
She went too far——2

Zhai Tianyu let go of the eunuch who was chattering in his ears as he rushed out of his tent, no sooner did he walk out of the tent, than Yu Lingyun and Zhai Heng who were discussing the safety measures of the autumn hunt turned to look at Zhai Tianyu who was walking as if his entire country has been set on fire. 

" What is the matter with his majesty now?" Yu Lingyun questioned, since they were out in the public he could not call Zhai Tianyu by his name which was why he used the title of his majesty while addressing the man who was briskly walking towards the spot where her majesty's tent was located. 

Zhai Heng frowned, he too has never seen his brother in a hurry like that which was why he shrugged his shoulders and answered, " I have no idea, shall we go and ask?" It would be too much if someone saw Zhai Tianyu walking like this and wrote another memorandum on how the Emperor was not following the basic law and order of being the Emperor. 

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