
Greatest Fear 6

Mirloc appearance in the city made the people scamper for their lives. He walked on the road that was meant for cars, with his sword in his hand. Many of the car owners halted their cars and ran out to a safe place to hide.

Mirloc on the other hand saw this and began to laugh. He loved it when people fear him a lot. However, he was growing impatient at the arrival of jack. He then thought of an idea. he took his blaster and tried to blast a citizen who didn't see him approaching.

But all of a sudden, jack who had transformed into the fire saber black ranger, ran into the scene and blocked the attack using his bull shield.

"Are you okay?" jack asked the citizen he just help. Still shocked at what just happened, he could not say anything than nod his head in reply.

"Now get out of here" and immediately he took to his heels.

Jack then moved toward Mirloc. He stood some meters away, standing in a vertical line together with Mirloc.

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