
Chapter Forty-Eight: The Kiss in the Dark Moment


"It's me or her!" My faceless ex demanded venomously, a done up Evie wandering in. "You never talk about me, only her!" Her peach ball gown shimmered, my arms folding across my chest. No one talked about my Evie that way, her fingers playing with the fine Emerald mermaid gown. A bottle of her mother's wine trembled in her hands, the two of them waited with bated breath. The broken look on her face that day alarmed me, fresh bruises covered her skin. Thinking back to how my father treated my mother, it really was best not to prod unless necessary. The safety of my family depended on it, every cell in my body begging for me to control the situation.

"I chose her from the moment you opened your damn mouth." I reprimanded her venomously, her eyes narrowing in my direction. "Evie may not be my girlfriend but she is never a harlot like you. I found out you were cheating on me with a human boy at school. Only you would do that." My ex raised her hand, slapping Evie across the face several times. Raising her arms, a snarl curled on her lips.

"Sit the hell down, barbie!" She threatened exhaustively, rubbing her eyes. "I don't have time for this. I have had an especially rough week of endless exams and long hours as the alpha's assistant. He is a major d-" My father entered the room, the bottle smashing to the floor. Scarlet painted the floor, his fist smashing into her jaw. Catching her neck into his palm, he pinned her to the wall. A pin could have been heard, the rest of us standing around in horror.

"A mouse deserves to live before you, you piece of wasted space." He insulted her coldly, dropping her to the floor. "Slapping makeup on a hideous creature doesn't erase their existence." Struggling to her feet, she spit in his face. Scooping up the broken bottle, she pressed it to his throat. Sticking up her quills, a quiet pride shined in my eyes. No one stood up to my old man, not unless they were begging for the fury flying their way.

"I am not a filthy little dog that you can order around." She growled through gritted teeth, my father flipping the glass towards her. "Just kill me already like you killed your first wife." His brow cocked, hatred brewed in my eyes. Shooting me a death glare, I stood back as his fist punched her over and over again. Her knee slammed into his groin, a squeak flowing from her lips. Pride glistened in my eyes, his body falling to her knees.

"Get your filthy hands off of me. Sentence me to death but I refuse to let you beat me to a pulp. All you are is a monster." She taunted him boldly, spinning on her heels. Snatching her ankle, her bruised up face smashed against the floor. Rising to his feet, she dangled in the air. An unimpressed expression sent him further into a rage, a person calling for him. Tossing her into the wall, her body flopped around like a rag doll. Laying in a heap, my ex-girlfriend ran off. I could hardly blame her, the sight of seeing my father beat a girl her age would scare anyone. Struggling to her feet, tears stained her cheeks. The broken expression matched my mother's, my fingers wrapping around one of my father's bottles of wine.

"Let's get out of here." I suggested anxiously, unsure of what to do. "I should have st-" Shaking her head, she wiped away her own tears. A timidness washed over her, shame dimming her eyes. Bowing her head towards the floor, a tender blush colored her cheeks the moment I took her hand. Stealing her away to my car, the numb expression frightened me. Sliding into the passenger's seat, her lack of reaction at me clicking her seat belt only concerned me further. Closing the door gently, her wrist grabbed my jacket. The door swung open, teardrops plopping onto her lap.

"Don't tell anyone about this." She pleaded with wet eyes, her lips pressing into a thin line. "My reputation already hangs in the balance." Knowing what she meant, my hand cupped hers. Crouching down to her level, my fingers traced her cheek. Slapping my hand away, a quiet fury burned in her eyes.

"Stop playing with my emotions!" She blurted out with a frustrated tone, attempting to get out of the car. "You always pick me over your girlfriends and then you just date another one. Am I a toy to you? Whatever, don't say anything." Crossing her hands on her lap, her points were valid. Slamming the door in my face, she barely regarded me as I crashed into the driver's seat. The oppressive smile was painful, the hurt aching in my heart. What had I been doing during those days? My brakes screamed to a halt, the abandoned asylum loomed over us. Getting out of the car, she was already climbing into the open window. Her dress ripped on a piece of metal, her heels flying out the window. Yanking myself over the window sill, her slender hand helped me in. Chills shot up my spine, voices echoed around me. Her warm embrace made them go away, my heart fluttered.

"I know how much you hate scary things." She chuckled lightly, laying her head on my lap. "It hurts so much. I didn't want you to do anything because he would have beat you harder than me. Somebody needs to be around to take care of Latia. Playing with her hair, silent tears streamed down her cheeks. Rolling onto her back, the bruises infuriated me. A couple of swigs, the bottle was soon in my palm. Nothing needed to be said, our friendship had always been that way. The bottle was nearly empty, the fire left her eyes. A nervous grin twitched on her lips, the courage beginning to build with each deep breath.

"Can I do something?" She asked sweetly, sitting up with a grunt. Cupping my face, her lips locked with mine passionately. Time stopped, the stolen moment taking away the pain. Releasing me, her loving gaze never left mine. My heart was pounding out of my chest, her heart rate matching mine. Kissing me again sensually, my hand ran up her thigh. Arching towards me, she climbed on top of my lap. A dazed expression haunted my features, her lips locking with mine a third time. Sexual tension brewed between us, our breath hitching at the raw moment. Sliding down the top of her dress, my hand cupped her ample breasts. Scarlet colored her cheeks, the sound of a dog barking in the distance stopping me. Brushing her lips against the nape of my neck, her hands pulled up my shirt. Rubbing my abs, anxiety rose in me. Every cell in my body had wanted it but at the right moment. Disappointment dimmed her eyes, her trembling fingers pulling up her straps. More words rested on the tip of her tongue, her fingers gripping my jacket.

"Can you promise me that you won't date anyone else until we find our mates?" She begged adorably, laying back down on my lap. "It hurts to see you with anyone else. I love you, Hudson. I love you so much. When another girl kisses you, I just get so jealous. I am going to take a nap now." Snores echoed in the air, a crimson colored my cheeks. That confession sealed my love for her. If she wanted to wait, I would wait. Getting her home would be my next priority.

Chaos erupted the next morning, my head poking out the window. Horror widened my eyes, a naked Evie had her forehead pressed against the dirt. The worn spiked whip creaked in my father's hand, the first crack tearing apart her left shoulder. Another one ripped up her right shoulder, my feet ready to jump out the window.

"I will never obey your stupid laws!" She cursed venomously, digging her fingers into the dirt. "You could beat me into a pulp and I will never call you my alpha!" Each crack whipped chunks of her skin into the air, my stepmother wandering in with a messy bun. He had gotten to her last night, the bruises were still fresh. This monster needed to die for everything he was doing.

"You can't do anything now." She sighed brokenly, grasping my shoulder. "He has a business trip today and won't be back for a couple of weeks. We can take care of her after he leaves." Knowing she was right, her cries shattered my heart. Even our townsfolk watched on with horror, Raven's mother held a bag of herbs. They had been intended for my mother, my fury rising by the second. My father tossed the whip to the ground, his boot kicking her in the stomach. The wicked grins on her parents made everything worse, the two of them leaving with my father. The crowd dissipated, my feet pounding downstairs. Her crumpled body lay in a heap, violent shakes quaked her body. Blood soaked her back, my arms scooping her up. The bag of herbs lay by my feet. Snatching them, I rushed her inside. A bath had been drawn, her body sank into the water, her numb expression haunted me. A tortured scream burst from her lips, her hands cupping the sides of her head. Uncontrollable sobs wracked her body, my mother backing out of the room.

"Can you get in and hold me?" She pleaded softly, refusing to look me in the eyes. Peeling off my shirt, my sweatpants would have to stay on. Dumping the herbs into the water, the blood on her skin turned to foam. The whip marks faded to bright red scars, the water splashing onto the floor as I got in. Clutching her close to my chest, the trauma shook us both.

Snapping awake, her back greeted me. The scars were still there, a charcoal drawing rested in her palms. My heart skipped a beat, a crooked grin lit up my face. The image of her kissing me in her prom dress pleased me, the caption causing a scarlet blush to color my cheeks. The words I love you melted my heart. Stirring awake, the morning rays bathed her dainty features. Gray streaks covered her face, regret dimmed her eyes.

"I am so sorry for yelling at you last night." She apologized first, sliding me the picture. "I dreamed about that night and the next day. I remember that I said I loved you that night when I was a bit drunk, didn't I? I have to thank you for not acting on that. I found your picture of that night. I should have just let you date me." Climbing on top of her, my cast brushed against her skin. Kissing her lips feverishly, her heart pumped in my ears. Time slowed down, a sadness washed over her. Her thighs rubbed together, our activities of that evening replayed in my mind. Cupping her hands, she lowered them to our side.

"I was just worried about you living at the time." I teased with a gentle smile, her arms shoving me off. "What's going on?" Rushing into the bathroom, the shower turned on. Tripping out of the bathroom, she threw on a tight ruby sweater dress. Flying out of the room, the steps groaned with each bounce. Swinging my feet over the edge of the bed, a sharp knock stole my attention. Daryll sulked in with blue water swirling around his hand. Okay, I thought to myself.

"I thought I might try to heal you." He offered sincerely, grinning nervously. "We really have nothing to lose." Plopping down across from me, his aura matched my wife's. Curiosity glistened in my eyes, the rush of water cracked the cast. The plaster fell to the side, the water swirling around my legs. Every bone clicked into place, a triumphant grin spread cheek to cheek. How nice was it to see him settling in slowly but surely.

"Good job." I congratulated with a crooked grin, his mood brightening by the second. "Have you thought about your future?" Rolling his eyes, his arms folded across his chest. A tortured sight flowed from his lips, the bed creaking as he rose to his feet. Cocking his brow in response, his lips pressed into a thin line.

"Call me insane but I want to design apps and games without going to college." He answered honestly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I could go to school but I want to be near Pearl for a bit. Do you think online schooling is an option?" Smiling warmly to myself, an idea flashed in my mind. Leaping off the bed, his eyes narrowed in my direction. Running over to my closet, I removed a panel. Yanking out the college brochures, he stepped back the moment I showed him the computer specific colleges. Beaming with pride, a nervous grin similar to Evie twitched in my direction. The two of them were really two peas in a pod.

"I took my classes online because I couldn't leave." I exclaimed gleefully, excited to meet someone like me. "You can do the same. How do you feel about lessons from me? I can teach you the basics but you have to get good grades or they won't accept you. Are you willing to put in the effort?" Nodding sternly, hope glimmered in his eyes. His face fell, his brows furrowing. Even the rapid mood swings matched hers, his head cocking to the left.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" He grumbled irritably, chewing on his lips. "I was a dick." Searching for the right words to say, the reason had to be a valid one. Clearing my throat, both of our eyes fell on the charcoal picture of her kissing me. Inspiration slapped me in my face, the perfect words resting on the tip of my tongue.

"You are family first and foremost. Evie saw something in you." I responded with a gentle smile, his grip tightening on the brochures. "I have to believe that it was all for a reason. You fucked up and your transcript is shit but if you work hard you can make her proud. When she is proud of you, there is no other feeling to describe that emotion. During my online classes, she would sit by me and take them with me. It was adorable. She would write down my notes and try to understand it all. Do you want to start now?" Shaking his head, he sank to his knees.

"I am not worthy of any of this." He mumbled under his breath, his hands cupping the sides of his head. "Just throw me out now." Ruffling the top of his head, his wet eyes met mine. This kid seemed trapped between a rock and a hard place, his mental state decaying by the second. Helping him up, no words passed as we walked into my office. Pulling out my laptop, I opened up a new program to create an app.

"We are going to make one together. Then we can sell it to pay for your schooling." I suggested with a sly grin, his face brightening. "Write down some ideas for me. I can teach you how to do it. Is that okay?" Excitement twinkled in his eyes, a Cheshire Cat grin spreading cheek to cheek

"That sounds awesome!" He blurted out with a jump into the air, his feet bounding out of the room. "You are really fucking cool, dude!" Sinking down into my chair, a feeling of accomplishment washed over me. A disgusting smell sickened me, my inner wolf begging for me to get rid of it. Time to explore the smell, my hand covering my nose. Wandering down to the kitchen, a gagging Evie pulled out a steaming cake. Pulling the nearest trash can up to her lips, chunks flew clunked into the bottom. What poison was she making?

"What the hell are you making?" I questioned her vomiting, her hand flying up in the air. "This smells horrendous." Opening the window, she poked her head out the window. Sucking in a deep breath of fresh air, she puked into the sink. Tying a towel around her nose, Daryll came down with a couple of fans. Plugging them in, the rush of fresh air lowering the wicked foulness of the smell to a tolerable level.

"I was making a blood cake for Grappy's date." She choked out, pulling out a half gallon of blood. I can't wait for this to be over." Pulling out the margarine, the thick blood glopped into the mixing bowl. Creaming the two together, Grappy sprinted in with two outfits. An irked snarl rumbled in Evie's throat, her finger pointing to the simple white long sleeve with dark jeans. Mouthing a silent thank you, Daryll watched in wonder as she cooked. Dumping in powdered sugar, the ingredients formed a fluffy frosting. Blowing on the cake, the cake cooled down instantly. Transferring it to the ruby plate, the smooth movement of her wrists stunned us all. The dark frosting soon coated the whole cake, her hands trembling as filled the piping bag. Dolloping flowers around the cake, she plopped a cherry on each one. Fishing around the fridge, a whole bottle of red wine spun in her palm. Struggling to reach a clear pitcher, Daryll grabbed it for her. Extending a claw from her fingernail, she popped the cork out. Dumping the whole bottle in the pitcher, her other hand poured in the rest of the blood. Mixing it up, she placed everything in the fridge. Rushing past us, her art supplies clattered to a mess in the hall. Falling to her knees, Grappy picked it up for her. Their relationship proved to be necessary for her mental stability, the sibling vibe drifted off of them.

"I swear to God you must forget that you are pregnant half of the time." He joked blithely, helping her up with his free hand. "Let's set up the room." Nipping at his heels, frustration flickered in her eyes. Daryll ran over to me, a new fire burning in his eyes. A long list fluttered in his hand, my finger scanning the list. Half of them existed, the last one catching my eye.

"Guardian angel?" I pondered out loud, his shoulders pressing against. Life twinkled in his eye, his wide grin spreading cheek to cheek. Pulling out another paper, his pen moved with his mouth. During class, slumber was practically calling him while this project woke him up.

"It is an app that shows all of the criminals that live nearby." He exclaimed proudly, the idea really wasn't that bad. "You can also pull up background checks. What do you think? I thought of making Grappy the main character where he has to protect an anime version of Evie. The second one is my game idea. Trouble certainly seemed to follow her. His job must be impossible." His eager eyes gazed at me, anticipation twitched the corner of his lips.

"Let's do the game. That will allow me to teach you the basics. You can put it in your portfolio. I am so proud of you." I said without thinking, tears welled up in his eyes. "I mean it. She really is a troublesome wife at times. Do you think Grappy would like to play himself when he is done?" A fit of laughter echoed in the kitchen, a new beacon of hope lifted the energy of the house. Let's pray it stays for a while.

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