
C9: Lancelot

"Hey Lance, Sir Elliot is here. He wants to talk to you," my co-worker Jun informed as he enters the kitchen.

"Did he say anything else? What will it be about?"

"He said it'll be something about his daughter and an upcoming employee. Dude, seems like we're going to have a new friend! I wonder if she's pretty or he's cool."

I wish I can ask if, 'Are we even friends?' but I chose to keep my mouth shut. I have no friends, and I can't be. I can only treat someone like my friend if they know my interests or my life story, which is something that I can't tell because that'll make me more prone to trouble and that is, getting caught by the police.

"Thanks. I'll leave you here for now," I replied, slightly nodding, and headed to the dining room. Sir Elliot is sitting on a table, looking at where I came from as if he's already looking forward to seeing me.

"Hi, sir. Good morning. Jun mentioned that you have something to discuss with me."

"Yes. Last time I mentioned that I'm heading to the US and switch places with my daughter. I now see the need for me to give you her email address or you two can talk on social media. When she comes here, you might need to talk from time to time."

"Email would work, sir. I'm sorry, but I don't use any social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. I'm reachable through text messages and email."

"I see. I'll text you her email. Also, one another thing. Evangeline's friend is applying here as kitchen staff. I have stuff to do so, I'll ask if you can interview her. We don't have an HR here, after all. Just a short interview about her availability and expected salary. Her name is Megan, and Evangeline trusts her enough since she's her best friend. I'd be happy to meet my daughter's buddy."

"Oh, wow. That's something. Thanks for trusting me. I haven't experienced interviewing anyone but I don't think it'll be that hard." For some unknown reason, I felt a bit interested in it, as if it's something new. As for Sir Elliot's daughter, Evangeline, whatever the case is, I hope she won't demand me to create a social media account to connect with her. I can't risk the possible chances of the police to find me or something.

"Evangeline sent me Megan's resume and I printed it. So here you go, just to give you an idea," he handed me Megan's resume and I think this is what they call, 'creative resume,' since it's all colorful. It is, however, unnecessary, since people who do resumes like this are the ones who are in the field of media. She is an AB-Psychology student. Strange. "Sure, I'll keep this then. Thanks, sir."

"No, son. Thank you. For granting my requests."


The next day, 'Megan' came in the restaurant and since there's hardly any customer at 9 in the morning, we decided to keep it simple and do the interview in one of the tables in the dining area.

"You must be Ms. Megan," I began as I see a girl in a white blouse, black slacks, and white high-heeled shoes. She tied her hair up neatly, which makes it more professional. Just like her resume, I think it's improper because this is a restaurant, not a company.

"Yes. How long have you been waiting almost next to the door?" her eyes wide in shock.

"Not for long. Probably two minutes? Have a seat. We don't have offices here, so we should just do it here. Follow me." I chose the table where the employees aren't likely to go at this hour, because everyone is most likely in the kitchen, plus, away from the vision of the guard. I'm quite certain that this girl is an introvert, she might find it awkward.

"You're an introvert, aren't you? I chose this seat so that fewer people will walk around, just for you to avoid being self-conscious." I said as I sit across her.

"Oh wow, that's nice of you, sir. Yes, I'm an introvert, and I kinda find this interview awkward. Sorry, I'm just being honest."

"It's fine, I'm an introvert myself. The difference is, it's not that I'm not overwhelmed when there are lots of people, but is reserved. I'm not a talkative person. So anyway, those aside, let's proceed, shall we?"

Megan nodded in agreement, ignoring what I just said.

"What are your expectations?"

"I expect that I'm going to gain experience in cooking and serving people because this can help me become a more responsible person. Also, I'm looking forward to people to treat me right, and I'm also expecting a fair salary."

"How often can you work here? How many days and hours?"

"As a part-time job, I can work daily, from 6 pm to 9 pm. My last class ends at 5 pm, and it might take me around 45 minutes to travel from there to here because this place is quite far from my school. I'm expecting a salary … I don't know, probably Php 4,000 as a part-time?"

"I see. It's not me to decide, though. Our future boss is your best friend, I've heard. She can give any amount she wants for you. That ends the interview. Do you have any questions?"

"When can I start?"

"Next week. It's Friday, after all. You'll start on Monday. The working days here are Mondays to Saturdays. Sundays are off, so you get the picture. Do you have more questions?"


"I do."

Megan narrowed her eyes, probably seeing my actions as something weird.

"Evangeline's father said that I'll help her with the business, and I don't have the slightest idea on who she is. What is she like? Is she friendly? Loud? Simple? Reserved? What? I need ideas if you wouldn't mind."

Megan giggled at the idea and chuckled in excitement. She clasped her hands together as she introduces someone who's not even with us … at least not today.

"Well, Eve is a loud and friendly and generous person, having high energy as her default, a fashionable girl, loves parties and gatherings, warm and loves and is friends with almost everyone. That's the best summary I can think of."

Crap. These kinds are the most annoying people in the world. I never appreciated loud and hyper people. Especially if they're the kinds who won't stop bugging me. I'm hoping that she's not like that. I hope she's not the kind of person who'll force me to be someone I'm not. Because of what I've known, people with that kind of personality can be naggy.

"What made you like her?" I asked. "You make it sound like she's an amazing person, judging on how you expressed those. Your reactions say it all."

"She may be my complete opposite, but that's why things went great. She has the characteristics that I don't. My strengths are her weaknesses. We help each other easily because of that. I'm sure you two will get along. I have one last question, though – are you the head chef?"

"Yes. It'll be likely that I'm the one who'll instruct and teach you around if that's fine. I suppose that's it. See you on Monday."


I typed Evangeline's email to send her a message, hoping that things will go well. It feels weird to contact a total stranger, someone that I haven't seen or met before but for the sake of this job, why not? It's not something that can kill me at least. There'll be a maximum of 7 weeks before she's here. I don't know but for some unknown reason, something doesn't feel right about the idea of having a new (temporary?) boss. Better send her an email as a start.


Lancelot Real:

Greetings, Ms. Evangeline. In case your dad hasn't mentioned, I'm Lancelot as you can see, and he asked me to take charge of how things will go when you arrive here. I'll familiarize you around and … something like that. You'll be our new boss so, I suppose it's good to talk to you. I hope you're doing well. Stay safe.


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