can be happening now?

My heart started beating faster than it ever was, and I feel my blood rushing in my veins with each minute that passes. Cold sweats started falling from my forehead, and the air feels heavier, making it hard to breathe.

Around 10 minutes later, I left my car outside her house, her gate opened. I ran and entered the house as fast as I could, but there was no one in sight, and there are no traces of crime … not yet. I ran towards the kitchen, the living room, but still, nothing.

The last thing I can think of are the rooms upstairs.

I opened Evangeline's room, and yet, she's out of sight. She's not in her art room either, or her father's room.

She can't be abducted, right?

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed her number, hoping that I'm going to hear it ringing. Fortunately, her ringtone was loud enough for me to hear, and I entered her room where the sound of the ringing phone was coming from.

As I search her room, I found another door – perhaps her bathroom, closed. I leaned my ear on the door, and the ringing sound was from the inside.

"Eve? Are you here? Can I open the door? It's me, Victor."

No one answered.

"I'm opening the door," which is, fortunately, isn't locked. I stepped inside the bathroom, her phone on the floor, and her bathtub's curtain spread out. If she's here, she can't possibly be bathing in this kind of situation, can't she?

I gently swiped the curtain right, revealing Evangeline – her belly resting between her thighs, her forehead next to the drain. Her hands are covering her ears, her body slightly shivering in fear.

"Eve," I held her shoulder, and she took a glance to see who, and pulled herself up to sit. I couldn't bear it any longer, and my first instinct was to secure her in my arms. Neither of us spoke any word, but I believe our hearts know that she's now safe. She held me tighter, tight enough to communicate for me not to leave her alone, but I gently backed off a little and held her face, and I wiped her tears with my thumbs. "It's okay now, I'm here. I'm sorry if I didn't make it on time. When I arrived here, no one is at sight at all in all rooms. But what matters now is you're safe and they didn't bother to find and harm you."

"T-Thank you, and it's fine. I understand that you don't live next door. When I saw them kicking the gate open, I immediately hid here, hoping that they wouldn't see me. I was too carried away by my fear so I dropped my phone and didn't manage to call the police, or you."

"Do you have any CCTV footage so that we can show it as evidence?"

"Yes, but … it'll be hard to point out because their faces are covered. I thought today was my death date, you know that? I kept on praying for my life to be spared. But thanks to you too, at least now I feel safe." Just like what I did during those days whenever I was in a murder operation, I wear a mask so that nobody can recognize. Those people who broke in clearly knows what they're doing, and they had everything planned. It is however strange why they seem to leave immediately without looking for her. Why did they break-in, then? What's their purpose?

"They didn't seem to rob you since there are no signs of crime around. It's possible that they searched for you, but didn't manage to find you." I stood up and held her hands to help her get out of the bathtub, and she followed my lead. She let go of my hand after stepping out of the bathtub.

"Thanks. You arrived earlier than I was expecting," she sighed. "I don't think I can sleep tonight. I'm an overthinker."

"Overthinking can't be helped. What you experienced must've been traumatic. I propose that perhaps …" how can I even say this without looking like I'm taking advantage of the situation?

"Perhaps what?" her eyes are fixed on mine, and I see my soft, yet struggling facial expression.

"I think you won't be safe here so, maybe you should sleep in my place instead. I have two rooms, and it shouldn't be that bad." Saying those relieved me, since it's not the easiest thing to say.

She smiled, but exhaustion is written in her eyes. "Since you said it, I wouldn't say no. I trust you, anyway. Besides, I don't think I can be confident here. Not tonight at least."

"Then we should eat dinner, and bring whatever you need like clothes for tomorrow. Then we'll go to my place after." She nodded in agreement, and we went out of the bathroom.

"I prepared some Wild Alaskan salmon. It's one of my favorites back then when I was in the US. Please reheat it, and I'll pack what I need for later." I nodded and when I stepped out of the door, she added another thing. "Oh and, I also made a blueberry cheesecake for dessert." I looked back to see her, and I couldn't help but smile as I see her do the same as if nothing happened.

"You're exerting a lot of effort in cooking," I replied, but when I got the hint that she won't say anything else, I closed the door behind me and headed to the kitchen.

Around 10 minutes later right after reheating, Evangeline went downstairs and we sat across each other as usual. I put some rice on our plates, and she took some servings of the salmon for her plate. She may be smiling, but not in her usual, cheerful self, which is something I understand.

"Your dish is great. Thanks for sharing this with me. It's my first time eating such dish," I said, trying to break the silence.

"Mhn," she responded, clearly not in the mood, and yet, she forced herself to smile again. "It's good to hear that from you. I'm sorry if I can't talk much, I'm still trying to gather myself together after earlier."

"It's fine. I understand. If I only arrived earlier, I must've figured who they are and their motive," earlier I was planning to tell her that I received the details of who the new target is and why I accepted the job, but it's certainly not the best timing to say, 'you're the one they're targeting.' It'll make things even more traumatic for her. Adding up to her burdens is something that I'm not willing to do.

A rough silence followed as we eat, and even until we were on our way to my home. Seeing Evangeline with her spirit down saddens me as if I can feel her burden – which I do.

When we entered my house, I led her to the spare room. Our eyes met as I open the door, but she broke eye contact immediately, and again, forced a smile while expressing her gratefulness.

"Eve," I called as she stepped inside, and she looked back to see me. "I'd like to prepare something to drink for you so that you'll have a better sleep. Do you prefer tea, milk, or hot chocolate?"

"Thanks for the offer. It might be sound childish, but I'd go for milk."

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