
Chapter 15

-- Same Time, Obelisk Blue Dorm, General POV --

"Hey Chazz," The Eldest Princeton Brother said over the conference call

"Yeah," Chazz said

"You get it right?" his other brother asks

"Yeah I do," he said

"My hands have been so tied with my election campaign, and Slader's as well with his banking settlements." the eldest explained why they haven't called for the past month

"You are at the top of the academy, right, Chazz?" the middle brother asks "Our Elder brother is at the top in the political world, while I am in the financial world, Chazz, we have plans to have you rule the Duel Monster World, and dominate the world with the Princeton Group," he explained their wild ambition, forgetting that a man with Blue-Eyes fetiish would crash all three of them if they step out of the line, "You understand don't you, Chazz?" Slader asks

"The future of the Princeton Group is riding on your shoulders," the elder brother spoke and close the call

Chazz got out of his seat 'I can't say I might get demoted instead of having the top seat… Not to my brothers', he thought to himself, "Kujo must have some weakness," Chazz said out loud as he moved towards his laptop

He searched for information about Monarchs, Kujo's favourite cards, tried to come up with ways to beat them, but the only way he managed to find was the one that Drake fellow used in the Promotion Exam, a tactic that had spectacularly failed, and had him fail a grade.

His deck had improved and was no longer over-reliant on the Graveyard effects, so he could not exploit that either.

"DAMMIT! You must have a weakness, Kujo! What is your weakness?!" He shouted, after an hour of internet search he stumbled upon an interesting find, something that he can use against Kujo.

"This- this is just what I needed, with this Kujo will growl at my feet, ha Ha HA HA HA HA HA!" he shouted maniacally

-- The Next Morning, Konami's POV --

I was on my way to the class when the Blue I was supposed to beat this afternoon approached me,

"Hello, Konami," he approached me with a smug smile on his face

"Chazz, what do you want? I thought I was suppose to hand you your ass at 2 PM," I said and his smile just grew bigger,

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to ask, how is your father?"

"Excuse me?" I ask him

"Oh I just want to make sure every single Princeton Employee is well and happy"

"What?" I ask him with a raised eyebrow

"Don't you know that Harara Corp, the corporation that owns the plant George Kujo manages is a Sub Branch of Princeton Group,"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I ask him, not liking where this is going,

"All I am saying is it would be a shame if your father were to be let go," he said "Good luck in the duel today, HA HA HA" he said as he walked away,

Did that fucker just threaten me?!

Wh- what can I do?

Do I need to just roll over and take it?

What else can I do?

I- I don't want Konami's father to lose his job because of me,

I- I-

Wait a second…

Don't Chazz's brothers hate him?

That- That can work…

It is risky but it can work!

-- 2 PM, Duel Arena --

Jaden, Syrus, Bastian, Zane, Alexis, Wisteria, Crowler and Chazz were all waiting for me

"So you show up…" Chazz muttered

"Oh? Did you think I would be too scared to show up because you threatened to have my father fired?" I said as I walked in

"What?!" Everyone but Wisteria exclaimed

"That's a dirty move, Chazz! I can't believe you would fall that far!" Jaden shouted

"Shut it." Chazz said "You, Konami, you are going to take full responsibility of accusing me of such an act," Chazz said and my eyes widened, he then had a sick smirk on his face and looked at Crowler "What would you say to the loser of this duel getting expelled?" he asks

"That's totally unreasonable, Konami can't duel knowing that his father's job-"

"No Jaden, enough of this, I had enough of this piece of shit, I accept! But don't think I will be holding back, Princeton"

Chazz's eyes widened "What?!"

"Yes Princeton, you want to have your brother fire my father? Do so if you can. But I will humiliate you so thoroughly that your brothers will wash their hands clean from you," I said as I passed Jaden a camera, "Record our duel will you?"

"What is the meaning of this? I never agreed to this?! You can't just record our duel," Chazz shouted

"Student handbook, Rule Number 43: Any student is allowed to record their own duels within the school grounds. This rule is initially created so students can watch their duels and study their mistakes, but I will be using it to send your humiliation to your brothers,"

Chazz growled and put up his deck "Allow me to take those gaudy bluffs of yours and char them into cinders with these flames of malice of mine!" he exclaimed,

I just scoffed at his thread. "Such a chuunibyou" I muttered as we walked towards the Duel Arena.

"Jaden, are you recording?" I ask,

"It's a-okay!" he shouted and gave me a thumbs-up,

"Good," I said with a smile and we both drew 5 cards.

"Bring it, Kujo!" he shouted "Draw!"

Turn 1 (Chazz)

"I summon Chthonian Soldier in attack mode," he said and his monster appears in front of him

Chthonian Soldier - Level 4/Dark/Warrior - 1200/1400

"And I set a card before ending my turn, do your worst Kujo"

Chazz: 4000 x4

Turn 2 (Konami)

"My worst would still be enough to beat you, Princeton, draw!" I said as I drew my 6th card

MC Hand: Mystical Space Typhoon, Zaborg the Thunder Monarch, Hydrogeddon, D.D. Warrior Lady, Bottomless Trap Hole, Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive

Not a bad hand,

"First I activate Mystical Space Typhoon and get rid of your nasty back row!" I shouted as I activated my spell, his set card then got hit by a small typhoon and got destroyed to pieces, revealing it to be Call of the Haunted,

"I then summon Hydrogeddon in attack mode," I said, and my trusty Dino appeared on the field,

Hydrogeddon - Level 4/Water/Dinosaur - 1600/1000

"Now my Dinosaur will attack your worthless soldier, go Hydro Breath!" I said and my monster attacked and destroyed the Chthonian Soldier

Chazz LP: 3600

"Good job loser, you activated my Soldier's effect! Any damage I take from battle, you take it as well," he said and Chthonian Soldier's sword passed through me,

Konami LP: 3600

"Maybe so Princeton, but your Soldier is not the only monster with effect, when Hydroggeddon successfully destroys a monster in battle and sends them to the graveyard, I got to special another from my deck!"

Hydrogeddon - Level 4/Water/Dinosaur - 1600/1000

"No way! Konami now has another monster, and Chazz's field open," Syrus shouted

"That's right, and since I am still in the Battle Phase, he can attack you directly. Go Hydrogeddon, Hydro Breath!"

Chazz LP: 2000

"I now set a card and end my turn

Konami: 3600 x3

"Konami has got Chazz in a tough position," Alexis commented as she and Zane made themselves known. Zane did not comment, the duel had just started,

Turn 3 (Chazz)

"Lucky turn loser, allow me to show you how a real duelist does it, draw!" he drew his card and smirked

"I activate Pot of Greed!" he exclaimed, "This card allows me to-"

"Allows you to draw two cards, we all know what Pot of Greed does Princeton, everyone does," I said,

"*Growl* Fine, then I don't have to explain what this does," he said as he activated Monster Reborn "Be reborn, Chthonian Soldier!"

Chthonian Soldier - Level 4/Dark/Warrior - 1200/1400

"It does not come close to Hydrogeddon," Alexis commented,

"He must have some sort of plan in store," Zane said

"Of course, Kaiser, after all, it is I who will succeed you in the Obelisk Blue!" He shouted as he took the card he had drawn this turn to his hand "I activate Equip Spell, Chthonian Alliance, increasing one of my Chthonian Soldier's attack points by 800 for every monster with the same name on my side of the field, including itself!"

(AN: Anime effect is different, I am using the anime effect for this card.)

Chthonian Soldier - Level 4/Dark/Warrior - 2000/1400

"And now, I will be sacrificing him, a monster with 2000 ATK points and my entire hand, to summon my most Powerful Monster, come forth Infernal Incinerator!" He exclaimed as he summoned one of the worst Boss Monsters in the game,

Infernal Incinerator - Level 6/Fire/Fiend - 2800/1800

The cost of playing him is too much, and not to mention his effect has a nasty drawback.

"Thanks to its effect, he gains 200 ATK points for each monster on your side of the field!"

Infernal Incinerator - Level 6/Fire/Fiend - 3400/1800

Chazz laughed maniacally while people watching were surprised

"How does Chazz have such a powerful monster?" Syrus asked, stupid anime logic to call such a shitty card, powerful.

I could have activated Bottomless Trap Hole, and finish off the next turn, but I need to follow through with the plan,

"Now Infernal Incinireator. Attack his Hydrogeddon, Incineration Beam!" he exclaimed and my monster got blown to pieces, and life points lowered,

Konami LP: 1800

"HA HA HA Now that I have my ace monster out you have no chance to win, loser!" he continued laughing, I then send a signal to Wisteria.

"Are you sure about that, Princeton?" she asked him "Then how about we raise the stakes," she said with a smile,

"What do you have in mind Senrigan?" he asks her

"Just sending the duel to your brothers is not enough, so in addition to that, we will let this duel be put on Duel Tube," Wisteria said with a smirk, "Of course, that is unless you are not sure of your victory,"

"Ha Ha HA, you want this Losers loss to be on the net? Fine, go ahead Senrigan, you can put the duel there if you want,"

Chazz: 2000 x0

Turn 4 (Konami)

"That counts as consent right?" She nods "Good, Final Turn! Draw!"

"What?! Final Turn?! There is no way you can beat my monster let alone defeat me this turn," Chazz has heard that I always finish duels after saying that line, so it is no wonder he looks shaken up about that statement,

"I sacrifice Hydrogeddon, to summon up one of my Ace monsters!"

"Oh no! You don't mean," Chazz asks

"Oh YES! One of the Rulers of my deck, the King who makes sure to fry my enemies, come forth Zaborg the Thunder Monarch!"

Zaborg the Thunder Monarch - Level 5/Light/Thunder - 2400/1000

"And when he is summoned with a tribute, I get to destroy one of your monsters, say goodbye to your so-called ACE!" I said and his Infernal Incinerator got incinerated with a lightning bolt,

"No- Wait! I can't lose! I can't be a Ra Yellow!" He shouted but I did not hear "Go Zaborg, attack him directly with Thunder Strike! And show Princeton his place!" I exclaimed and my Monarch attacked him directly and for some reason, he flew out of the Duel Arena… These are holograms, no idea why Princeton has been so dramatic, but I suppose it captures his defeat better so all is well,

Chazz LP: 0000

"NOO!" He screamed and then I approach him, "I- I can't be a Ra Yellow!" He shouted, "My Brothers can't learn about this!" He shouted,

"Don't worry, they won't" I said with a smile, "You won't go to Ra Yellow after all," I said

"What do you mean?" Crowler asks "You mean you don't want to go to the Obelisk Dorm?!"

"No, I am going to the Obelisk Dorm," I said, "But Chazz is not going to the Yellow Dorm,"

"Did you already forget Princeton, before your duel had begun you said whoever losses will be expelled," Wisteria said with a smile,

"No- NO! Doctor Crowler, you- you can't let this…" He tried to say but Crowler look away, "NOOO!"

After that I felt a small peck on my cheek, when I turned, I saw Wisteria walking away,


Revenge is underrated…

That felt awesome…

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