
Chapter 6: Jake

My guys were sitting around their desks finishing up paperwork from our sting the night before and winding down. Our space was open plan; there was no real hierarchy here since I held such disdain for that shit.

My men know who's in charge I didn't need to beat them over the head with that shit. We're a team, this way everyone knows they have my undivided attention and that I'm accessible to each of them at any time.

"Morning boss, you ready to hit the road?" Terry McMann one of my guys walked over to my desk with coffee in hand, more like swaggered. He's the one who'd had the honor of bringing in the Russian last night. I tried to spread shit out, make everyone feel like they were part of what we were doing here.

I'm no glory hound, that's for insecure assholes with nothing better to do. "Morning Terry good job last night, I see you guys got everything squared away all across the board thanks." They beamed like five year olds every last one of them.

Who the fuck ever said yelling at and putting down your employees was the most effective way to go needed to be shot. I don't reward fuck ups, but neither do I berate and I always give praise where it's due. I get more out of my guys and girl than any one man could ask for.

"We've got them tied up nice and tight the boys from DHS were only too happy to swoop them up. Uh Samuels was breathing down our necks when we got here."

"I know we had words, listen all of you, if that asshole puts pressure on any of you-you know what to do. Supe will be checking in every once in a while-while I'm gone but you call me only if it's an emergency."

They knew some of what I was doing but not all. They knew there was a woman involved because over the years the nosy fucks had wondered why there was never a woman when we hung out with them and theirs.

Once someone had tried a hook up and that shit had went south hard. I'd told the poor blonde to beat it in no uncertain terms. Of course she'd thought I was an asshole, but the idea of even entertaining that thought just felt wrong. There was only one woman I wanted under me and she was a brown-eyed brunette doll with an ass that didn't quit.

"Everything is cleared on my end try to keep your noses clean and do what you know you're supposed to do." That was it in just a few more minutes I'll finally be free for the next ninety days.

Now I can look ahead to what came next. I checked to make sure I had my little surprise with me because when I walked out of this building it was me my bike and the open road.

I wasn't taking too much with me because I wasn't planning on staying that long. I had a place ready for mom and Mindy because there was no way I was going to leave them back there to deal with the backlash. There was just one more thing I had to take care of, my rogue agent, pain in my ass. Thirteen men and only one gave me any trouble.

"Jason you make sure Melissa takes care of herself and don't try any of her shit while I'm gone. No active for her until I get back she can ride a desk and push papers. That ought to keep her little ass out of trouble until she foals."

The room erupted in laughter as a half eaten apple came flying at my head. "You know if you don't make it a rule she's not gonna listen to me Jake." I was busy straightening up the papers and files on my desk and making sure I wasn't leaving anything unfinished.

Leaving for a whole three months was easier said than done though I'd been preparing since I'd put in for the leave with the Supe. The Cap had wanted to get his grubby little hands on my team but I'd nixed that shit in the bud and the Supe had agreed.

Yet another reason, for captain asshole to hate my guts. I'd told him point blank I didn't want him anywhere near my men. They played by the rules I set. They did things the way I'd taught them. I didn't need him fucking that shit up in three months.

"Jason for fuck sake she's your woman, she's battling my mustang for size and I don't think she's seen her ankles in two months. How hard can it be to corral her and get her to sit still?" There was a loud scream and a coffee cup was the next thing to come flying across the room.

"You take that back Jake Summers, I'm not as big as your car." I heard her husband cooing at her to calm her down after my well-placed insult. She loves it, six months pregnant and big as a house.

I remember when she first broke the news of her pregnancy to the rest of us, the smile on her face, the excitement. She was the first woman I'd ever heard say she was looking forward to getting the belly. It had given me ideas of planting my own kid.

The next three months were going to be devoted entirely to doing just that. "I'll see you guys in a few, try not to destroy the place and if Samuels gets out of hand you have my permission to take him the fuck out. Just don't get caught." With that I was gone.

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