
To rest

 As Official Qin finished speaking his entire face twisted into that of a malevolent spirit, and he glared at Ji Yang who looked extremely panicked. While Zhai Tianyu on the other hand turned to look at Liu Hui Ying who decisively did not turn her head it was as if she knew that if she was to look at him—— she will put an end to this case without giving Official Qin a chance to finish speaking. 

" You...You are speaking nonsense! You were the one who gave your wife to——" Ji Yang knew that if he did not turn the situation around he will be in a lot more trouble which was why he immediately tried to counter Official Qin who roared like a bull and shouted, " Shut up! You have no right to speak any further Prime Minister Ji! Because of you, my wife and I suffered so much. The night you offered my wife to the Emperor did you even stop to think what and how she was going to suffer?" 

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