
Chapter 18: Esther's Words!

"Hah… My weakness must be obvious if even Esther can see it. I tried really hard to hide it. Haha, embarrassing!"

"Nothing is embarrassing, Lucifer."

Her husky voice sounded once again. She slowly slid along the grass carrying two small glasses and a bottle of fresh bloodwine. Although it tasted a little strange to non-vampires, it was not poisonous or anything. However, her simple gesture made Lucifer feel a sense of warmth in his chest.

A few moments later…

Esther wrapped her body around him, trying to shield him from the cold. She covered his body with a faint white light which not only healed his flesh wounds. But also helped the damaged muscles and chipped bones. His vampire's super regeneration couldn't keep up with the intense daily battles.

This was the cost of his harsh training.

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